Hero’s Creed

Chapter 322: Transfiguration Elixir

"But what if someone doesn't like it?" The attendant persuaded, "When it comes to treasures, there are also many in the royal treasure house. You can ask the queen who loves you to take some things for you. M"

The second prince's face went dark, and the treasure house was empty by the mother's toss. Today, he said that he wanted to move the treasury. In fact, he was preparing to ask his uncle in private. He was not stupid and would not let the attendants understand. The state of the treasury.

"I blame the **** Duke of the Four Realms. If I were a king, the first thing I would do was to kill them and steal their vaults." The second prince was furious.

The four princes are in control of the four realms and nominally obey the king, but as the king is old and faint, they have found various excuses. They have not been to the king for nearly ten years, and the annual tax payment is more and more. Little, the second prince feels that once he is in power, they are expected to rebel.

"Hush, Your Highness, this kind of talk can't be said indiscriminately." The attendant was startled, and many people had mixed eyes. If this word was heard, they would be dead.

"What are you afraid of? The sky is falling and I'm on it." The second prince roared, and then saw the guard knock on the door and came in.

"Your Highness, check it out. The VIP in Box 9 is Andrea, the golden robe."

"It's strange that I have to face me. It turned out to be the big-breasted elder sister!" The second prince lost his breath, and when he thought of the female papaya giant papaya, he felt impulsive, "Forget it, don't argue, go and tell She, this time I watched her face and quit the auction."

"Damn, it's a woman who can only watch but can't eat." The second prince had tried Andrea's idea before, but it was miserable, and only later realized that they were not only powerful. The identity is noble, and the backstage is also terrible.

One of the five great nobles of the Saint Laurent Empire, the power that can be mobilized during the war is not much weaker than that of Deranke.

Downton was prepared for a major bleeding, but he didn't expect to win more than 50 million directly, which was a bit stunned.

"My Emperor Polo, what does the second prince mean?"

Not only Falford, but other VIPs were also depressed. They had already inquired who entered the first box. I knew that the prince would withdraw and they would definitely continue to bid.

Buying a soul diamond for more than 50 million has some losses at the current market price, but if you meet someone who just needs it, you can definitely sell a high price because there is very little circulation in the market.

The VIPs did not know that Downton was the one who just needed it. For him, there is no loss at all. She gets a guardian beast for Yilian one day earlier, and her strength is increased.

After listening to the attendant's words and watching him exit to close the door, Abagong was shocked, "We were actually bidding with a prince?"

Green skin goblin has such a normal expression, after all, he has lived in Drankfork for more than ten years. Not to mention the prince, a baron is also a high presence for civilians.

To know that a mayor can easily destroy the former Downton family, not to mention His Royal Highness.

"A prince from a third-rate country, if I were the prince of the Xueman Empire and the Rhine Empire, I would take a look at them." Andrea is quite disdainful, status determines vision and attitude, he really does not need to whisper to please the second prince.

There was only one His Majesty King who awed the hostess throughout the entire Frankfort.

"Next is the last auction item in today's auction."

Female auctioneers waited for the heated atmosphere to retreat, and directly threw the topic of weight.

The interest of the guests was mobilized. Even the rare and precious soul diamonds cannot be finalized, and the final product must be extraordinary.

"This is a potion recipe found by an adventure team in an ancient ruin somewhere. There are a total of seven pages and it is quite complete!"

With the introduction of the female auctioneer, seven pieces of parchment were projected on the wide screen, all of which were displayed. Six of them were covered by tulle-like magic cloth, and only the header and footer with no text could be seen. But there is still one that you can see all.

The purpose of this sheet is to let the potions appraise and judge the value of the formula based on it. As for those who want to read it all, they can only buy it home.

Wow. The pharmacists present all stood up, although the magic projection made every detail and text on the paper clearly appear in front of everyone, but they still left their seats and wanted to move forward.

Downton and Charlotte are no exception. As potions, this unknown formula from ancient ruins has a natural appeal to them.

"Montalcino is really stingy." Huajin took out a single-piece telescope and put it on his eyes. While studying the formula on the formula, he ridiculed the business group.

Generally speaking, the more paper that records the recipe, the higher the potion, and the more complicated the configuration process, the more precious it is. Such a recipe with seven sheets, even if the magician masters look at three, basically It is also impossible to deduce the configuration process.

