Hero’s Creed

Chapter 645: Overwhelming

Bentner looked at each other. What kind of garlic does this guy named Palin hold? Downton is also a Dragon Slayer, and he can still kill a strong player of the same rank. However, seeing the close relationship between Palin and Sissi, his identity must be noble, and they did not dare to remind him how to get revenge in case he was considered mocking. do?

"One more thing is worse than one less!"

Xueman closed his mouth wisely, nodded, and put on an expression that should be so. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

"Hey, what do you mean?"

Walnut was not happy, she admired Downton very much and did not allow anyone to discredit her big brother.

"It's not interesting, just kindly teach Downton how to be a man, and impart some experience."

Palin shrugged his shoulders, completely an innocent expression, but everyone knew he was ridiculing Downton.

"This is your experience. Have you lived on a dog for more than two decades?"

Walnut scolded.

"You..." Palin was furious, but he was the Tulongjie, and was actually scolded by a little loli under the large crowd, making him feel bad.

"Okay, be quiet." Downton glared at Walnut.

"Palin, don't say it."

Sissi stomped her feet and persuaded Perin angrily. She knew that during this time, the Guardian had accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction, but you provoked Downton to be beyond your control. He even burst the king of the hill, and you just Stepping into the Dragon Slayer is also a handful of soldiers who have been exploded in seconds.

"Huh, I don't know anything about them like fish."

Palin pouted, dismissive.


Sissi apologized and smiled bitterly, and found that Donton shook his head, not paying attention, and he was relieved. In this comparison, she felt that Palin's mind was too narrow, and she believed that if she were not present. He will definitely find an excuse to fight Downton. Then vent his anger.

"The ranks have risen, so has my chest?"

Twilight teased.

"No. In the face of Sissi, she blasted her guards. Isn't that the face of Bavaria? It's not serious enough to talk to someone like Palin."

Downton is not stupid again. You can leave Sissy a good image of general understanding, why not do it?

Looking at the envious eyes cast by the adventurers around, the bubble of Palinmei standing next to Sissi, completely calm in the thrill of being promoted to the Dragon Order, and separated from the princess, putting him under great pressure, in case the princess Something went wrong. His family must have been wiped out by Maximilian II, and his original plan to use alone time to increase feelings also failed. Various chaotic emotions filled the brain, plus the spiritual power of the spirit of the king of the hills. Pressure. He was actually lucky to break through.

"I was really favored by the goddess of luck."

Palin glanced at Sissi's side face, and when he broke through, the terrifying attacking spirit of the hill king did not know why, and suddenly flew away, which gave him enough time to rush the steps.

As for going to Dragon Island to slaughter dragons or something, Palin is not too long-lived, so it is just to save face.

Wood then negotiated with the Dragon, and if he could get a part of the benefit without fighting, it was naturally the most perfect. Of course, at this time, his scout group was also collecting intelligence from the palace, looking for other secret passages that could be entered.

Another adventure team arrived, and under the guidance of Wood's guard, Bentner immediately pointed to the low-aged middle-aged man who led the team. "Tunton, look, that's Uncle Fletcher, He is good at using a two-handed sword, and his family of martial arts Thunder Swordsmanship is perfect!"

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

Being stared and pointed, Evans was super hot.

"What is your name?"

Downton frowned and fought back.

"what did you say?"

Evans was stunned, the violent momentum came out, where the little young came from, he didn't understand the rules, let alone nobody usually dared to talk to him like this, now there is the guard of Lord Wood next to it, if it is just Forget it, what is your face?

"What do you say you scream?"

Downton did not have any affection for the Rhine.

"Haha, boy, are you just an adventurous rookie? Even if you can't guess my rank, see this situation, you should know that I am the Dragon Slayer?"

Evans smiled angrily, like this idiot who has no eyesight, he cleans up a lot every year.

"What happened to Tu Longjie? Is it remarkable?"

Walnut annoyed the vocabulary today, even the Grand Marshal did not care about the violence.

"Humph, ignorant junior."

Evans snorted without any action. A thick thunder spear suddenly shot out. After approaching Downton, he instantly became three handles, shooting him directly at the chest, head, and crotch.

Downton was too lazy to move, the liquid mass emerged, and the Thunder spear was received, and immediately it was a reflection.

Evans takes a continuous shot with his right hand, and absorbs them after contacting with the Thunder spear. His talent is Thunder Oblivion, and he can devour the Thunder element to make up for his defense and attack.

"It's a rare talent!"

Those who can enter the Forge Fort are experienced adventurers, so they immediately recognized Downton's talent and envyed him.

Downton, who has the Soul Twin Trees, not only has his defense strength increased, but also increased to five liquid masses, which will not be easily broken.

