Hero’s Creed

Chapter 484: Parties shake

"Relying on a group of hills and soil to play this record? Is Downton a born famous embryo?"

After the female priest was surprised, she was deeply worried that Prasido was harder to deal with than the earl. Now that you get this battle report, if you still underestim Downton in the past, then you will definitely do your best. His chances of winning Lower.

"Master, your eyes are indeed sharp, and the cultivation of Downton has shocked the entire Frankfort." The manager complimented with a smile.

"Well, hurry up and work!"

Andrea didn't wait any longer, first go to the town of morning fog, to warn Downton not to be complacent, Prasido's power is not as simple as it is.

At the same time, Hannah, who had been following Downton's actions, also got the latest report from the spies.

"How can't Downton do? Those ogres aren't giants, but they might have defeated the Earl's elite troops?"

Fanny wanted to say that the battle report might be wrong, but she didn't dare to speak when she saw Hannah in deep thought.

"Awesome, the wizard team headed by Xia Luo is quite similar to the Earl's wizard group. They already have a shadow of the master, and this death knight commander. Where did Downton come from? "Vieri's tactical literacy is higher than Fanny's, so at a glance you can see the most valuable and most in need of attention.

"Notify the person in charge and let them resume the arms trade with Abagon."

Hanna seemed to be calm, but the tea-handed hands shivered slightly, still revealing her mood, she was shocked by the report.

"Do you wait any longer? What is the count of Sequoia? His power has not been ten times more powerful than Prasido." Vieri pessimistically, after this battle. Downton will definitely die.

"Andrea's family must have shot, this potential stock of Downton. If you change, you will be willing to give up? Don't say that he has the possibility of winning. Even if he loses, he can't die with the protection of the rich family, so he maintains the relationship. There will never be a loss." Hannah sighed. "Hey, if you knew this, you shouldn't interrupt the trade. But it doesn't matter, it can be remedied."

Hanna had long considered the back path, so the previous trade was cancelled, looking for an excuse for lack of goods, which could be perfunctory in the past, so as not to cause a crack in the relationship between the two parties.

"I've said it earlier, this guy Downton is not ordinary." Fanny let go of the horse.

"Hey. I remember you looked down on him before?" Vieri surprised.

Fanny blushed, disguising her past.

"No, I'm going to Chenwu Town to help him resist foreign enemies as a friend!"

Hannah made a decision. Since Downton can't be suppressed, make a good deal!

The main city of Xijing. Ducal Palace.

In the garden with green grass and flowers, a sturdy man with naked upper body was taking a nap on the recliner, and the maids stood beside them, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Doshaf smiled bitterly. He had been kneeling beside him for an entire morning, and his knees were losing consciousness. But the Duke still didn't forgive him.

"Downton, you hurt me."

Doshav had never thought that the smiling young man who had a bright smile would actually say how far away Prasido was from rolling. As a referee, he naturally fell out of luck.

"Master, the earl shot, Downton, no, the untouchable must be dead." Doshaf dared to speak, otherwise he would kneel down, and must be crippled, "Why don't you send a letter, catch alive, Let you fall?"

"Humph, killing him is too cheap. I took the spine and brought it back. Then I made a wooden frame and hung him up to cruise around the west. I want to let those untouchables know how to resist my end."

Prasido snorted.

The maid standing next to him immediately came over and delivered a cold drink.

"Sir, the deputy heads of the Savage Garden and the Indians head outside to see."

A maid hurried to report to the Duke.

"Don't see it, just tell them that if you want to find Downton, just go, but the number of mercenaries who enter my territory must not exceed one hundred, otherwise I would blame me for turning my face."

Prasido knew that the two mercenary regiments had enmity with Downton, and troubled him, as well as coveting the Firebird, but what does that have to do with him?

"Haha, I'm afraid that if they go, they can only see Downton shrunk in the cage." Doshaf patted the Duke's horse without any manners.

The maid left, but then ran back with a panicked spy.

"Master, the big thing is not good!"

The detective roared, the voice was sharp, as though it was astonished by the ogre.

"What's the panic? Palm!" Prasido scolded, and waited until the two had swollen cheeks, and then asked slowly, "What happened?"

"The Earl of Sequoia is dead, the elite army under his command and the whole private armed forces brought down, His Excellency Embier..."

The spy hadn't finished talking yet, and the tea cup in Placido's hand fell to the ground.

The maid saw the black tea spilled on the duke and hurried over to wipe it, but was kicked by him, "What do you say?"

The agent scrambled and repeated it, ready to be beaten.

