He’s a Dragon

Chapter 127: Depraved little fresh meat

It took a long time for Yu Jiao to stabilize his emotions, knowing that naturally he could not stay here for a long time, so he hurriedly left through the back door with Long Xiao, originally wanted to eat together, but now in this situation, Yu Jiao has no intention of eating. Long Xiao accompanied Yu Jiao back to Yu Jiao's villa.

"A Xiao, you take a rest with Pride, I'll cook, and take care of the follow-up by the way."

Sister Wang saw that Yu Jiao still cares about this matter for so many years, she sighed in her heart, and she was unable to do anything. Since the birth of a family, it is actually full of original sin. Even if the child is unwilling, she is very powerless to resist. of.

"Well, Sister Wang, you go." Long Xiao nodded, holding Yu Jiao in her arms. She looked like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, losing her energy.

When Sister Wang left, Yu Jiao was better and looked at her boyfriend.

"I'm going to take a shower."

She knew that she was in a bad mood now, and the best way was to have a quiet meeting by herself, and Yu Jiao's choice was to take a bath by herself.

"Well, okay, then you change your clothes first, and I'll let you water." Knowing that Yu Jiao has the habit of being calm when taking a bath, Long Xiao nodded, gently stroked Yu Jiao's hair, and walked in with Yu Jiao. In the bedroom, when Yu Jiao changed his clothes, he put bath water for Yu Jiao.

Two people stay together for a year, Long Xiao understands Yu Jiao's habit more or less, but at this time it still feels a little distressed.

Yu Jiao quickly changed his clothes, wrapped a bath towel and walked to the bathroom, with beautiful long black hair draped over his shoulders, seeing Long Xiao standing there, leaning over, and holding Long Xiao's neck.

"Want to wash together?"

She exhaled like blue in Long Xiao's ear, making Long Xiao a little helpless, her ears were a little red, but she refused her.

"Be quiet for a while, and I will help you deal with this matter."

Long Xiao didn't want anyone to hurt Yu Jiao. He knew how much Yu Jiao had spent to get rid of the Yu family. He did not allow the Yu family to use Yu Jiao's name to hurt her again.

"A Xiao, in fact, sometimes, I really doubted whether I was the child of my parents. After I played "Sin City", I secretly took my parents' hair to test for DNA and found out that I was really their child. But sometimes, I can’t wait to have such parents. They are like blood-sucking leeches on my body. They make me unable to escape, and they hurt terribly. I thought I didn’t care. In fact, we haven’t contacted for several years..."

Speaking of this, Yu Jiao’s expression was inexplicably low. Perhaps the children longed for the love of their parents. Even at this age, after severing the relationship with their parents over the years, Yu Jiao never contacted his parents again, but never thought about it. Once I saw my mother, it appeared in this situation.

"Then don't care, sister only cares about me." Leaning over to kiss Yu Jiao's forehead, Long Xiao's voice is gentle, and the blue eyes are extremely beautiful, as if his eyes are full of Yu Jiao, so Yu Jiao finally has no idea in his heart. So sad.

"Yeah, I have you, A Xiao, no matter what happens, don't you leave me, OK?"

Almost with a pleading question, Yu Jiao raised his head. Those eyes that were hailed as talking by movie fans were even more beautiful to glow, full of care and love for Long Xiao.

"Of course I won't leave you. I'm going to marry my sister, the kind of life forever."

Finally took Yu Jiao into his arms, Long Xiao did not expect this incident to have such a big impact on Yu Jiao. In the end, the two of them took a bath together. After the bath, Yu Jiao's whole body was flushed. When Long Xiao was taken out of the bathroom, he no longer thought about his bad parents.

Lying on the bed, Yu Jiao only felt that the greatest luck God had given her was to meet Long Xiao.

"You lie down, I will bring you the food."

Long Xiao got up, put on his clothes first, Yu Jiao didn't move, waiting for Long Xiao to go out to get food.

Long Xiao, whose hair was still wet, walked out of Yu Jiao's bedroom, but Sister Wang let out a sigh of relief and lowered her voice.

"How is her situation?"

Yu Jiao was rarely able to calm down every time he met the couple. After all, no one would be totally indifferent to his biological parents.

"It's getting better, Sister Wang, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

Obviously, the relationship has been severed for so many years, and the members of the Yu family dare to stand up and slander Yu Jiao at this time. It is because Yu Jiao is about to marry into a wealthy family, that's why he wants to destroy Yu Jiao’s path in this way. Not like a biological mother.

If this incident were not for Long Xiao, and other people who saw what Yu Jiao’s mother said, they would definitely think that Yu Jiao was under the unspoken rules of the crew when he was a child. This is simply an attempt to destroy Yu Jiao brightly.

"I can't bear it. I have asked the people in the company to sort out all the information about Yu Jiao's severing relationship with her parents, and the work her parents arranged for Yu Jiao to make quick money. When that time comes, Fans will definitely feel sorry for arrogance, but this matter...you need to let arrogant agree, and only after arrogant agree, can you post.