"Well, it's just relying on talent to succeed, what is it?"

Evans didn’t intend to do anything, just use the Thunder talent to teach the other party a lesson, but now it doesn’t work. He also wants to show his chance to be loyal to Wood. If he is cut by a rookie, don’t say Wood looks down on himself , He could not swallow this breath. (Pingnan Literature Network)

"Don't know the young people who are high and thick, I will let you know today what is called outsider!"

Evans scowled, and a flash appeared in front of Downton, punching out a heavy punch wrapped in blue lightning.

The discoloration seen by the adventurers, the exclamation sounded into a piece, it is worthy of the Dragon Order, but this overbearing attack is an understatement.

Evans couldn't help showing a smile, and he punched ten success forces in this punch, but the next moment, his face became grim, because the rookie on the opposite side couldn't avoid it. Actually punched hard.

"court death!"

At this moment, I feel that Evans is being despised.

Domineering Broken!


Downton's right arm was wrapped in azure magical energy and shot out.


The fists collided, spreading with the sound of blasting. A shock wave burst. Raised the dust on the ground and looked around the party's clothing.

Downton did not retreat in one step, and then punched again.

"Isn't he? He actually blocked the Tulongjie attack?"

"Little look at this kid. No wonder he will be solicited by Lord Wood, it turns out there are a few brushes."

"Who said he came from the ruling order? Obviously it is not good to kill the dragon order?"

The adventurers talked and then glanced at Palin.

"How is it possible? How could he be the Dragon Slayer?"

Watching Downton confronting Evans, watching the soul dragon shield that cruising around him. Palin was dull.

However, I haven't seen it for more than a day. Downton actually stepped into the dragon. You have to know that Palin has been waiting for this moment for many years. In this comparison, he is simply scum.

"Don't care too much, his luck is too good. Only by the will of the king of the hills will he be promoted to the dragon."

Sissi comforted Palin, but she didn't know that this sentence made the Guardian want to die.

"What am I? Clown?"

Palin's hands clenched tightly. His nails were embedded in the palm of his hand, and blood was flowing. He remembered what he had just taught Downton, but now it sounds like a clown. What is it like to say half a step of slaughtering a dragon for a lifetime, and people have already stepped into the dragon.

The reality is like the slap of the Titan's giant, and Palin's face is swollen.

Downton didn't take the time to appreciate Palin's embarrassed expression, because he was fighting the enemy with all his strength, and the veteran strongman of the fifth order of the Dragon, really well-deserved reputation, terrible.

Bakongquan broke out with all his strength, and then barely blocked the opponent's offensive.

Fuck! Fuck!

Evans was surrounded by lightning and shot at Downton constantly. This is his special skill. The enemy and his close combat not only have to face a powerful physical offensive, but also resist these lightnings. Being struck by lightning can also cause muscle and nerve paralysis, which in turn can cause stiff movements, preventing martial arts from being used 100%.

But today, Evans's hole card failed.

"Impossible! This is impossible! Why are you not afraid of lightning attacks?"

Evans can't understand that this rookie's talent can reflect magic, but he hasn't been using it all the time. You must know that of all elemental magic, the spread of lightning is the widest.

Downton certainly wouldn’t tell Evans that he launched the skin of steel. The defensive magic that comes with the Ring of Fury on the Lonely Mountain is really useful and deceptive.

"Donton actually advanced?"

After Julie Ye froze for a moment, she clapped her hands happily.

Twilight smiled comfortably, and the people he admired would not disappoint.

"You really can surprise people every moment."

Downton, who showed no weakness to Evans, showed a tough man's momentum, which made Xia Luo a little amazed. As an orc wolf girl, she still likes masculine men.

boom! boom! boom!

Heavy punches continued to strike, and the sound wave exploded, and the two gradually increased their attack power, so that the destructive power was even greater, and began to spread around, so that the onlookers had to back away , Can only barely be undefeated, when he is hesitating whether the firepower is fully on, Evans's face can no longer be hung. To know that he is a strong fifth-level dragon slaughterer, but the opposite has just been promoted to the dragon slaughter, and this is a stalemate. It's absolutely red~naked~bare face, it's a shame.

"You die for me!"

Evans was furious and was about to explode with all his might.

"Okay, stop it!"

Wood hurried over, and in a word, the actions of Downton and Evans slowed down immediately, after which he drew his sword, and a sword gas separated the two.

Downton frowned because he felt a huge force binding his body and was forced to slow down the attack.

"It is God's Word, Lord Wood actually speaks God's Word!"

The head of the knowledgeable group exclaimed with a shocked expression on his face, not exaggerated, but really shocked, but God's Word, some of the legendary ranks did not understand it.