Hero’s Creed

Chapter 539: crack

Downton rushed in front of Juliet in an arrow, and the liquid mass opened with full force, like an umbrella, blocking all the acid.

The walnut responded quickly and opened the shield as soon as possible, but instead of converging with Downton, he carried a battle axe and was ready to fight.


Downton snarled and waved with one hand, blessing the trio of hands for everyone.

"I do not need!"

The robe in the black robe yelled. This made Mueller and Twilight stare.

The acid was like a downpour, and it sprinkled on the ground and suddenly withered the vegetation.


Cindy just shouted, the earth dragon flicked and hit the ground fiercely.


The soil splashed and the leaves around it crackled.

The incoming Warcraft is said to be a ground dragon. In fact, it is not a giant dragon at all, but it belongs to the link family. It also has a name called earthworm, but it is bigger than a hundred-year-old python.

Downton took the ancient bone bow, except for occasionally shooting a few arrows to interfere with the attack of the earth dragon, he spent most of the time on the defensive.

The same is true of the others, even the demon servants are not released, and follow Cindy.

In addition to the earth dragon, there is an unknown Warcraft hiding in the dark and staring at each other, so everyone does not want to waste their fighting power, just to get rid of them.

For Cindy’s cautious team, this is the most correct choice, but it’s just that they suffer from tauren, their packhorse still has 16 horses, and they have abundant supplies. The individual turned back.

"Can't run anymore, must fight!"

The chief screamed, and his men immediately clenched the totem pole, shouting that the **** of war was on top, and the fighting spirit soared.

"Even the fissures have not arrived, there is no need to die with them here!"

The dwarf brothers did not want to fight. After all, they have nothing to lose.

"No, I have lost all my supplies. What should I do if I go to the underground world? Be a beggar?"

The chief has good eyesight, and it is inferred from the attack power of the earth dragon that it is a heroic level of warcraft, and it is no problem for him to destroy it by himself.

"Little sting!"

The black robe whispered. No hands-on meaning.

"Suya, kill it, I will give you ten thousand gold coins!"

The Chieftain offered a reward. As for Downton, he was embarrassed to ask for help in view of the fact that he had always ridiculed him these days.

"it is good!"

Su Ya made a battle roar and rushed towards the earth dragon, then a catapult fired into his stomach with lightning.


The huge earth dragon was knocked over and rolled out.

"What shall we do?"

Mueller looked at Cindy. It seems to be at a loss, but it is actually delaying time. The tauren is a very good meat shield, which is simply unreasonable without consuming it.

"Quick battle and quick decision."

Cindy would rather have more orcs to attract firepower, die in the fissures of the devil, and fall here, it is of little value.

Twilight waved its staff and chanted spells. Beginning to cast spells, she seems to have a little magic in all five departments. And always be able to choose the magic right, and use the least magic to deal the most damage.

"I will monitor that Warcraft!"

The black-robed man did not want to fight and found a reason to leave.

Downton archery, because of its own lock-in magic, so the arrow has no hair, and the damage to the earth dragon is not small.

The dwarf brothers looked at each other. Carrying a big axe and rushing up, the two guys are obviously retaining their strength, and the gesture of ease, indicating that they are very powerful.

Mueller screamed and killed with a two-handed sword. But without waiting for the attack, he was shot by the tail of the earth dragon and fell more than 50 meters away.

This lazy way is always ingenious.

"Full fire!"

The chief screamed and saw the members of the team passively slacking, and the thick nostrils of the gas kept emitting white gas.

No one answered. Except Twilight's spellcasting was faster, everyone else remained the same.

Cindy sighed, these people are very vigilant and are afraid of being pitted.

"Downton, what do you mean?"

The chief saw that one of his men was beaten by the ground dragon and had a broken chest. He couldn't help it anymore and shot at Downton.

"Means nothing!"

Downton was expressionless.

"Then why do you keep the little loli from stopping her?"

The chief asked.

"Are you in control?"

Downton asked back.

"You bastard, everyone is a team, why do you want to retain strength?"

"Yes, you are obviously a paladin, but why hide behind your bow and arrow and attack? Do you still have a face?"

"And the girl behind you, what else can you do besides hiding? It's cumbersome!"

The Niutou people are stubborn, and when they do not agree, they begin to blame and abuse, and they don't care about face problems at all.

"It's said that Tauren are honest and honest. I saw the other side today." Downton sneered. "You guys let a little girl fight, am I sorry?"

"She is no ordinary loli, she is very strong!" the chief retorted, "at least better than my men."

"Then let your subordinates work harder!" Downton's eyes cooled and stared at the Tauren. "Don't think I am bullying, so many people retain their strength. Why do you bother me?"