Of course, the premise is that you don't make the main body equation and key steps visible to others.

"We have done an investigation. Although the signature signature on the formula is not recorded in the Hall of Honor of the Great Magician, but according to the number of papers and the identification results of the leaflets, it can be concluded that it is a formula at least 5,000 years ago. At least ten million gold coins."

The female auctioneer continued to introduce that she naturally only picks nice words, but nobles who do not understand potions are only convinced and curious, while potions will judge by their eyesight and experience.

Whispered at first, then became noisy, and then there was a loud argument.

"What's going on in the Hall of Honor? Sounds so high-end?" Walnut asked with cakes, and she had never been interested in these profound knowledge.

"Every successful potionist in history, their names will be recorded on it." Xia Luo explained casually.

"Homer, what do you think?"

Downton even took out the Hubble telescope, adjusted the multiple to the maximum, and observed the text above.

"You are a potionist, I want to hear your opinion!"

Homer asked back.

"How is it? Is it valuable?" Walnuts always follow different directions.

"It should be valuable. I don't know some of the above equations, but it should not affect the judgment." Downton explained, "The potion discipline is constantly improving and improving. Every period, the formula writing steps and formula format are different. Based on this, their dates can be determined."

"Good, go on!" Homer nodded. It did not expect that the beginner, Downton, would actually verify the value of the formula from this aspect.

"It's all parchment, but the craftsmanship of the paper is different in every era."

"Well, magic can be identified, but you can only prove its age, not its value." Andrea questioned.

"The text and writing habits on the recipe, as well as the patterns on the parchment paper, can almost determine the nationality of the producer, and then compare the recipes of the same period, maybe the same producer can be found." Downton thought, " The archives of the Nine Empires are not comparable to Frankfort."

Due to the influence of culture, customs, etc., the appearance of objects in each country is different, even parchment is no exception. Like some religious fanatic countries, the proverbs of gods of faith are engraved on the paper.

Xia Luo applauded. Most potions verified the value of the formula. It relied on the amount of paper and the complexity of the formula. Some alternative methods, such as Downton, understood by some big potions, but it was years or even The intuition and vision developed by decades of accumulated experience.

"He may be a natural potionist." Xia Luo had not forgotten that Downton had been in contact with potions for less than half a year, but his talent and inspiration in this area had already exploded many potionists.

"What if you can't find it?" The hostess teased.

Downton smiled. Homer, known as the Encyclopedia, exists. As long as there is a clue, what can't be found?

"I have seen that signature and belong to a master potionist. He died in a plane war of 20,000 years ago, so there is no classics to preserve his name." Homer's large library records Too many things can be said to be a living history of the Western Continent.

"What kind of medicine is recorded in this recipe?" Downton asked. "Is it in the big library?"

"I'm watching his life. His greatest invention is a transformation medicine. If nothing else, it should be it." Homer calculated, "According to the evaluation of the five most authoritative organizations at that time, its value is in About two billion gold marks!"

"So much?" Downton took a breath of gas and understood Homer's reason for this inference, because the paper was kept so carefully that if it wasn't important, things would be rotten after 20,000 years. It's gone.

The guru also wanted to pass on his life's efforts!

"The base price is ten million~lightnovelpub.net~ Each time the price increase is not less than one million gold coins!"

The women's auction announced the start of the bidding. At this time, the fight is for the reserve of vision and knowledge, and the courage to venture capital!

The bidding is not fierce, but it is steadily rising, and the potions are racking their brains to find all the clues to verify its origin.

"Can this formula be used after it is bought?" Elaine always felt that the security measures at the auction site were too simple. "What if it is peeped by someone?"

"According to the rules of not becoming, in fact, the full set of recipes is more than the one displayed here. After the deal is concluded, we will get it directly from the seller." Xia Luo gave everyone common sense.

"Wait, the seller must know the recipe? What if I record it and sell it to someone else?" Elaine thought about it comprehensively.

"The credibility of the Montalcino business group is still guaranteed. Within 20 years, if this formula is circulated on the market, then the auctioneer will have to face the assassins hired by the business group in addition to paying huge compensation. The creed of the creed." Andrea drank lipstick tea. "Of course, the business group must also ensure the safety of the auctioneer's life and not be killed by the buyer."