Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2985: saints journey

After the lamb was eaten by all the children, a few satisfied children left the field after eating, but there were still more children who did not get anything, and some even just ate a little wool, from their bloodshot eyes. Everyone can see their dissatisfaction.

They yearn for more, how can a lamb completely satisfy the children who are almost starved to death? If another lamb dripping with blood appeared in front of them, no matter whether it was dealt with by a mage or not, it would be eaten up in an instant.

"The saint's seal, can we only exchange this little food for us?"

"That's the saint's seal. Is the city lord planning to take it away like this? The city lord must pay more food to take that seal away!"

The children responded to the shouts of their companions, and even the guards of the city lord dared not ignore the arrogance they gathered.

The well-trained crusaders are of course not vegetarians. As the shining blades were pulled out from their waists, the majestic aura of the fourth-tier professionals was like a mountain, lying in front of all the dissatisfied children.

Feeling the powerful aura of the city lord's guards and the murderous aura tempered by the battlefield, the voices of the children suddenly became quieter. No one dared to offend the formal professionals of the fourth rank, even if they were still dissatisfied, they felt the difference in strength Finally, he could only swallow his dissatisfaction.

"Wait a minute." Just as the Crusaders were about to withdraw and leave, Valente suddenly shouted, "The seal of the saints cannot give us more food, so what about sacrifices? I remember the city lord said that as long as we agree to sacrifice sacrifice, you will get enough food.”

Prompted by this burst of words, the children recalled the city lord's previous promise, and their eyes lit up. As long as they agreed to the sacrifice request, they would no longer have to worry about food, and that was the best way to solve the current predicament. good idea.

"In the ancient Erasia, the saint Isaac used his sacrifice in exchange for a miracle to come. When the door in the cloud opened, a beautiful angel descended from the cloud and saved all the confused people. world."

Under Valente's shout, the city lord holding the saint's seal also left the protection of the guards, stopped in front of a group of children, and clarified their puzzled faces:

"In today's era, visions are everywhere. The ambitions of the kings have caused the continent to fall apart. The flames have abandoned people. Demons and undead are wreaking havoc on the world. Erathia is devastated. It seems like a doomsday scene. We can only follow the example of the ancient saints The disciples, to the last hope of Erathia, the stigmata who sits high in the clouds devoutly sacrifices, let our prayers reach his ears, and there is a glimmer of life."

With the appearance of the city lord with cloudy eyes, his words seemed to be a guide for the children nearby, and his pious appearance also made the children awe-inspiring, every word was convincing.

"We can't do this." Dean Kawo crossed the crowd, trying to stop all of this, "Isaac's sacrifice can summon miracles, that's because he is a saint, and what you are in front of is just a group of children, How can you judge children by the standards of saints? What's more, we will never do such cruel things."

Seeing that the dean wanted to refuse again, the children in the rear were immediately unhappy. They finally saw a solution to the food problem. Unexpectedly, the dean disagreed with this matter, and the children began to discuss in low voices.

"What if sacrifices work? There's no harm in trying."

"Maybe the sacrifice is exactly what the saint expected, otherwise why would he come here at this moment? Perhaps this is the most correct choice."

"Principal Kawo...he is usually so kind to us, but I didn't expect it to be faked. It's his persistence that prevents us from getting enough food!"

The children's words became more and more ugly, and even Dean Kawo couldn't help turning his head at this moment, looking at the group of children strangely.

Ms. Madeli did not stop the children, nor did she turn around and leave. Instead, she stopped and pondered. She couldn't tell how to choose to solve the problems that plagued everyone. The food shortage was not just a matter for those children. , even she often endured the torment of hunger, even with her husband and children at home. For this reason, she was often scolded. Perhaps agreeing to the request of the city lord is the best choice right now.

It was the city lord who spoke, which made the children's voices quieter: "Dean Kavo, you are right, we are not cruel and barbaric heretics, we are Erasians walking in glory, and we can't do anything. Only the purest souls can be exchanged for such miracles. I ask you, can one of you volunteer to be a sacrifice in exchange for food for others, so that your companions will never have to worry about it? hungry?"

Children look at me and I look at you. No one responds. They all hope that someone can stand up and solve the problem of food shortage for them.

Seeing this, the city lord just let out a disappointed sigh: "Since no one volunteers to stand up, let's forget about it, but this condition is always valid. When you change your mind and someone is willing to take the initiative to stand up, I will still accept it." You will be provided with plenty of food."

After finishing speaking, the city lord led the team away. The eyes of the children who stayed there were full of complaints and anger. They were not angry at the conditions of the city lord, but at the companions beside them, as if they were questioning each other with their eyes. Why didn't you stand up just now? Everyone has no food.

When the children were almost gone, Irene recovered from the incident and wanted to find Sania, but Irene was disappointed in the end. She shuttled among the children gathered to discuss each other, still No sign of Sania could be found.

After many inquiries, Irene found out about Sania's whereabouts. After agreeing to hand over the saint's seal to the city lord, Sania left first without any intention of staying here. Couldn't get her attention.

In the corner of the front yard, Irene finally found the familiar figure, but Sania looked very bad at the moment, she was sitting alone in the corner, sobbing softly with her hands on her knees.

Irene sat beside her and patted her on the back with her hands. After her expression improved slightly, she said, "I'm sorry, Sania..."

"You don't have to feel sorry, it's not your fault." Sania wiped away her tears and hid all the distress in her heart, her expression seemed to have returned to her plainness, but Irene knew that the secret hidden under that plainness How painful is she right now.

