Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2926: survivor

The dwarf was imprisoned in a suspended iron cage, enduring the hunger in his belly, and the iron cage was hung on the top of the city gate for the people who came and went to make fun of and despise.

Without food, the dwarf can still endure the hunger like a knife, but without water, the dwarf may not be able to survive even a few days. The sorcerer who is in charge of guarding the cage also understands this truth, and often pours water on it. To the dwarf.

Drenched in water, instead of complaining, the ugly dwarf became extremely excited. Water is the nourishment for her life. She first picked up the water that hadn't dripped down with her hands, then bent her head and rubbed it with her dry lips. She drank it, and when the water in her hand was finished, she began to lift the clothes over her head again, twisting them vigorously, and swallowed all the water droplets that were squeezed out, even the water stained on the cage railing was not let go by her. .

Even just any drop of water can continue her dying life. Of course, she will not let her life die. Even if it is just the last struggle before death, she still persists tenaciously.

The dwarf is where she is now because she deserved it.

Because of its ugly and strange appearance, the dwarf once played the role of the evil female lord Morrill in the troupe, in order to show the brilliance and strength of Hader. Unexpectedly, in a performance, he bumped into Morrill herself, and the angry Morrill Destroyed the entire theater troupe, leaving only the dwarf's life, not because of Morel's mercy, but to make the dwarf face a more tragic ending.

Several weeks have passed since that accident, and the dwarf in the hanging cage is still alive, but she looks weak. She can almost feel that her body is gradually rotting away just by relying on one breath. , her breath became weaker and weaker, no matter what, she couldn't hold on to the cold night, and the time of death was approaching her step by step.

Facing the imminent death, the dwarf was unwilling, but he couldn't change it. It was already a very lucky thing for her to live for such a long time and not be killed by Molier on the spot, so how could she ask for more?

But recently, there have been more and more people watching her near the city gate. Some people even threw food at her while kneeling on the ground and muttering to themselves, as if they were praying some kind of prayer. He was quickly driven away by the guards. And the occasional food is also the reason why the dwarf can persist until this point.

The dwarf is not an ignorant person, she knew that when she was locked in the iron cage, some amazing changes must have taken place in the underground world, and the source of the changes was very likely to be related to the real Morel, and she was just because of this. People who don't know the reason thought that she was punished by Hades because of her role as Morrill.

The crowd gathered under the hanging cage again, and the dwarf saw the banshee who always threw food at her. This time, she held an egg the size of a human head in her hand, which seemed to be the product of some kind of monitor lizard. Prepare to throw it at yourself.

The guards also saw the gathered crowd and were about to rush forward, but the crowd suddenly became a little restless. The chaotic flow of people scattered the guards who lined up, and it was overcrowded for a while.

It wasn't until a cry of pain came out that the guards realized that something was wrong. They were separated by the crowd and were now being attacked by enemies from the dark. However, by the time they found out, it was already too late. Even failing to make any resistance, they were quickly wiped out.

The sharp arrow pierced through the iron chain of the hanging cage, and as the hanging cage fell, the huge impact made the dwarf stare. She shook her head vigorously, and soon came to her senses. With good resistance, the one who shot off the cage and released her was Medusa hiding in the crowd with a longbow in hand.

"Master Molly heard about you, and she wants to see you." Medusa stuck out her long forked tongue, and the indifferent Tong Kong stared at the dwarf in front of her.

Hearing Medusa's unquestionable words, the dwarf was slightly taken aback, her lips trembling. She had a faint premonition in her heart that some astonishing changes must have taken place in the entire underground world, and the master who caused all these changes, It was Molier who was about to summon her.

The accident at the hanging cage also attracted the attention of the guards in the city. Soon, a group of sorcerers rushed over with their alien subordinates. This situation frightened the dwarf, and she was not that group at all. If the opponent of the sorcerer falls into the hands of the sorcerer, he is afraid that he will return to the cold cage, or even worse, die in the melee.

Medusa seemed to have been prepared for a long time. She raised her hand, and the flow of the nearby air seemed to become stagnant. The dwarf could faintly see something invisible, as if it was traveling through the space, and directly pounced on those monsters. magician.

With the appearance of abnormalities in the space, the magician's team instantly became chaotic. They were still cooperating with each other, but now they started to fight each other. The magician who was betrayed by his companions would not understand until his death. Why did the companions who were fighting side by side just now turn around and attack them.

Only a few experienced sorcerers understand what happened. It is said that the number one public enemy in the entire underground world, Lord Molly, has such an ability to quietly take away the mind of the enemy. It's no secret that there are still many sorcerers who don't believe this. How could they have the power to make them do such crazy things? It wasn't until the situation appeared in front of their eyes that the sorcerers couldn't help but believe it.

This discovery also made the sorcerers feel like they were facing a big enemy. They didn't know when their companions around them would become enemies, and they were full of mutual suspicion.

The dwarf also heaved a sigh of relief, without those chasing soldiers, at least she is still alive now, but the dwarf didn't relax for a long time, his heart hung up again, rescued her, and planned to summon her, but it became more and more serious. Terrifying Moril, she doesn't know what kind of fate awaits her.

When she was taken away, the banshee handed the monitor lizard egg to the dwarf, saying that she wanted to seek protection from Moliel. The dwarf cracked open the eggshell and swallowed the slightly fishy egg white while thinking about the content of the banshee's words. When did people actually pray to Morel? But it is also because of this that the gnome has been able to persist until now relying on the food obtained by chance.

