Hero’s Creed

Chapter 217: 0 people long jealous

"Yes, this is a military barracks, you can't kill people indiscriminately, grab him!" Little Grande also roared with it, already can't wait to see Downton out of luck. m

"These spy agents intended to stab the sergeant in the competition, shouldn't they be punished?" Downton stared at the hundred commander. "Everyone heard that. I said that weapons are not allowed, but they all took out their weapons."

"Fart, who do you think you are? Duke? A worthless civilian, what do they assassinate you for?" The hundred people were so angry about Downton's irritability.

"It's worthless? Tyson has offered me a reward." Downton sneered. "You are so anxious to refute them, are you also a spy?"

The hundred people suddenly became dumb. Indeed, this kid slaughtered his brother. They did have the motive to assassinate him, but these people are just thorns. Even if they sell the country, they will not choose an ogre to be the master?

"Sir, if you say anything to him, grab the torture and torture first, he will definitely recruit!" Little Grande ran to the hundred people, staring at Downton with a vicious look.

"Yes, what are you doing stupidly? Don't hurry up and take him down!" The hundred people growled at the soldiers around.

The militiamen did not move at first, but soon saw their respective chiefs winking at them, and let them start, so they all reluctantly rounded Downton.

Downton didn’t care at all, and pulled out his saber and order sword again, "You really are a spy, and I was exposed to shame and became angry. It seems necessary to grab it and torture, I can't let your spy spoil this gangster action. ."

"You are all dead!" Seeing Downton's attitude, a hundred people roared angrily. He pulled out the saber and beat the person next to him, "Come on, grab him."

The militiamen glanced and found that they had many people. Thousands of people are densely packed, and Downton can fight again, not a thousand people, so some guys who want to take advantage of the opportunity have fierce eyes and rushed to Downton with a knife, but soon they stopped. Footsteps.

The space for war was opened behind Downton, the ghoul demons walked out, lined up neatly, and the warriors in their heavy outfits made them look like indestructible ‘iron cans’!

The audience is silent!

"Dead!" Downton sprinted, and the saber waved. A dragon bomb shot the head of a hundred people. Exploded behind him.

The splashed gravel hit the head of a hundred people. In pain, he watched Downton's determination to clear his eyes, and he subconsciously receded.

Downton unexpectedly did not attack. There is no way, those thorns are scum, and they will be killed if they are killed, but the soldier in front of him is still a hundred soldiers. If he kills them, there will be some trouble.

"My subordinates, go and yell at people and let them come in full armor." The hundred commanders felt that they had lost their face when they stepped back, and their faces turned red. Roaring towards the soldier beside him.

"What are you doing? Want to rebel?"

A thousand soldiers arrived with a team of soldiers, and the militiamen evaded and gave way.

Downton heard some people call him Chief Rukia, so he glanced a few more times.

This is a man in his forties, with a Chinese character face, dark skin, and a big hand holding a two-handed sword with wide knuckles, coupled with those scars, there is a breath of iron-blooded soldier all over.

Rukia ignored the hundred people and went straight to Downton. After glancing at the dead bodies, he looked at Downton, "Are you Downton?"

"Yes, sir!" Downton straightened his back and performed a salute for the Frankfort.

"How is this going?"

Downton saw Rukia blink his eyes quickly and froze for a moment before reacting. This was for himself to explain to everyone.

"They assassinated me!" Downton said politely, loudly, and pressed the charges.

"Sir, don't listen to him talking nonsense." The hundred people were anxious, and Rukia was clearly biased towards Downton, knowing that they were together.

"Shut up, I don't need you to teach me how to do things!" A hundred people glared at him, and Rukia pointed to the dead bodies. "I can't just listen to your words. This matter must be investigated in detail. I won’t accept your position of 100-person chief until I figure it out. Be a 10-person chief!"

Rukia finished, and regardless of Downton, left with a blank face.

"Due to it, let you be arrogant, this hundred-person long position is gone?" Little Grande leaned over to Downton and sneered at him, his face full of pleasure after seeing the dead head.

"Stupid!" Some veterans who heard this despised Little Grandi, Rukia obviously covered Downton, investigate? How to investigate if there is no proof? This is nothing more than a word-drawing tactic. I want everyone to stop paying attention to this matter.

As for the position of the commander-in-chief, Downton made such a big noise that no one dared to violate his order even with an untitled militia.

If Rukia really wanted to take Downton's post, he would directly appoint a hundred-person chief.

"Sir, you are still awesome!"