"Everyone is unfamiliar, it is understandable to retain strength, but you have done too much." The chieftain was awe-inspiring, and he justified a nasty thing.

"Let me turn on the fire, no problem, then you also summon the demon servants!" Downton was annoyed. "I tell you, I got angry with Lao Tzu, and it was a big break."

"Human beings, don't be too arrogant."

The chief murmured, there is still the thick line just now, this guy is actually not stupid, he knows that these temporary companions are staying in force, even if they help fight, in order not to let themselves die too fast, the ultimate goal is to let yourself be a target underground .

For Tauren, this is a dead end. If you don’t fight, you will lose too much supplies, but when you fight, others don’t contribute. His original intention is to run against his “companion” and let them get shot, and then consume combat power, but At present, the plan has failed.

"Don't everyone say that humans have a face? Why is this young man so suffocated?" The chief was very depressed. Downton is definitely an alternative.

No one played in the round and watched Downton fighting against the Tauren.

In any team, dignity is made by fists. Without strength, others will not take you seriously.

Despite the trouble, Downton did not stop. Instead, the attack was more intense, the arrows shot out, and the stimulating earth dragon became even more mad.

"Release the demon servants and kill with all your strength!"

The chief can't wait any longer. Relatively speaking, his subordinates are relatively weak. The longer the siege of the earth dragon, the greater the casualties of his subordinates, after all, except for the silly troll Su Ya. No one really fought.


The earth dragon was pierced by Su Ya's head and planted on the ground. The chief immediately took out the soul stone and extracted the soul debris, which was incredible.

"What are you waiting for? Take the magic stone and cut off the valuable parts."

The chief commanded that the greedy gesture was unobstructed.

"Hey? Are we also eligible to share a loot?"

The dwarf brothers were unhappy.

"Well, the body belongs to you."

"We want the body to be fart?" The dwarf brothers were ecstatic. Do you look like a fool who knows nothing? "You dig up all the valuables and give us a pile of rotten meat. Can't you justify it?"

"You didn't make much effort and gave a bunch of corpses. I'm already very kind." The chief rolled his eyes and spit on the ground.

"Yes, we are blind."

"Bah, poor ghost!"

The dwarf brother's face was greasy. If I knew it, I wouldn't do it, or Downton was right, and there was no possibility of cooperating with this orc.

Mueller, who had always been second-hand goods, couldn't help shaking his head, and the tauren were sour and stingy. Careful thinking, it is really impossible to get on the table.

"Hurry up and leave the corpse to the magic wolf!"

The black robe returned quickly, urging everyone to hit the road.

With a free lunch, the demon wolf no longer hunts down the team.

The time estimated by Cindy was correct. At noon the next day, the crowd reached the entrance to the Devil's Rift.

This is a long and narrow rift valley, gradually descending, overlooking from the height, like a cracked mouth, those protruding rock walls are uneven in level, like the teeth of a monster.

There was already a joint caravan rested here. In addition to their own escorts, they hired two mercenary regiments. Downton and his party were not close, but were stopped by a scout team.

Because there are many similar trips, Cindy did not spend much time and successfully negotiated with the caravan principal.

"They agreed, but it costs 80,000 coins for guarding, so pay for it!"

Cindy is very happy because she knows the principal, so she can save some money this time, but there are always people who are not satisfied.

"Why do you have to spend money?" The chief was not happy, and refused, "I want money, I want to die, you can do it!"

"Your guide is not kind. We have already paid the money, why should we?"

Tauren people feel that they have been deceived and appeal to Cindy.

"This is common sense, do you understand?"

Cindy was mad.

"Don't understand!"

The tauren people scorned, just don't pay.


A deputy head of mercenary stayed beside him, impatiently urging, in addition to the principal, the mercenary regiment also needed a sum of money.

"In a crisis, we not only have to help the fight, but also have to pay, which is too unreasonable."

"Yes~lightnovelpub.net~ Why do we have to be at the end of the team?"

The bullheads complained loudly, causing the rest of the people around to stare.

"Because people worry that we are spies, destroying the caravan, and as for the money, if you are not afraid of death, you can go through the fissure crack alone."

Su Ya gnawed a piece of sensuality and explained the sentence, but unfortunately the Tauren didn't listen at all.

"Damn, I'm out of luck, I'm out of your share."

Cindy had planned to drive these out of the team, but hesitated and couldn't help it. She had made up her mind to kill these orcs in the dark area.

The caravan has been rested for two days and is starting out in full gear. Downton and his party have no choice but to keep up.

As he continued to move forward, Downton saw that the **** of the rift became more and more steep, and some of the ground even exceeded 70 degrees. After about two kilometers, the sky above the head could not be seen, the sunlight completely disappeared, and the team officially entered the tunnel. , Stepped over the first threshold to enter the dark area. (To be continued...)