Hero’s Creed

Chapter 937: Night raid

There is a horrible wound more than two meters long in Warcraft, which is half a meter deep. Experienced mercenaries can see that Warcraft is beheaded with a single blow, and the bone dragon will certainly not be able to cause this kind of blade damage, so naturally it is Xiao Luo Li's masterpiece.

Some attentive guys found that after several days of forced march, most of the mercenaries of the adjudication order were tired and sleepy, and did not want to move, but this 8-year-old and 9-year-old little loli was still good, and she was still full of vitality, as if she had the end Strength.

After dropping the corpse, Walnut made a jump and jumped directly on the back of a bone dragon suspended at a height of ten meters, holding a large three-meter honeycomb and turned and jumped down.

"Brother, you taste it, it's sweet!"

The walnut lifted the giant beehive above his head to prevent it from getting dirty.

After rushing to Downton, Little Loli took out her dagger, cut open the beehive, broke a piece of solidified royal jelly and handed it over. This was the most essential part.

"Good!" Downton took a sip and touched the head of the little walnut. "I'll give you some juice later."


The effort was praised, and the walnut was very happy, cheering, handing over the honeycomb to Juliet, breaking off a large piece of himself, and running towards the twilight.

Twilight did not refuse this time, with a smile, that finger was licked with honey, "Thank you!"

"Wild honey is a good thing, give me a little!"

Mueller leaned in and asked for a hippie smile, no matter how good this thing was, it was not as expensive as ghost honey.

"No, you are a bad guy, I don't like you."

Walnut refused decisively and gave Mueller a head.

Downton glanced at Mueller, it seems that Twilight can be trusted, the most important thing is the black robe and Mueller. Although Walnut is stupid, but her instincts are superb, she can treat her kindly and there is absolutely no big problem with her character.

At dinner time, Downton's rich food caused flooding of the population.

"Eat together without disapproval."

Downton said politely, Su Ya immediately came over. Picking up a spicy skewer, he swipes directly on the big mouth, chews it and swallows it all into his belly.

The walnut tray picked some food to find Twilight.

"I don't eat meat!"

Twilight's dinner was very simple, except that the black bread was a pot of water, and she was very self-disciplined. She just looked at the walnut's innocent eyes. She couldn't bear to hurt her enthusiasm and ate a few greens.

"Sing something good for you!"

Taking advantage of Downton's inattention, Walnut took out the empty rock beer can and unscrewed the lid and secretly took a sip. Passed it to Twilight.

"I do not drink."

Twilight smiled wryly.

"This is an elven wine that has been in the cellar for thousands of years. It can replenish magic energy, energy, and relieve mental fatigue. It is simply not available on the market."

Walnut made her drink only when she saw Twilight as her friend.

Twilight was still hesitating, and Mueller ran along with the taste of wine.

"Good wine, let me take a sip?"

Others also sucked their noses and looked at the beer can in Walnut's hand.

The natural name of the spirit wine is not advertised, and the mellow wine fragrance permeates the surroundings in an instant. The smell alone is already intoxicating.

"Come on. You are not a friend!"

Walnut didn't like Mueller, but he didn't want to make people feel stingy, so he pointed to the rice bowl on the table.

Mueller understood, and took one with the fastest speed.

The red liquor poured into the rice bowl, and a small vortex was swayed.

The dwarf brothers and tauren are alcoholic, and the fool knows that this is a rare wine. What's more, although Walnut's voice was small just now, everyone is a magician after all, and he can hear it clearly.

Mueller drank it in a sip, and the beauty was almost bubbling, his face full of intoxicated expressions.


The chiefs swallowed. Eyes are about to protrude.

"It's indeed elven wine!" Mueller said with emotion, and handed the bowl over again, "One more bowl."

Walnut rolled his eyes directly.

"You drank tens of thousands of gold coins just now, and you have to be shameless?" As a maid, Juliet wanted to defend the rights and interests of her master.

With a second-hand smile, Mueller didn't know how to converge at all. "I drank too fast and didn't taste the taste. With another sip, I can guess the name of the wine."

"Do you think I am a fool?".

Walnuts are not fooled.

"Isn't this an empty rock beer can worth millions of gold coins?"

The dwarf brothers looked at the relief on the beer can and recognized its origin.

"This guy uses the best!"

When I think of the Hubble binoculars in Downton's hand, which is also worth millions of gold coins, everyone is numb, and people can't compare with each other. They have tried to think carefully, but they don't talk about bone dragons and firebirds. Downton alone Strength, they have to let them weigh.

Just as Mueller was struggling with the walnuts, the caravan principal came with a team of servants.

"Everyone, thank you for your contribution to the caravan. This is a heart and no respect." The chairman is a middle-aged man, with a smile on his face, and as he waved his hand, the servants brought a bucket of fine wine, and Some carefully prepared dried fruits.

"this is what we are supposed to do."

