Hero’s Creed

Chapter 617: dark power

The Flame Banshee flew around Downton. Before, her eyes were godless, like a dead puppet, but now she has become agile. o (Pingnan Literature Network)

"You feel right, because it gave birth to spiritual consciousness, so it will consume magic energy. From now on, it can be regarded as a low-level wisdom monster."

Homer explained, admiring again and again.

"Ah? Doesn't it mean that it is parasitic on me? Will it affect me?"

Downton didn't expect the benefits of the Flame Banshee, the first reaction would be no problem, because he thought of the hermit crabs, if they became the nutrients of others, he would cry nowhere to cry.

"What are you worried about? You should be happy. Your relationship with it is like a tree and a leaf. It can't hurt you, and it's dead. You won't even lose root hair, but you are dead. You have to finish it." Homer's science reassured Downton a lot.

"Although it possesses low-level wisdom, it can only exist if it depends on you, and it is completely obeyed by you, even if it is a suicide command, it cannot be violated. Of course, even if your brain is broken, you are not willing to let it commit suicide."

The cheap **** is busy absorbing the magical energy. Seeing this scene, he can't help but intervene. It's really Downton's luck.


With an intelligent creature on his body, Downton always felt uncomfortable.

"Because the wisdom is turned on, it means that it can draw magic energy from the space independently, and it is no longer a pure magic energy storage tank. Even if you sleep every day and never meditate, the soul tree can also get magic. Can moisturize, how much time have you saved invisible? And in ordinary intensity battles, you can achieve unlimited endurance without consuming magic stones and potions just by the amount of flame banshee."

The cheap **** smiled, "Wait until the flame banshee is fully mature. Your magic energy reserve can definitely be ranked in the top three of the Western Earth Continent. If you want to kill you by a war of consumption, it is definitely a fool's dream!"

"Not only that, after the Flame Banshee has consciousness. It can also help you fight. It is equivalent to carrying a Fire Magician with you."

Homer said this is the most enviable. Downton itself is melee, if there is an additional magician like an arm, it will definitely increase the combat power by a multiple!

"Wouldn't it be said that I don't have any shortcomings?" Downton was happy and could not wait to ask. "How long will it mature?"

"At least a thousand years?"

Homer is not sure because Downton is absolutely unique and there are no examples to follow.

"Ah? For so long? I'm afraid my bones are spoiled."

Downton pouted his lips and said that it would be a mirror of flowers and water, making him happy.

"If you provide magic energy, or other nutrition, it may grow faster!" Cheap God teases, "Keep it like a pet dog. Just don't know if you can't be picky!"

"My Emperor Polo, this guy is definitely a big consumer of magic energy."

Downton didn't bother to talk nonchalantly, crying without tears at once, because he found that the magic energy that had originally flowed to him all flowed to the flame banshee. Just left him a bit of cold soup.

According to his estimate, we must learn as hard as we can and reach the peak of the adjudication order. Now it is definitely no drama.

"You are content, do you know how difficult it is to be born?" Homer was angry, and the man was full of hunger. He did not know that the hungry man was hungry. If it were not for its soul information, it would not be able to activate the consciousness of the Flame Banshee. This probability is less than one in ten million!"

Homer still has some theories that do not say that Downton’s Vulcan body is full of vitality and has sufficient nutrients, otherwise it will simply not be able to support the birth of the flame banshee’s consciousness.

It was only after all the opportunities were gathered together that the achievements were made. What a miracle it is to be admired, and the result was not cherished by Downton.

"As long as there is enough time, it definitely has the opportunity to become a super beast and carry such elemental mage with you. How scary will your combat power be at that time?"

Homer hates iron and does not make steel. Downton values ​​his eyes too much. At the speed of his current practice, after becoming a dragon-slaughter, the life expectancy is increased by hundreds of years, and it can wait until the flame banshee matures.

"Well, it's like having a pet dog!"

Downton packed his spirit and continued to meditate.

"It's yours. It's no problem to wear a collar as a beauties~ Dogs, but if you do this, you will definitely smoke the seven tricks of the teachers and envy those nobles."

Homer no longer talks nonsense and concentrates on meditation. As an ancient great magic book, it also has self-esteem. It really hates the form of the ring. Now it absorbs more energy and can maintain the state of the magic book in the future.

With the flame banshee who gave birth to the spiritual consciousness, Downton's magic energy throughput soared immediately, directly surpassing the bone dragon, but he only took a third of this energy, and the rest was swallowed by the banshee.

Palin didn't know the inside story. He only saw Downton madly grabbing energy, hundreds of times his own. His face was so blue that he almost crushed his mouth full of teeth.

