Hero’s Creed

Chapter 209: Counterattack

As early as a month ago, after Liszt had found the sheriff, he issued an order. As long as Downton entered Chenwu Town, no matter what excuses he made, he must be arrested and he could not be let go anyway. M

"Come on and grab him!" The security captain roared and threatened Downton, unable to hear him.

"Fool!" Downton gave up on the communication and clenched his fists, slamming at the soldier in front of him.

Bang, the soldier's nose fell with blood sprayed.

Downton pedaled on his stomach, and the unlucky ghost fell out and knocked over three soldiers.

Walnut waved the bench through the soldiers and smashed them towards their bodies, instantly turning six people.

In the dense fracture sound, it is the figure of the walnut rabbit who beats the crane and beats the mixed fish.

Looking at this sturdy little loli, the adventurers around were stunned, but even more **** was still behind. Ceres' arcane missile was completed, roaring, and shot towards the security captain.

The captain had noticed the cloaked magician, and when she saw her singing a spell, she immediately hid, but he underestimated the magical power of the dead Banshee.

Celesis was worried that the Phosphorus Rocket would not hit, so she chose the Arcane Missile with a larger attack range. After the shot, she continued to sing no matter whether she missed it or not, and added Phosphorus Rocket.

Boom, the arcane missile exploded beside the captain, the blasted floor ruptured, the shock wave tore his skin, the blood fluttered, and fell out.

A wailing, a mess.

Seeing the captain hiding, the adventurers didn't want to be affected, and they all left their seats. One of them couldn't hide, waving a shield and blocking the phosphorus rocket.

"Sirace, stop your hands and protect yourself!" Downton turned over all the soldiers, grabbed a guy's collar, and dragged him in front of him.

Walnut also learned something, because she heard dense footsteps, and then a group of soldiers with long redwood bows rushed into the tavern, arrayed, and after pointing their arrows, they aimed at Downton.

"Stop it all!" A sergeant in uniform was striding into the meteor, frowning and glancing at the disturbing scene, then he said, "What's going on? Who is messing up in Chenwu Town?"

The sheriff glanced down at Downton. After receiving the report from his subordinates, he arrived. What if he was the chief engineer? But his own background is Dorsaff.

"A few of you are making trouble? Injured the security forces?" After questioning, the sheriff didn't give Downton the opportunity to explain and waved directly, "Come here, catch them!"

"Wait, it's them who caused the trouble first." Ceres obviously hadn't seen the sheriff's plan for a long time.

"What a waste." The sheriff scolded, and his men swarmed down to Downton. In their view, the other party had no way to escape, but he had a hundred heavily armed soldiers, and they also carried crossbows. As long as he dared to resist, he shot immediately.

But the next second, all the security guards were like Medusa's petrochemical beams, and they stood in full swing. They were shocked and stared at the war space gate unfolding behind Downton.

Casimodo came out first, with heavy armor and a wheel axe like a steel barrier, directly blocking any route to Downton.

Ten abominations stepped on the floor and protected the three Downtons in an arc. With their height and shape, let alone crossbow arrows, they were magic and steam bed crossbows. They would not break their defenses without blasting for a minute.

The entire tavern was silent for a moment, and all eyes fell on these abominations, especially the security guards, looking at their stitches and ugly faces, they were directly scared, and subconsciously backed back, wanting keep away.

"It is the war machine of the undead!"

"How could this kid have so much hatred? Did he lay down a hate workshop?"

"Just kidding, hate the workshop, but the building unit that the undead will protect heavily, even if he is a ruling order, there is no drama to go."

The adventurers looked at abhorrence and whispered. They forgot a question. There is also an undead nation in the entire western soil continent, near the distant Twilight Empire. In the north, there is no undead.

Of course, after all, the western soil continent is too vast, and there may still be some undead tribes remaining in inaccessible places, but they absolutely dare not show up, otherwise it is the fate of being hanged.

"This boy is so lucky that he actually found the ruins of an undead city!" Torres deserves to be a genius, and immediately guessed the source of these hatreds of Downton.

Di Lanxue nodded, Dai Mei frowned, these abominable flesh were too new, no traces of fighting, and no branding of the weather-proof years, which showed that they had only recently walked out of the abomination workshop, and should be Well preserved.

"Is the mage of the undead family? No wonder there will be a dark breath on his body." Di Lanxue glanced at Ceres, but did not shoot.

Although she is a paladin, she is not a fanatical believer. When she sees evil creatures, she will destroy them.

"What's the matter? Don't you fight?" Downton's face was gloomy. "You must let me show my strength before you calm down and talk?"

