Hero’s Creed

Chapter 704: Demonic Legion

The demon man is headed by a young man, riding a nightmare of the abyss, he is tall and tall, handsome, and looking forward to it, the pair of peach eyes are like a discharge, put into the human world, it is absolutely fascinating for thousands of women handsome man.

His eyebrow has a spiral-shaped single horn, which not only does not increase his violent devil's breath, but reveals a sense of evil charm.

"Kill them, don't stay!"

The young man, Wellington, is the leader of this group of demons. He is also a well-known genius. He traveled underground and was pitted by the pig teammates, plus the secret calculation of the slave arrest team, and fell into the hands of Dr. Mata because of blood and heaven. Points, become the experimental object of special treatment.

The pioneer demon man loosened the reins and extended a pair of bat wings behind him, flapping into the air to intercept the group of intruders.

boom! boom! boom!

All kinds of magic fired, the elements in the explosion channel were stirred, and the explosion sound continued.

"Downton, help us, we are willing to be your followers!"

The few remaining Tulongjie were about to scare their urine and called for help.

In the Western Continent, some people will willingly follow others as a servant and share honor and shame with their masters. Even if the master treasons, the followers will follow without hesitation, because only perfect personality charm will attract followers.

"What do you stun? Run!"

Downton yelled at Sissi, while throwing the Storm Hammer with his hand to block the enemy, he turned and jumped into the Green Devil.

There are more than three hundred demon cavalry who are approaching the channel, and Downton will not fight them even if his brain is broken.

Behind him came the screams of Tu Longjie, which made people feel numb.

"Are these guys crazy?"

Homer was stunned, because it found that these demons attacked, just like the desperate, they chose both tactics of losing both sides, and did not dodge the attack at all. Some even suicide attacks, after holding the enemy, directly detonated the soul tree.

"Damn man, go to hell!"

After the demon with a sternum collapsed roaring, he bit on Tulongjie's neck and hugged him. Fried into a ball of minced meat.

"Kill! Destroy all lives!"

Wellington's handsome face was twisted, waving a **** sword, full of madness.

kill! kill! kill!

The demon-man shouted loudly, charging faster, and soon crushed two-thirds of the Dragon Slayer.

"My Deborah, are these guys stimulated?"

Downton glanced back, his brows frowned. The condition of these people reminded him of the islanders he saw in his dreams who had defeated in World War II.

"Downton. There are enemies in front!" Cici shouted. "What should I do? The terrain is too narrow to release the super beast!"

The demon man knew the terrain, and after a roundabout, it created a tendency to pinch.

"Follow me!"

Downton's fearlessness and courageousness, his feet flicked up his horse's belly, accelerated his charge, and wanted to kill a **** road. Otherwise, be besieged and die.

call out! call out! call out!

The hammer of the storm with a blue arc shoots out. Slashed **** the demon man's vanguard cavalry.

boom! boom!

The demon man has good defense. Although he is not dead, Downton's power is too great, and he was bombed off the war horse.

Downton originally thought that the injured companion would slightly slow down the other people's impulse. Unexpectedly, these guys disregarded the companion's life and death and rode directly on the mount.

The blood poisonous lizard has no hoof. But a few tons of weight collapsed, and the demons were trampled into a pool of muddy mud.

The chasing soldiers in the back were nearly fifty meters, and Downton fired immediately.

The gods are descended, the aura of gods travels!


Downton rushed in front of the cavalry like a flash of lightning, and the fury of the Lonely Mountain rushed out like a tsunami.

The demon man squeezed in the passage is like a stick in the head. There was a short dizziness, and before he was awake, Downton spun, as if a wheel was chopping in.

The broken limbs flew with broken arms, and flesh and blood smeared on the wall, like a painting of the image school.

"Cici, keep up!"

Downton was overjoyed. Fortunately, the channel was too narrow, and the demon could not release the demon servant, and the number could not exert all the advantages. Only five people could charge at a time. He had the confidence to rush out, but when he looked back, he found that Sissi had been batted. The winged demon man caught up.

Sissi's strength is too weak, too little experience, can not summon demon servants, it is no different from waste, if not relying on a dozen pieces of the best shield, was killed early.

"This human female is very beautiful, don't kill it first, you can stay and play slowly as a slave girl."

A demon man is attacking frantically with harazi, it is the earliest reformed body, human nature has long been wiped out, only the destruction is left.

It didn't wait for the companion's companionship, and when it was about to reach out to grab the human female, a dozen golden dragon guns were shot, pierced his shield, and nailed him.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you!"

The demon man looked at Downton and was about to shoot a magic bullet. It was found that a flashing body of the other party appeared in front of him. As he brandished the strangely shaped giant sword, a sharp pain that tore the soul quickly from his chest Spread out, slowing its defensive movements by half a beat.