The huge income gap made Palin's heart irritated. When the outbreak of the heart of the mountain reached the highest point, he still could not step into the Dragon Slayer.

"To stop meditation, it's time to run."

Homer shouted, reminding everyone that if he stayed, he would be killed.

"What about the remaining energy?"

Palin was quite upset.

"If you are not afraid of death, you can hold it!"

Homer floats in mid-air. This time, the higher energy obtained has restored its soul source a lot, and finally can guarantee that even the magical state can float around.

"It feels good to fly free!"

Homer immediately wrote a sonnet to commemorate this moment.

Walnut couldn't wait for a long time, and he got up with a smile and jumped on the back of the Void Ray, yelling happily and playing drag racing in the tunnel.

Despite the distressed waste of energy, the Downtons knew that it was impossible.

"Go, there is nothing perfect in this world."

Twilight set foot on the magic carpet.

"Bone Dragon, leave."

Downton urged.

"Huh, this guy is going to be promoted?"

Homer was a little surprised.

Bone Dragon also hangs the name of a super beast, because it is an undead creature created by a lich, its strength is actually at the peak of the hero level, but after absorbing huge energy, it finally re-enters the rank of super warcraft. Ranks.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Circle after circle of purple energy tsunami overflowed from the bone dragon, and the terrifying soul pressure began to radiate, avoiding everything.

If they were replaced by ordinary people, they would have been scared to urinate their pants, but unfortunately these people were used to super beasts, and they didn't feel much.

"Damn, this guy's strength has improved again."

Palin hated it, this time he took the risk, he lost the most, but the harvest was the smallest.

Downton did have a lot of gains. Although he did not reach the half-step dragon slaughter, not even the peak of the ruling, but at the level of ruling the middle reaches of the seventh order, he already has the strength to deal with the dragon dragon. If you have better luck, you can reverse it. kill.

Firebird returned to the state when the seal was just unlocked, without a long sleep, and because Downton's strength improved, the two joined together to open the Vulcan mode, and they didn't need to consume its original power. Of course, at most, they would fight one. , Two minutes, no matter how many problems.

The bone dragon that has become a super beast has also changed in shape. Not only all the damaged bones are repaired, but the cracks and stubble are no longer visible. The whole body is shiny. Some joints and vertebrae have many bone spurs, like a The blossoming bone flowers are very gorgeous.

The energy of the heart of the mountain erupted, like a volcano, which caused the nearby mountain to vibrate. Some dwarf soldiers who entered the cave to search for enemies were either killed or buried alive. The loss was too great, and the officers had to order a temporary withdrawal.

"It's a real disaster! How much energy is wasted?" A dwarf marshal looked at the green hills of the mountains, felt the energy fluctuations, and pouted, "Going back to tell the prince, I said the heart of the mountain was blown up, no need to find Now."

Seeing the marshal leaving, several generals looked at each other, trying to stop, but dared not.

"What should I do? If the prince knows that the heart of the mountain is gone, will we vent our anger?"

The generals frowned, and of course they would not doubt the Marshal’s judgment, but they were worried about how to explain to His Royal Highness. !

A middle-aged man in a red cape stood on a flattened hill, overlooking the Gray Ridge Mountains. Despite the silence, there was an invisible pressure from him. Those insects hiding in the dead leaves and soil were all Fearing up, he fled desperately from this place.

"So, I hate you druids the most, and those who hide their heads are not like good people."

The man suddenly opened his mouth, and a heavy sense of power overflowed immediately, and the air was squeezed and fell.

"Haha, you seem to be a good person~lightnovelpub.net~ A three-meter-tall, muscular man jumped from a towering tree over two hundred meters high, his weight at least exceeded Three hundred pounds, but the floor fell silent, as if a piece of velvet hair, "By the way, I'm not a druid, you confuse me with those lower races. "

"No matter what you are, after all, it's just a running dog of evil spirits." The man disdain.

"Smaug, don't be too arrogant. One day, the entire plane will be subject to the feet of the evil god!" The macho sneered. "Another addition, I am a mangbark thorn and belong to the far-reaching forces."

"The best partner beauty and the beast of the heretic referee are coming to the ground, do you want to say hello to them?" The man known as Smaug sarcasm, the Guangyan Holy See and the abyssal forces have always been dead enemies, and the meeting is an endless end. .

"I don't have to worry about my affairs. You should care about yourself first. As far as I know, there are more than a dozen forces that are moving towards your nest. Be careful and be homeless."

Mangyuan's thorns fought back. I have long heard that beautiful women and beasts are very powerful. This time I can finally see them.

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