After all, after signing the contract with the Yu family, Yu Jiao didn't expose this matter, but he had already given the couple the best face.

"Well, I'll talk to Jiaojiao about this matter, are the food ready now? I'll bring her the food."

Long Xiao nodded. It was precisely because he knew how miserable Yu Jiao was back then, that he understood how shocked the media and fans would be if the things that her parents did to her were exposed. But Yu Jiao would have been strong, neither Know whether you want it or not.

"It's done, you come with me."

When Wang Jie heard that Long Xiao calmed Yu Jiao, she was relieved a lot, and took Long Xiao to the kitchen to get vegetables.

At the same time, on the bed in the bedroom, I was lying there with a happy face, suddenly heard the phone ringing, and reached out his hand to take the phone from the bedside table, only to see the phone of a girl ——Yu Meng.

For no reason, Yu Jiao didn't want to answer, but Yu Jiao accidentally slid his finger to the screen of the phone, which directly turned the phone into a call.

"Pride, you can be regarded as answering the phone, I am a mother, you are so promising that you have fallen in love with our son of the richest man in the country. Mom is really happy for you. When did you talk to Long Xiao? See the parents? Bring Long Xiao to see us, right? Your sister really wants to see Long Xiao too."

What came from the other end of the phone was Yu Jiao's mother's voice, but the words that came out made Yu Jiao nauseous.

"No, we have already severed the relationship. Even if I marry Long Xiao in the future, I will not invite you to my wedding. I hope you will remember that we signed the severance statement six years ago. This has legal effect. of."

When it comes to treating her parents, Yu Jiao is not soft-hearted, but occasionally sad, but sadness does not mean that she will compromise with such disgusting parents. Once she gets entangled by them, they will one day be killed by them.

When Yu Jiao's mother on the other end heard this, she couldn't control her temper.

"You **** girl! You are not obedient when you grow up, and you are not as clever as your sister. If you want me, you are now old and you must not have children. It is better to introduce your sister to Long Xiao, Long Shi In such a big group, people can't live without an heir in the future, right? Let your sister give birth to Long Xiao, and then you, the sister, can also have a child. The people in the province hate you as an old man..."

She accused Yu Jiao of getting used to it. In order to fight for the benefit of her little daughter, she had long forgotten that Yu Jiao was not the little girl who was controlled by her in the palm of her hand.

She had never thought about how disgusting it would be for two sisters to also be with a man.

Yu Jiao only felt an indescribable nausea on her mind, making her really retching a few times, and then said to the phone with a sneer.

"Ms. Niu, this is the last time I answer your call. I will block Yu Meng’s call. It’s my business whether I have a baby or not. It has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with Yu Meng. I advise you not to It’s whimsical. If you have the ability, you can tell the media yourself, let Yu Meng marry Long Xiao instead of me, and see who is willing to listen to you? If you do anything, I have countless ways to let Yu Meng be in the circle. Can't get on!"

Speaking of Long Xiao, Yu Jiao was like a lion who had been infringed on the territory. He began to defend his territory, and his speech became particularly tough. Before her mother could say anything, he hung up the phone, and even left the previous softheartedness. The phone number of is completely blacked out and deleted.

After doing all this, Yu Jiao retched again. She got up from the bed and retched in the bathroom for a while before she came out again, her face looked a little pale.

Long Xiao and Sister Wang came in with food, and looked at Yu Jiao's expression badly, suddenly worried.

"What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?"

In the past, he stretched out his hand and stroked Yu Jiao's forehead, feeling the temperature on Yu Jiao's body, and Long Xiao's closeness, which made Yu Jiao's a little uneasy heart suddenly calmed down and shook his head.

"It's just a little uncomfortable, but it's all right now."

She saw the food made by Sister Wang, which was very delicate. After discovering that she had Kobe beef that she likes most today, her eyes glowed suddenly, forgetting the difficulties before, and then under the gaze of Sister Wang and Long Xiao. Started to eat.

Seeing that Yu Jiao was in a good mood for dinner, Sister Wang was relieved a lot, and finally asked after eating.

"Arrogance, the company cannot let this public opinion continue to ferment. Although Ah Xiao is there to speak for you, it will have a great impact. If your parents come out and say anything in the future, it will affect your passersby. So I mean, what do you think of it when you release the evidence from that year and clarify the severance of your relationship with your parents?"

Maybe some fans feel bad this way, but most fans who sympathize with the weak will definitely become more loyal to Yu Jiao.

"Well, just do this, Sister Wang, I'll listen to you." Yu Jiao gave an answer without thinking at all, which made Long Xiao and Wang Sister both stunned.

Sister Wang hurriedly nodded with joy without waiting for Yu Jiao to repent.

"Okay, okay, I'll make arrangements now."