Downton slashed the demon who spoke profanity with a sword, followed by spinning like a tornado, and the blade storm started.

After a few guys who didn't give up wanting to attack had turned into pieces, other demons could only evade.

Downton guarded Sissi behind him and retreated to the wall, alerting the demons on both sides.

"Woo, it's all me bad!"

Sissi blamed herself and burst into tears. If she hadn't backed away, Downton could have killed before the demon man formed a siege. Now it's too late to say that there are more than 600 demon men crowded in the channel, Densely dense, it makes people shudder.

"What are you afraid of? We are all going to die anyway. Pull these two people back!"

There is a demon roar.

"Yes, kill them, destroy everything, destroy this world, Lao Tzu can't live, let the world bury him."

The demons are crazy. Roaring, he rushed to Downton again.

Great avalanche!

Downton's two weapons were slashed, and a large amount of snow and snow immediately formed in the channel vibrations, flooding all around and covering the sky.

The demons opened their shields one after another. But still crumbling under the hood of the avalanche, just after carrying this wave, more than a hundred azure fists fell from the ceiling again and bombarded the crowd.

boom! boom! boom!

Elemental explosions everywhere, shock waves scattered.

Ice tornado!

Downton's weapons flew, stirring the airflow and elements, and a tornado mixed with snowflakes and frost overflowed and shot around.

The cold wind lingered, sharp as a knife. Slashed on the demon man's armor, hit a crisp steel bronze sound.

"With magic!"

Wellington pulled out his long sword from the chest of the stabbing human Dragon Slayer and shouted.

call out! call out! call out!

The demon-man magic volley, except for the one that was torn by the tornado, flooded Downton.

The three liquid clusters spin and expand into a thin film. After receiving the magic, they reflect them. Unstoppable, Downton relied on super defense to resist.

The entire channel is full of huge crackling sounds of elements. Deafening and deaf, I couldn’t see clearly. The devil felt that the human would die, so he stopped. After all, he might hurt his companion by mistake.

"Where do we go next? Dr. Mata is dead. What are we still doing here? Just kill it and turn upside down."

"Yes, what is Welbeck? Lao Tzu can't escape anyway. If he dares to come, it will be a big deal with him."

"Destroy the laboratory first. Then go out and kill people."

The demons were full of tongues and tongues, but the voice hadn't fallen yet, and dozens of golden dragon guns were shot from the wind and snow, piercing the unlucky ghosts standing in front into hedgehogs.

"My Di Polo, this guy is not dead yet?"

The demon man was stunned to see the wind and snow drift, Downton pulled Sissi to appear, and immediately reorganized the offensive, with a greasy expression like a mad dog, ready to pounce at any time.

"Go together and kill him!"

These guys are indeed crazy, completely desperate.

"Wait, I am the only one to treat you!"

Downton shouted. From the other party's discussion, he heard some news that he might be able to use it. Otherwise, he would fight with these demons who had been determined to die, and it was really a loss-making business.

"Save us?"

"Fart, there is no way for Dr. Mata, which bird hair do you count?"

The demon face was full of indignation and yelled, but no one started anymore.

"I am a potionist, and of course I can treat you."

These demon people must have been transformed by Mata, so they certainly have no affection for him, but now they say "Doctor is dead, what are we left to do?" These people are certainly not grateful, so there is only one possibility, hoping to get Mata treatment, Restore human form.

Watching Downton take out the badge representing the identity of the potionist, the demon man looked left and right and fell into silence. He bet on it, after all, no one would give up the opportunity to survive.

"Do you really have a way?" Wellington separated the crowd and walked over, staring down at Downton. "If we can't do it, we'll make you die better."

"I can't guarantee it, but I can work hard."

Downton shrugged his shoulders.

"It turned out to be lying to us, kill him, and then destroy the world."

Some demons are irritable. Mata’s research has not been completed. The demons must rely on his drugs to survive ~lightnovelpub.net~ This is also the reason why they listen to his orders. Now the doctor is dead, and later There can be no potion of suppression, so there is no doubt that they will die, so they will destroy everything so crazy.

"I remembered, in the Diwei crystal distributed by the assistants, didn't you just call this guy to hunt?"

"Yes, this guy killed Mata and ruined our hopes."

"Tear him!"

After the demon people recognized Downton's identity, the group was indignant and immediately rushed up anxiously.

"Ma Lei, can't you speak well?"

Downton roared, the anger of the Lone Mountain swept away, and at the same time the Vulcan mode was turned on, and opening the mouth was a fire breathing technique.

The blazing flames rumbling, spreading the Yong Dao instantly, and the burning devil-men grieved.

ps: Sorry, there is only one chapter today, and three chapters tomorrow. It was originally prepared to break out. As a result, there was a little mistake in life. I was really depressed, but I must find this break out!