"Downton, you see clearly. I am the sheriff of Chenwu Town. Are you going to disobey me?" The sheriff was almost mad. He did not expect that a little postman needed to look down on his fellow a few months ago. Dare to talk to himself like this.

"Don't overwhelm your position, I'm the director of the Dagger Mine, and directly serve Master Dolfink. If you have any dissatisfaction, just go and tell him!" Downton is not a bird sheriff, go What is the mine for? Isn't it just to catch a tough backstage?

"You are looking for death." The sheriff was anxious. "Hurry up and arrest him, as long as you resist, you can kill him directly."

The security forces looked left and right, and none of them dared to start.

"What are you still doing? He's bluffing, don't forget, he's just a civilian." The sheriff angered, rushed a few steps, kicked his feet towards his subordinates, "ready to throw arrows!"

Seeing the sharp arrow clusters aiming at Downton, the security forces had confidence and moved towards Downton.

"Sir, this guy is violently arrested, don't let him go!" The captain of the security guarded the wound and stared at Downton with a vicious look.

"Casimo, as long as you enter the target of five meters in front of you, all will be killed!" Downton was ruthless, even if he killed, he would not be awesome.

"Observe, master!"

Casimodo stared at the fifty-man square of bows and arrows, and their threat was the greatest.

The security guards stopped again, but at the urging of the sheriff, they had to move to Downton. In their view, this kid was likely to scare people. After all, he was an official soldier, but the next Within a second they knew they were wrong.

The two soldiers tentatively stepped into the five-meter range, and they planned to retreat as soon as the other started, but it was too late.

Kasimodo's movements were clean and clean, and he shook his battle axe violently, and with a loud exhalation, the axe blade chopped on them with a strong wind.

Click, in the fracture sound, a total of five soldiers were cut into two sections by the waist, blood and internal organs spilled all over the floor.

No way, Casimodo is tall and has a wide range of attacks, and can only complain that the three unlucky ghosts are standing too close.

Ah, the nearby security guard was screamed with blood all over his face, shouting in horror, and the uncomfortable retreat retreated.

"Let the arrow, let the arrow go!"

The sheriff shouted, and the archers fired, but to no avail.

Together, the abominations formed a large flesh shield that blocked Downton and the others.

"Sirace, dispel them!" Homer urged.

"It's not necessary, use ghouls, maybe there will be a battle for a while, let her retain the magical energy." Downton's complexion was so watery, he wouldn't have to kill if it wasn't for the uninteresting sheriff, but it was like this. The situation, he did not intend to be good.

The space for war opened again, and the ghouls dressed in warriors' heavy outfits appeared and sprinted directly towards the tavern door.

Seeing these iron cans armed with sharp steel claws, not only the security forces were retreating, they even hurriedly withdrew from the tavern without waiting to order the archers.

The adventurers didn't expect Downton to show such a strong strength in an instant, and they were all stunned. Some people who wanted to pay attention to him completely gave up. The strength of others is enough to crush a hundred-person infantry regiment.

Torres was a bit surprised. Only Di Lanxue, still the old man's demure posture, silently ate dinner.

The security team retreated to the street. The soldiers who stayed outside saw some'iron cans' rushing out and there was a commotion. Didn't hear that the enemy was so powerful?

Downton stood under the steps in front of the tavern, staring down at these people.

"Downton, you are crazy, are you going to fight with us?" The sheriff's face was dark as if it were a pot of pans. No wonder Liszt was looking for Downton's trouble. It is estimated that he wanted his treasure to be unsuccessful, but this This kind of character, it seems that he can not afford it.

"Boy, now it's too late to surrender, otherwise you will be thrown into a water cell and tortured to death!" The captain of the security barked, looking like a dog, "Otherwise you will be waiting to be a robber. There will be no more you in Chenwu Town in the future 'S foothold!"

"I ordered Master Dofink's order to adjust the violence in the dagger mine *lightnovelpub.net~ Yesterday I got a report that you are a traitor and Tyson's undercover." Downton stared at the captain.

"No, I don't know Tyson." The captain did not expect to be bitten by Downton and was anxious.

"Cassimodo, grab him and kill him if he resists!" Downton looked around, "Whoever attacks, he is his associate!"

Casimodo responded and rushed straight to the steps.

The security forces hurriedly made a way. Downton pulled up the big flag and calmed them down. After all, the miner who had returned to Chenwu Town had spread the news that he had become the chief engineer.

"I'm not, sir, I'm not a traitor!" The captain took the sheriff's hand for help, but watched Casimodo rushing over, he couldn't help it anymore, turned around and ran.

"Since you're not a spy, what are you running?" Downton once again charged the captain with a charge. In fact, whoever saw a violent aversion rushed over would be this reaction. RS