Little Grande ran over and flattered, and was slapped on the face by a hundred people. He was clearly aware of the greasiness here. Instead of killing Downton, he caught a big enemy. He suddenly regretted it.

This time without Downton's command, the soldiers of the sixth brigade saw him coming, quickly lining up, and standing upright.

"What are you still doing? Going to take a shower."

"Yes, sir!"

The militiamen shouted in unison, and Downton came up and thought that the thundering means of slashing a few stabbing heads was a powerful style, which really suppressed them.

"Walnut, this flag will not be allowed in the future." Downton looked at the flag with a red cross on a blue background and felt too shameful.

"Why?" Walnut puzzled. "A big man has his own battle flag?"

"I'm just a civilian." Downton touched little Lori's head. As a civilian, he was not qualified to have the noble coat of arms.

"Okay!" Walnut was very disappointed, and then suddenly thought that he was still involved in the game, and hurried to the veteran, "Stop, my money!"

The expression of the veteran who wanted to slip away was hard, wondering how to let people let themselves go.

Hearing the reports of the men, the responses of the two thousand people were also different. Roquel said nothing, but the narrow cheeks had a more vulgar look, and Campana fell a teacup. Do not believe, a civilian just entered the barracks, where the courage to do so? It was not until he had seen the dead body that he believed that there was indeed a hard stubble in his militia battalion.

Despite being a commander-in-chief, Downton still dominates the independent hut prepared for the commander-in-chief, and no one dared to waste words.

By the next day, not only the militia, but also the regular army’s gaze to watch Downton changed, because the people who had gone to Chenwu Township for recreation had returned, and they also confronted him with the security team of more than 100 people and killed them. Several security guards, the sheriff and the mayor brought back news that he could not help.

Campana was even more jealous. The militiamen respected themselves out of fear of the status of sir, but they were downtoner because of his deterrence, which made Campana feel that her reputation was being compared. Then, I couldn't wait to clean up Downton and made a bad breath.

The opportunity soon came, and as scheduled, the army finally opened up and embarked on the journey of destroying the Iron Man Bandits.

The task of the militiamen is to be responsible for the logistics of material transportation. Campana has an overview of things. It just happened to arrange three times as many materials for the sixth brigade where Downton is. As for mules and trucks, he also explained to his subordinates in advance. Are all junk.

"Sir, those mules who are skinny can't pull the truck at all!" The newly appointed ten captain asked Downton to complain that the transportation was not good, which meant that they had to push in person.

"Can't pull, you just push with your hands." Downton's voice was very cold, "can't do it, military law is engaged!"

Looking at the ten captains who left with tears and tears, Downton didn't feel guilty at all. He had inquired about it. Nothing was thrown into the sixth brigade. It was nothing good, a rogue, a gambler, a thief, everything. .

There are unspoken rules in the army. Some affluent civilians and businessmen did not want to perform military service, so they paid for their officers and then hired these tycoons to replace them.

Downton began to wonder why there was so much dross in the militia, and now he fully understands it.

"You don't need to care about them, what kind of people are you doing, you are here to get military credit, and after the war is over, it won't matter anymore." Homer hates scum. For it, the sixth team is the concentration camp of maggots. Forget it.

"I understand." Downton's age, with a little innocence, he wanted to teach those dross, let them correct evil.

A lot of work is just a kind of sharpening.

Campana rode a warhorse and walked on the forest road with all his heart. His plan was to wait for Downton to complain and ask for a healthy mule, so he found an excuse to whip him and grind him. However, after three days, the army has already opened the borders of Drankford. He hasn't come to ~lightnovelpub.net~, has this kid guessed my plan? "

Campana put his hand on the pergola, looked up, and according to the team name, the sixth team should be in the sixth quarter of the logistics team, but he ranked them behind the first team, in order to exhaust them, there are people behind Crowded, they can't slow down if they want to slow down.

But the mule wasn't working, but the sixth brigade still had manpower. Campana saw that the stingers who had been unconvinced now pushed the trucks one by one, despite sweating and complaining, but no one dared to steal. Play tricks.

"How did he do it?" Campana didn't understand.

"Sir, it's violent!" The adjutant pointed to a truck carrying three unlucky ghosts with broken legs and half ribs. They were all caught lazily.

The thorns understand that if they are injured, they will not escape once they encounter a war, and they can only wait for death. Besides, even if there is no war, this is also a painful torture.

"Why don't they resist?" Campana was suddenly agitated. "When the time comes, I can take the opportunity to hold Downton accountable.