Hero’s Creed

Chapter 729: Impact Scepter

In the misty swamp, the battle became fierce, Downton was not moving like a mountain, his fists danced, and then heavy punches appeared from the sky and bombarded DuPont.

Dupont, like a swordfish swimming in the ocean, disappeared for a while, appeared for a while, dodged in a heavy punch. Although he was not hit, everyone knew that he was at a disadvantage. As an assassin, he could not even reach the enemy. Is the biggest shame.

Against the opponents like Dupont, Downton never thought about killing him in one blow, so he was slowly consuming his confidence. Once he lost his calmness, he would be full of flaws.


DuPont is really anxious, but he is the pinnacle of Tulong, but he can't beat a fifth of Tulong. Even if others don't say anything, he can't accept everything.

boom! boom! boom!

In just a few minutes, there were already big pits all around, and some swamp beasts spread dead without blood, and the blood flowed all over the place.

"What martial arts is this? The attack power is terrible!"

"The terrible thing is that the range is good, covering a distance of more than 100 yards, which means that melee has the opportunity to threaten the legal profession."

"This should be the inheritance of the barbarian king? Really horrible!"

The onlookers had envyed DuPont's stealth technique, but now they all stared at Downton with wide eyes, eager to steal the teacher.

Dupont's talent is determined by birth, and he can't learn it if he wants to learn it, but Downton's martial arts are different. As long as he learns, it will greatly improve them.

These people have the courage to venture underground, but their strength is not bad. Once they are fully engaged, they will immediately gain a lot, and some people even raise their hands to make gestures.

Why do so many people like to face off against masters and want to watch the war? That's all, just how much they can understand. It depends on the individual's qualifications.

"Why? Just this skill? That disappointed me too much." Downton pouted. "If you hide like a monkey again, you have to hit the night."

"Then you attack!"

DuPont is anxious, do you think I don't want to attack? But the route was stopped by you.

"Okay. Take the trick!"

Downton fired. Ten meters after approaching Dupont, the God of Heaven opened. At the same time, a golden aura of astrology was displayed at the foot, and the speed suddenly doubled.


Downton's move was more than DuPont expected. He was hesitating whether to take the opportunity to attack and saw the other party's body flash. Disappeared in front of the eyes, leaving only a residual image.

"It's a hit, it counts!"

When this thought broke into my mind, there was also severe pain behind him, which caused DuPont to spit out blood.

Downton was indifferent and rushed forward.


The illusion of a giant barbarian appears, and the fists are like thunder. Go straight to DuPont.

"Magic servant!"

DuPont roared, and the next moment, another soul shock struck him, almost suffocating him.

A giant skeleton wrapped in green flames suddenly appeared in front of DuPont. Stopped these heavy blows for him.

boom! boom! boom!

Downton also shot, double weapons.

"No, DuPont is so vulnerable?"

The onlookers could not understand that even if Du Pont was even worse, he would not be crushed. In this scene, he was like a beaten sandbag, and he could not bear to see it.

Twilight chuckled. Only when he played against Dunton could he realize his terrible impact. The impact of the anger of the Lonely Mountain, plus the effect of death embrace, if it was replaced by an ordinary magician, it would die suddenly because of severe pain, even if it was Under the great pain, DuPont, a strong man, can't exert his full fighting power.

"Don't you say a duel? How did you use the demon servant?"

Downton sneered.

"Nonsense, the duel can of course use the devil."

Dupont's cheeks were definitely burning, and in any case, he fell in the wind.

"Haha, let you play!"

Downton laughed deliberately, of course he knew it could be used. This is to stimulate DuPont, crack down on his confidence, and give him a huge pressure. If the servants cannot be turned around, the pressure he will bear will be greater.

"Being too cautious is not good!"

Because Dupont acted so carefully, every battle must win. Now he has a hard fight and naturally falls into irritability because he has no experience fighting in adversity.

"If you want to reverse, in addition to strength, you need a strong will!"

Twilight looked intently. If DuPont passed through, it was Downton's trouble. The more such moments, the more he could not lose his calm, and he could not deny and doubt himself. All actions must be decisive, otherwise it would be dead.


Dupont disappeared again. His demon servant was a bone of a giant giant excavated in an ancient ruin. It was secretly made into a dead soul. It has excellent defense and used it to contain the enemy. Then he was the main tactic.

Titan’s bones are the hardest material, and the giant is chopped on it, but it can’t be cut, but only a small gap has broken out.


DuPont emerged from behind Dunton, but before he could wait for the attack, the Magic Fist fell again.


Dupont is also sturdy. He doesn't want to run away. Even if he is seriously injured, he will cause damage to Downton.

"Come well!"

Downton was even more domineering than Dupont, and he turned directly and broke into a domineering air.