Irene sighed slightly: "That seal should be more than just a treasure to you, right? I still remember the way you recited the name of the saint when you picked up the seal."

As if thinking of something, Sania's expression obviously improved: "Since my parents died, Isaac is the only person who treats me well without asking for anything in return. I asked him why he did this, and he said it was His duty as a saint cannot be ignored once he sees it."

When it came to the end, Sania's expression sank again: "That seal is the last thing Isaac gave me. I promised him that he would keep it well and would not lose it. Unexpectedly, it happened. Things like this...if Isaac comes back and asks, I don't know how to answer."

Irene just comforted her beside her: "Don't worry, I believe the saint will understand your choice. He certainly doesn't want you to continue to lose, maybe he has returned to Cloud City and is looking at you in the sky. You have to cheer yourself up."

Under Irene's comfort, Sania's expression finally improved. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly let out a muffled groan, as if she had been hit by something on her back and almost fell to the ground head-on.

Sania was slightly taken aback. It was a lump of mud that hit her, and the ones who threw the mud were a few children from behind who looked at the two of them coldly.

"What are you doing?" Irene screamed, never expecting this kind of thing to happen, and her words were full of reprimands to those children.

However, Irene's reprimand had no effect at all, and the children still threw mud clods at Sania. It wasn't until the angry Irene ran in front of them that they dispersed in a swarm.

Until Irene returned, Sania, who stayed where she was, was still a little at a loss. She didn't understand how she was treated like this. She had obviously exchanged the saint's seal for food according to the children's request, but All that was waiting for her was the thrown mud.

A few more children passed by Sania's side. This time, the children did not throw any more mud, but spat in front of her, their eyes full of hatred and contempt for her.

"What's wrong with them?" Sania stood there with a face of astonishment, not understanding why she was treated like this.

Irene didn't know how to answer, but deep in her heart there was a somewhat astonishing guess that the matter seemed to be heading towards an irreversible situation.

"There she is, don't let her get away."

A burst of familiar words reached Irene's ears, and Irene's eyes showed a bit of disbelief, but she saw that the young Valente, who admired her, was leading a group of children to surround her and Sania.

After discovering Irene, Valente was slightly taken aback, and quickly reminded her: "Irene, we are here to find Sania, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't get involved."

"What are you looking for her for?" Irene asked Valente as if she didn't understand the request in his words.

Valente pursed her lips, but still said: "Sania, she is the girl brought by the saints, and she is also the hope of the saints to save us. The saints once promised that they will definitely eat before our food runs out. Find a solution to the problem, but it has been so long and there is still no news from the saints, which can not help but be suspicious. We all know that the saints will never lie, so could there be other reasons? Maybe The saints brought the hope of saving us here early on, but we didn't realize it."

Valente's words also received a burst of response from the nearby children. Everyone agreed with his statement, and he also passed the crowd and came in front of Sania: "You were brought to the lion by the saints. From the Griffin House, you are supposed to shoulder the responsibility of the saints to save us. Now you only need to sacrifice one person to save everyone in the Griffin House. Why don’t you agree to the request of the city lord? You can’t treat us Don't save yourself!"

Sensing Valente's aggressive attitude, Sania backed away in fear, but there were also children surrounding her behind, who pushed hard, and Sania's footsteps became unsteady, so she slumped on the ground, but saw Figures taller than her surrounded her firmly.

Children who have tasted the blood of the lamb do not want to go back to starvation, and they do not care what they do for it.

Just when Sania was so desperate that she was at a loss, a familiar figure stopped in front of her, and supported her from the scolding of the children: "Don't you just want to find a sacrifice for the city lord? Why give Are you saying it so nicely?"

Valente's expression changed, and he persuaded: "Irene, this matter has nothing to do with you."

There was deep disappointment in Irene's eyes. She didn't understand how the teenager in her memory had become like this. The only thing she could guarantee was her inner persistence: "How could this matter have nothing to do with me? Each of us I'm all in it, but you... This is not the you I know."

Seeing the reluctance of the nearby children, not only throwing stones and mud at Sania, but some people directly came up to pull her hair, Irene finally couldn't bear it, and she was thin and stood in front of Sania without hesitation: "You all Stay away from Sania, I voluntarily become the sacrifice of the city lord, is this okay for the head office?"

Hearing what she said, Valente's face changed completely. Just as he was about to pull Irene away, he heard a burst of cheers from the children around him. It was the words they had been waiting for for a long time.

"Wait! She didn't mean that..."

Valente tried to stop Irene and told the nearby children that they were all wrong, but no one around him paid any attention to his words, and the shouting children kept pushing and shoving Irene, preparing to take her to the city lord. before.

Even when Valente wanted to stop him, what was waiting for him was the merciless heavy punches from the children. Every punch made Valente's eyes glow with stares. With his own strength alone, he could not Unable to stop everyone in front of him, he suffered the consequences of himself, and finally he could only lie down on the ground with his stunned head hanging, watching the child and Irene disappear in front of him.

Above the sky, the saint's arms were trembling. He couldn't help but want to stop the matter several times, but the worry in his heart made him stop.

The covetous demon king was waiting for the moment when he would show his timidity, once he opened his mouth to stop, he had completely fallen for the demon king's way, and the bet was completely lost.

As a saint, he must never bow to evil.

The saint clenched his fists and finally let out a deep sigh. Even now, he had no choice but to pin his hopes on the humans below.

There is still room for redemption. Perhaps the only remaining conscience in human beings can become a hope in this disaster, so that things will not reach the point of being completely irreparable.