Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2844: Water Monarch

With Rhode's thought, the thick earth magic wave spread out to the surroundings, until the end of the line of sight, the earth magic was still spreading, and everything around was completely fed back to Rhode's mind.

Under the effect of seeing through the earth, Rhodes could see the nearby terrain clearly. For him, the most urgent task now is to figure out where he is.

If he had the Eternal Demon Eye, Rhodes wouldn't have to be so troublesome. He only needs to activate the ability of the Eternal Demon Eye to see everything around him. It's a pity that the Eternal Demon Eye is still on Rhode's body, and he can't do it for the time being. Using it, Rhodes can only use a more primitive method, which is to cast the magic of seeing through the earth.

Under the influence of the monarchy, Rhodes' ability to see through the earth is far more effective than that of ordinary mages. With Rhode's control, the earth magic spread towards the surroundings like a big net covering the surroundings, and everything detected by the magic elements appeared in Rhodes' mind in a three-dimensional form. Rhodes can almost feel every uneven pothole on the ground, and everything nearby cannot escape Rhodes' observation.

"It seems that we have come to the edge of the continent, but we just don't know where it is." Shaking his head, looking at the boundless ocean, in the entire main plane, only at the end of the continent can we see the surging waves magnificent landscape.

"My lord Rhodes, even if this place and Bracada are located on two sides of the mainland, as long as you give an order, I will be able to take you back to the Bracada Snowland in a short time."

Andor put her hands in front of her, and gently suggested to Rhodes that for her who was flying fast, distance was not an obstacle at all, and there was no place that could stop her.

"Don't worry. Now that you're at the beach, how can you not see the master of the ocean?" Rhodes said slowly.

Brought to the beach by the frenzied space turbulence, for Rhodes, this is more like an opportunity for him. Before the soul of Thelma dissipated, she told Rhodes that if she wanted to know how to break the seal, she had to go to the seaside to find Water Elemental Monarch Salier, it's a pity that Rhodes has no time to deal with this matter, and now he just came to the beach, of course Rhodes will not forget this matter.

Seeing that Rhodes had made up his mind, Andor didn't say any more, but stood meekly behind Rhodes, like a loyal maid, waiting for his fate.

Arriving at the junction of the land and the sea, the blue waves rolled up the fine yellow sand, forming a beach. Rhodes did not stop, and continued to move forward. He stepped on the sea, but did not sink to the bottom of the water. , but walking on the surface of the sea, the authority that belongs to the monarch has also become restless at this moment.

In Rhode's perception, a powerful aura is gradually approaching, and the owner of that aura is the water elemental monarch he is looking for.

A huge wave rose abruptly and hit Rhodes on the sea. Andor couldn't help being a little worried, but Rhodes looked calm. Facing the temptation of the water elemental monarch, he couldn't avoid it. Instead, an endless gust of wind rose up, and the strong impact brought by the huge storm stopped the advancement of the wave.

On top of the waves, the woman in the ice-blue dress finally appeared. Her ears were pointed and slender. She didn't look like the human in Rhodes' impression, but more like an elf.

Also transformed from pure elements, Sariel did not turn into a human like Flame Maiden, but turned into an elf with a softer and more beautiful appearance. Perhaps because of fighting in Eri for a long time, Sariel actually carried a little elf aura on her body. If it wasn't for Rhodes feeling the tyrannical and majestic elemental power from her body, Rhodes might really think that he met an elf.

"I felt the news of Thelma's death from the howling Qi element. I didn't want to believe all of this. How could the majestic elemental monarch fall in the main plane? Killed by those ants-like main plane creatures? It wasn't until I saw you that I realized it was true."

Looking at Rhodes, the elf woman on the water sighed deeply, and there was some memory and nostalgia in the sigh.

"When Somla challenged him, I tried to help him, but I didn't expect Somla to be so decisive that he would take away the monarchy at the expense of his life."

Rhodes shrugged. During Somla's challenge, Rhodes did everything he could, even regardless of his status, and joined the Flame Maiden in the monarch's challenge.

Even so, Rhodes still did not stop the hero who was incarnated by lightning. The heroic will existing in Somla was so strong that it was unimaginable. Rhode even suspected that with Somra's strong will at that time, he even Being able to break through the limitations of the field of fate and hurt the angels protected by fate, it's a pity that I can't try it.

That challenge ended with the fall of both Thelma and Somla. Of course, it was also because of Thelma's previous soul trauma, but it is undeniable that it was the strong will of the challenger Somla that was the reason. It was the culprit who really brought Thelma down.

At the time of parting, Thelma handed over the sovereignty of the air element to Rhodes. Rhodes relied on his promotion to the legendary position and the power of the monarchy to finally leave the spiritual plane and find the water elemental monarch Sariel.

"You have the authority of more than one monarch."

Salier, who is also the elemental monarch, naturally saw the abnormality on Rhodes at a glance. In her perception, there were two extremely ancient powers of authority that contained terrifying power on Rhodes. She was deeply surprised.

Rhodes can still use Thelma's inheritance before his death to explain the authority that belongs to the air elemental monarch, but what about the authority that belongs to the fire elemental monarch?

Salier, who has survived for countless years, felt dazed for a moment when she felt the authority in Rhodes' body. She had never seen such a thing before. How could a creature possess the authority of two monarchs at the same time? Not to mention that it is not the elemental creatures that have the authority, but the weak human beings in the main plane, which makes her feel incredible.

But the fact is that it is so, Salier can't help but believe it, the power and aura belonging to the monarchy can't be faked at all. At this moment, even Salier had to admit that the human being, who had never been in her eyes, had the authority of two different elemental monarchs.