Titan's boned fist hit Downton's vest, and the momentum, coupled with Downton's speed, brought him to DuPont in an instant.


DuPont has calculated Downton's speed, and now he is so engaged in that the speed of the sword is suddenly slowed down and he wants to speed up, but the two parties are too close and there is no time.

Domineering Broken!


DuPont's shield shattered and he was punched in the chest. The whole person flew out.

"kill him!"

DuPont bleeds blood, but the pain in the heart is much heavier than the body, because this round of confrontation is a complete collision of martial arts and experience. Facts have proved that he is defeated.

The bones of the Titan pursued and punched Downton with a heavy punch.

Downton carried it hard, every time fine-tuning his body, relying on the impact of Titan boxing, he chased closely in front of Dupont and stormed him.

boom! boom! boom!

Dupont was like a boat in a storm, crumbling. The skin ruptures constantly, bursting with blood.

"Downton, Wansheng!"

Little Walnut jumped on the air rays and raised the banner of the West Fox. Waving hard.

"so cool!"

Sissi took Twilight's hand. Excited cheeks are red, who is Dupont? Genius of the Dupont family. Although they are better than the gods Lan Xue and Heinrich, they are also well-known, and they are the best in the younger generation, and they have a good reputation in the upper society of the nine empires. But he was now being beaten down by Downton, and the picture was so beautiful that she dared not see it.

"It must be photographed, let my father take a look!"

Sissi turned to Diwei crystal excitedly.

Juliet folded her hands, shaking her body to pray for Downton. She didn’t think so much, just thinking about the master winning.

"Damn! Damn!"

DuPont's angry eyes were red. A direct teleport, appeared 100 meters away.

Downton immediately turned around to resist the Titan skeleton.


DuPont coughed violently, this large-scale teleport. The toughness of the body is very high. Although he has eaten precious potions and sharpened his body since childhood, it is still not enough. Every battle, he uses it up to three times, otherwise the body will tear and shatter.

"It must be left once to escape, no, why should I escape? I can kill Downton." DuPont almost lost his mind, and the kind of faint worry made him angry, because this is not the best proof of fear of defeat. What?

"Flee again? When will this hit?"

Downton sneered and continued his artillery tactics. In fact, he did not feel well. Even with the triple defense deepening, he was also beaten by the bones of the Titan. He vomited blood. His internal organs seemed to be thrown into the meat grinder. The pain was almost cramping. It took a great willpower to show it.

"Is your body a monster?"

Seeing that he was beaten by the Titans seemed to be harmless, DuPont was almost desperate. Finally, after he bit his teeth, he decided to fight hard.

With his left hand clenching his fist, he slammed his chest, while a ray of red, smooth-wrapped pills shot out of the space ring and ran straight to his mouth.

Immediately after swallowing, DuPont's body collapsed visually, with many cracks, blood lasing, and a large amount of magic energy scattered, directly scraping away the swamp around him, revealing a big pit.

Bang! Bang!

The sky was dark and turbulent, the thunder flashed, and the rule of law began to brew.

"Isn't he, he's going to step at this time?"

"Is he impatient alive? In the face of a master like Downton, how can he have the chance to advance?"

"Don't use common sense to speculate that Du Pont is a genius after all, haha, there is a good show now."

The adventurers stared intently at the battlefield. All those with Diwei crystals were taken out and secretly recorded. This kind of high-quality duel was definitely sold at a high price on the market.

"Wellington, confiscated their Diwei crystal."

Twilight's face was tenfold, and if someone wanted to get these crystals, Downton's hole card was exposed.

Wellington listened to Twilight's undoubted tone, and wanted to refute it, but she didn't know why she met her eyes. She lost her breath and obediently agreed.

"What are you foolish about, give me the crystal!"

Wellington yelled at an adventurer, the other party was still hesitating, he kicked his legs straight up.

"what are you doing?"

The adventurer being beaten is the third order of the dragon.

Wellington didn't explain at all, and waved two slapped hands again~lightnovelpub.net~ Not convinced? Then kill me! "

The adventurers glanced at Twilight and Sissi, and then at Downton in the battle circle, sighed sighlessly, and lowered their heads.

"Hum, toast without eating fine wine!"

Wellington scolded, and really couldn't understand why he was afraid of the twilight. The momentum of the superior was more intense than that of the black shell.

"This girl must be in a high position, and often gives orders and decides independently."

Before Wellington was transformed into a demon, he was also from a wealthy family, so after thinking carefully, he remembered the momentum of Twilight.

"Firebird, stop the undead!"

Downton shouted, no time to worry about this, as soon as Dupont rushed to the stage, he opened at full speed and sprinted toward him. If he was promoted to the scepter stage, he would be difficult to win.


Firebird ejects and intercepts the Titan.