Cindy got up quickly, and even the chief who had always looked down on humans nodded when the principal came over to see, as long as he was not a fool, he knew what to do.

"Okay, finally got some drinks."

When the principal left, the dwarf brothers rushed to the barrel and took a drink, pouring it directly into their mouths.

Tauren people also crowded with water bags.

"Leave me more!"

Su Ya shouted, squeezing hardest.

"Don't you worry about problems with those wines?"

The walnuts are puzzled. They want to know that they invite people to dinner, but they refuse.

"This time I just walked out of the devil's rift, and there are still more than ten days behind. The caravan will only clean up us unless the head is amused."

Suya whale swallowing, drinking happily.

"Relax, this is the norm. The caravan has to send out consolation items and a bonus for the guards when it comes out of the fissures. In addition to inspiring morale, it is also enveloping people. Otherwise, a stingy reputation will be left, and who will follow them. ?"

Cindy explained that this trip had a high mortality rate and few mercenaries who had the courage to earn this salary. Besides, each mercenary regiment ran at most once a year, and then had to take a rest. Re-recruitment of reunion training has been carried out, so the caravans can only be enveloped with high salary and human relations.

Downton and Twilight don't drink these, the black-robed man doesn't move at all, Mueller pours a glass, sniffs it, and quietly dumps it while others are not paying attention.

After dinner, everyone got into the tent early and began to recuperate. The entire camp quickly fell silent, except for the crackling sound of a campfire, with only occasional whispers and teeth grinding.

Hua Jin was sitting in a tent, drinking slowly, and a few dishes were placed on the low table in front of him. It was quite fresh, and was naturally taken out of the war space.

Masked man holding a long sword and sat on the ground. Close your eyes and recuperate, deliberately posing as a master.

"Why do you have to choose this time to do it?"

It was a guy with triangular eyes. A noble robe, and the position of guest of honor, all show that his status is higher than that of Hua Jin.

"They are both physically and mentally exhausted. After suddenly relaxing, the medicaments they consume will also reduce rejection." Hua Jin explained, a style of a potion master.

"What about those who didn't drink the potion? And I remember the limited amount of potion. It can't be wasted. If you delay the master's event, you will not have ten lives to die."

Triangle eyes stared at Joaquin, with fierce eyes, his name was Sterling. Dark complexion, like the bottom of the pot, with a flat head and short hair all upside down.

"I know that you are a strong dragon slayer, there is no need to scare me." Hua Jin snorted, Stirling is just a stray dog ​​of the master, what qualifications are arrogant in front of himself.

"You better not play any tricks."

Sterling did not believe in this human being, and his eyes were full of superiority, because he could pinch him with one finger.

Hua Jin got up, gracefully patted the non-existent floating soil on the buttocks, walked to the tent mouth, took out two test tubes, mixed the liquid medicine, and gently shaken.

A vague head rolled in the solution and dissipated again at the moment of formation, then the light green smoke overflowed the mouth of the test tube and drifted towards the camp in the light breeze.

The mist spread into the tent. After the mercenaries inhaled, their faces showed painful expressions and began to have nightmares. Some serious bodies convulsed, their skin ruptured, and blood bleed out.

The walnut's ear moved twice, and the rabbit bounced up, picked up the tomahawk placed next to it, and stood guard in front of Juliet.

Downton also got up immediately, and saw Walnut about to go out to check, grabbed her by the collar instantly, put her index finger to her mouth, and booed.

After stabbing a hole in the tent with a dagger, Downton looked out.

Some mercenaries died in the struggle, and some were deformed. The entire flesh cracked and peeled along the spine. Like a python molting, a human-shaped monster climbed up.

"what happened?"

Walnut was shocked.

These monsters have very long arms, almost hanging on the ground, and their bodies are smooth, like the animals just hatched, but they are uneven and covered with small bumps.

Monsters generally have the appearance of humans during their lifetime, but some have more horns, some have more tails, and even three-headed and six-armed ones.

Walnut's little nose twitched twice~lightnovelpub.net~ immediately covered his nose and mouth, "There is something in the air."

Downton took out the three gas masks at the fastest speed and threw them to Walnut and Juliet, with a cautious look, "Homer, call Xia Luo."

The sage wolf in a white coat walked out of the cross gate, nodded towards Downton, and crouched beside the tent to observe the situation.

Some monsters walked a few steps, like the underdeveloped children, fell directly to the ground, wailing in pain, and some crouched beside the nearest human corpse, and began to eat, with the intake of nutrients, their bodies were naked Visibly strong.

"It should be a kind of parasitic agent, using humans for experiments."

Xia Luo's expression is very solemn. All such medicaments are taboo. If the producer is caught, he will be executed directly, not even the trial.

"Probably Huajin did it!"

Downton was very indignant. He always believed that the medicament was born to extend life. Doing so was contrary to the original intention. (To be continued...)

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