Although the original Rhodes, relying on the forbidden magic domain on the hero Tanan, snatched the ball of destruction carried by Sariel in one fell swoop, but Sariel still did not take him seriously. In her opinion, Rhodes also But it was only by good luck that he achieved this. In terms of real strength, he couldn't compare with the elemental monarch.

Right now, she can't despise Rhodes again, those two attributes are completely different, the only thing in common is that the authority of the monarchy with extremely powerful power has already explained to Sariel that Rhodes is no longer the one who is underestimated by her. The existence of Rhodes, the current Rhodes, is already an elemental monarch with the same status as her, or even a bit higher.

The power contained in a monarchy is so terrifying, it can create an elemental monarch who controls all elements, let alone two monarchies.

Looking at Rhodes in front of him, even though he was only energetic and without those artifacts, those two sovereign powers were real powers, and it was enough to shock Sariel, who could hardly believe it Everything in sight.

"It seems that you have already seen it." Listening to Sariel's words, Rhodes just nodded slightly. Even Paris in the spiritual plane can see that he has two sovereign powers. There is no way to hide it from the real elemental monarch, and it will be sooner or later that Salier discovers it. In this case, Rhodes simply no longer hides it, but shows the power of the monarchy.

At this moment, the turbulent waves on the sea began to calm down under the joint suppression of the flames and the strong wind. Although all the fire elements in the world have already been taken away by the flame girl, the monarchy that broke the seal is still extremely terrifying. Under the blessing of the burning domain, the power displayed is even stronger than the air element The authority of the monarch is stronger.

This discovery made Rhodes smack his tongue inwardly. He understood the reliance on the Flaming Girl. With such a powerful monarchy, she has recovered all the fire elements in the world, and she has the power to enhance the Burning Domain. , of course she would not put other enemies in the eyes, no wonder she dared to challenge the arrogant king, she was not overwhelmed with feelings, but really had something to rely on, but in front of the arrogant king, her strength was still not enough.

Looking at Rhodes who controls the authority of the monarch, Salier took a deep breath. When she felt the power of the authority of the monarch from Rhodes, she wanted to take the authority away and find someone she trusted. An air elemental creature, as the inheritor of the air elemental monarch.

In Salier's eyes, Rhodes is extremely dangerous and difficult to control at all. Let him become the air elemental monarch, who knows how much damage it will bring to the plans of the monarchs in the future, and only the person she chooses, she Only then can you trust it.

From the gust of wind and flames, Salier's expression gradually changed. What she didn't expect was that Rhodes could be so suitable for the power of a monarch. He, who was promoted to a legend, seemed to be born for this power. Even Salier couldn't find a more suitable successor to the monarch than Rhodes.

More importantly, what made Salier sneer again and again was that Rhodes possessed another monarchy authority, which was clearly the authority of the fire element monarch Fromm, who could call all the flames in the world.

In Salier's perception, Fromm is alive and well, and there is no danger of falling like Thelma. If she is not willing, no one will be able to take away from her the power that belongs to the fire elemental monarch , even if a stronger enemy destroys the fire elemental monarch, the monarchy authority will automatically belong to the fire elemental plane, and it will never come to Rhodes like it is now.

"Flem, what are you doing?"

Sariel let out a cold snort. As an elemental monarch, the authority of the monarch is an important source of power for them. It is impossible for any elemental monarch to hand over the authority of the monarch to others except when they are dying. In the hands of others, Salier would never do such a thing, but the fire elemental monarch did so, and handed over the monarchy to the extremely dangerous Rhodes.

She couldn't help complaining in her heart, and she didn't know what the **** the fire elemental monarchs were doing. Did she forget the big plan that belonged to the elemental monarchs? To take out the monarchy so easily, I am afraid that it is easy to lend it out, but it is not so easy to take it back.

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However, at least Fromm's behavior also explained one thing to Sariel, that is, as the fire elemental monarch, she trusted Rhodes in front of her so much that she even lent the monarch's authority. Thelma, who was dying, also did the same thing. It seems that there is something about Rhodes that they really care about.

"Fortunately, you can get the power of two elements." Salier said angrily, but where Rhodes only has one monarchy power, she will not let Rhodes go easily, but will try her best to let the monarchy power Back to the elemental creatures.

However, after thinking of Rhodes' two powers, Salier had to change her mind. Being able to gain the trust of the two elemental monarchs, Rhodes had already proved himself in a certain sense, and Salier could not go against the rest. The meaning of the two elemental monarchs. Even though Thelma has long since fallen, his words still count in Salier.

Rhodes also noticed Salier's eyes, so he could only explain: "Are you referring to the power of the fire element in me? At that time, I was facing a powerful enemy. In order to ensure my safety, Fromm This is the only way to leave the authority that belongs to the monarch, and I did not **** it."

Listening to Rhodes' explanation, the Andorra angel behind him covered his mouth and snickered. Hearing the seemingly uncontrollable laughter of the silver bell, Rhodes couldn't help but glared at the naughty angel. Her arrival scares the flame girl away.

Recalling the power of the angel, Rhodes couldn't help showing a smile. The power that can scare away the elemental monarch, I am afraid that no one is willing to believe what he said, but it just happened like this. The flame girl, after hearing about the arrival of the Angel of Andorra, turned around and fled without the slightest intention of staying to fight, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

Even the Elemental Sovereign couldn't resist the soul-killing power of Andorra's angels. The power of angels was so terrifying. But before leaving, Flame Maiden was very worried about Rhodes' safety, so she purposely kept the monarchy on her body.