"What about Embir? What about my son?" Prasido roared, "Hurry!"

"Catched alive..."


The spy had just exited, and the Duke picked up the chair and smashed it on his head, fainting.

"Damn! Damn! No wonder the two mercenary regiments came to my door after being rejected by me. It turned out that they got this information."

Prasido was so angry that he started to smash things, and the maids took their heads to hide, and angered him.

"Go to hell! Go to hell!"

Pracido's fist shook a few times, and immediately there was a noticeable wavy refraction in the air. Then the maids' bodies were kneaded and twisted by an invisible big hand, and died with blood spray.

Hearing the report of the detective, Doshaf's face was dull. He thought that his ears were wrong. Downton could wipe out the Earl of Sequoia's army? Just kidding, can that be done by a poor civilian?

"Wake him up and continue!"

After venting, Placido stared at Doshav. He was startled and quickly followed suit.

After all, Xijing is the site of Prasido. The spies are all over, so the battle report obtained is very detailed, and even the forces of both sides are marked.

"One skull dragon reverses the battle? Okay, it seems that the kid has a lot of cards." Prasido's grin was fierce. "Submit the order, let the Schalke Legion gather, and I will level Chenchenwu Town!"

The Schalke Army, composed of three thousand people, was built by Placido with a lot of money. Each soldier not only had thousands of choices. The equipment on his body is more than 50,000, which is excellent and scary.

In all the ranks of Drankfork, Schalke's combat power can be ranked in the top three, which is also a guarantee of his safety.

"Let the guards, mages, and priests gather, and all the people who are on vacation will return to the team." Prasido was about to kill him, and he wished to crush Downton immediately.

"Master, don't be impulsive. Calm down!"

Doshaf knew that this was an opportunity and quickly expressed his loyalty.

"What do you mean? Are you going to help Downton?" Prasido's eyes widened and he was about to kill.

"Why am I going to the untouchable?" Doshaf quickly kowtowed and explained aloud, "Based on several conversations with the kid, he is a guy who is determined and moves. Very cunning, I think that except for the current exposure He must have any hidden cards!"

"Are you blind?" Placido dropped the report on Doshaf's face. "Look, even Firebird and Bone Dragon are dispatched. You tell me, what other card does he have?"

Doshaf was silent.

"Even the common heirs of the Principality have no such power. Is there any other cards? Who do you think he is? The prince of the nine empires?" Prasido said angrily, kicking him on Doshaf's shoulder on.

"Master, you can't help but guard. The kid has the reputation of the fox of the West. Have you forgotten the fact that you sent troops to suppress the robbers? Only he and the two thousand men returned." Doshaf tried his best to make a pretext. .

"Then what do you mean? I gave him the west border? How far did he roll according to what he said?" Prasido was furious, and his roar could be heard throughout the mansion.

"No, I mean that the two mercenary regiments can take the lead." After all, Doshaf is a veteran for many years, with extensive experience and a sharp eye. "Even if Downton has no other cards, the two super beasts are not easy to deal with. It’s better to let both sides die, and we will finally benefit from it."

Prasido was silent. He was not a fool. If he caught a live flamingo, its value was enough to make up for this loss.

"The two mercenary regiments are so keen to deal with Downton, there must be a way to surrender to Firebird, otherwise they will not rush out." Doshaf continued to work hard.

"The Savage Garden and the Indians' heads are the best mercenaries in the north. If they offend them, there will be no trouble."

Placid moved, but he had to consider the gains and losses.

"Our purpose is to kill Downton, to punish the younger generation, and they are the same, so we can wait and see, if there is a chance to get the firebird, then attack, as long as we get the first element, those two servants What is the corps? Once you become the strongest of Deranke, the position of the king is qualified to fight."

Doshaf's tongue is like a spring~lightnovelpub.net~ weaves a wonderful future.

"Very good, let this matter be yours!" Placido calmed down completely. "Don't let me down. If it succeeds, I will let you inherit the territory of Earl Sequoia."

"Thank you master!"

Doshaf was overjoyed and ordered to leave.

Ruling the 7th rank Earl Sequoia's handsome and elite army, coupled with more than a thousand people's private armed forces, anyone feels that Downton is escaping, but five days later, the news of the Earl's defeat and death spread throughout the west. .

This battle did not attract too much attention, but now it is boiling because of this unexpected result, and more stakeholders have turned their attention to Chenwu Town.

"Who is Downton?"

This is the most recently talked about among nobles, not only the other Dukes of the Three Realms, but even the King noticed the name Downton.

Downton finally rose from the grass roots and entered the eyes of those big men!