The dwarf was brought to a unique mount. In front of the manticore, which is famous in the whole underground world, the manticore, which looked very difficult to provoke, also made the dwarf swallow his saliva, and even brought the manticore in his hand. The monitor lizard egg was also a little unsteady, and almost fell to the ground, as if it had been paralyzed by a manticore. It wasn't until Medusa urged her that she climbed onto the manticore's back, and was quickly taken away by the manticore.

"I don't know why Lord Molly summoned such an unremarkable dwarf. We can't guess her foresight."

Looking at the scene where the dwarf left, Medusa couldn't help shaking her head. In just a few short weeks, the entire underground world has undergone drastic changes because of Moliel. Every underground lord, Being dragged into the flames of war by her, Medusa, as a subordinate, can only sigh with emotion at her strategizing in the battle, and the result shown is that she is invincible.

After retracting her sight, Medusa turned her gaze on the enemy again. She will lead the chapter-faced demon king to completely conquer this town under the rule of Harder according to the order of Lord Morrill. No magician, Able to fend off horrible monsters from other planes.

Under the leadership of the manticore, the dwarf felt bumpy all the way, her abdomen was churning, and she couldn't help but spit out the egg liquid she had just swallowed, but she finally held back, and during the time she was imprisoned in the cage Here, she was suffering from hunger, and now she finally ate something, how could she spit it out? That was simply unbearable for the dwarf, no matter how painful her stomach was, she was unwilling to spit out the food she had eaten.

I don't know how much time passed, until the dwarf felt that he couldn't hold on anymore, the manticore finally stopped.

As a powerful alien species in the underground world, the manticore not only has the body of a lion, the tail of a scorpion, but also a pair of bat wings on both sides of its body as an aid in action. The existence of the bat wings allows the manticores to fly short distances. Although they cannot fly freely in the air like real flying creatures, it also gives them stronger maneuverability, and there are almost no obstacles to stop the manticores.

In the entire underground world, the only one who could surpass the manticore in terms of movement speed was the real giant dragon. Besides, most of the ordinary alien creatures could hardly hold a candle to them in terms of speed.

The dwarf riding on the back of the manticore was also fortunate to experience the speed of the manticore. This is not a good experience, especially when the food has just been eaten in the belly. Such a unique experience, even the dwarf will not come easily Forget it, and the joy of riding a manticore will always remain in the dwarf's heart.

In the entire underground world, only those high-ranking sorcerers are qualified to ride a powerful monster like a manticore. Let alone ordinary people, it is considered good if they don't become food for a manticore.

The dwarf never dreamed that there would be a day when he would be able to ride a manticore. Even though his body was a little uncomfortable, the joy that existed in his heart was not there anyway. cannot be erased.

Looking at the manticore in front of him, the dwarf couldn't help thinking that the master behind the manticore was the public enemy number one of the entire underground world, the evil lord Molly. The dwarf had offended that lord before, and did not know what terrible punishment awaited her.

"Moriel..." Silently chanting the name that made the whole underground world tremble, the dwarf, led by the Tauren King's guards, soon saw the fierce woman with Mohigan red hair.

The dwarf's gaze was still on the surrounding Minotaur King. It was not an old Minotaur in the troupe who was too old to wield weapons, but the best of the Minotaurs, the Minotaur King in shining armor. Surrounded by a group of bull-headed kings, even a giant dragon could not get away so easily, and it was inevitable that the bull-headed king would not be able to get rid of it.

It wasn't until a burst of sharp eyes like a knife fell on him that the dwarf came back to his senses and saw the evil lord who was famous in the underground world.

"I didn't expect you to be alive. You're really lucky." Molly said slowly. When she learned that the dwarf was still alive, even she was a little surprised. She couldn't help feeling the tenacity of life. Even a dwarf is not willing to give up that hard-won life easily.

"Lord Molly, I..."

The dwarf was about to say something, but Moliel immediately interrupted her words: "Don't call me a lord, call me 'hero', hero Moliel, I like this title."

For the hero mentioned in the words, Molier seems to have a kind of obsession, even the dwarf felt this, and immediately changed his words: "As you wish, hero Molier."

Only then did Molly nodded in satisfaction: "You may think I'm boasting, but it's just a fact. In the world today, there are only two people who can be called heroes, and one of them is me."

The dwarf seemed to hear something in Moliel's words, and couldn't help asking: "Then there is another person?"

"Who knows..." The red-haired woman let out a cold snort, as if the words of a dwarf reminded her of some unpleasant memories in her heart, and even the eyes she looked at became unfriendly.

Once upon a time, a hero was a word that Molier couldn't be more familiar with, but now, it has become such an unreachable existence. In this time without heroes, only she and one other person understand what it means to be a hero.

It is a pity that the person who is qualified to be called a hero with her and who knows everything in the past, ended up on a different path from her.

Molier is not worried about the person who left. According to the strength and means of that person, it is the creatures in this time that should be worried. Perhaps it will not be long before Molier will be able to hear about that person from all over the world. deeds.

However, when thinking of the person who has gone away, there will still be some ripples in Molier's heart, as if a very important component is missing. Even if the battle in the underground world is going smoothly, it won't be long before she can take down the entire underground kingdom, but she always feels that something is missing.

Shaking her head, Molly turned her attention to the dwarf, and saw that the dwarf was extremely embarrassed, the clothes all over his body were extremely dirty, and there were dried egg liquid and water stains on them, and his body was even thinner and exhausted, as if he looked decayed. Looking like she was about to die, she felt that she had already received the punishment she deserved, and the original resentment in her heart had almost dissipated.

"You came just in time. I have prepared a gift for Hardy, and you can participate in it." Looking at the dwarf, Molly said calmly.