He’s a Dragon

Chapter 187: The emperor who has been digged

Xiaoyao Daoist can also be regarded as killing demons and descending demons to eliminate evil for the sky for several years. It is the first time to see so many monsters gathered together, and they are all kneeling outside the palace gate. He is immediately very vigilant, thinking of these evildoers if they violently attack. , These Taoists don't know if they can surrender so many monsters.

Just as soon as he entered the area of ​​the capital, Dao Xiaoyao felt a huge pressure, and it was precisely because of such extreme pressure that these monsters were willing to kneel on the ground, then there must be something wrong in the palace. !

At the thought of this, Dao Master Xiaoyao's expression was tense. After checking at the door, he followed the eunuchs into the palace, and immediately looked at the original place of the Yuxian Palace, which is still full of evil spirits for them. For this kind of Taoist who descends on demons and eliminates demons, it is the most attractive.

Just walk around all the way to Qianyuan Hall, the palace where the emperor was. After the little **** in front went to ask for instructions, Daoist Xiaoyao was brought into Qianyuan Hall.

"Your Majesty Wanan!"

After the little **** knelt on the ground, Dao Xiaoyao only felt that the huge pressure in front of him came from the person in front of him, and as a result, he heard a voice from above his head.

"It's Daoist Xiaoyao, get up, give a seat."

The man's voice has a sense of time and is very magnetic. When Xiaoyao Daochang stood up, he couldn't help but raise his head, and he was almost blinded by the large golden patch, and hurriedly lowered his eyes.

The master said that he was rooted in wisdom, and he opened his eyes to Xiaoyao Dao at a young age. Once his eyes were opened this day, he could see things that ordinary people couldn't see, that is, Qi.

There are several types of human qi, red, purple, and yellow, yellow represents wealth, red represents the disaster of blood and light, pink represents peach blossom luck, and purple is generally in the royal family, representing the luck of heaven.

But now, for the first time, Xiaoyao Daoist saw golden luck, and it was soaring into the sky, and even suddenly let Xiaoyao Dao grow soft legs, almost instantly understood that those evildoers who were kneeling outside the palace were all there. Kneel down to this true emperor!

The little **** immediately got his seat ready, Xiaoyao Daoist Chief Xiaoyao sat down, Long Xiao raised his eyes, and looked at the Daoist Chief in front of him. In his memory, the Daoist Chief finally led the righteous people to fight with the monsters, but finally Died in the hands of Long Hao's conspiracy, so far the Buddhist and Taoist people began to decline, and the Yaozu was even more unscrupulous.

"Do not be nervous, today I announce that you will come here. There are two things. One thing is to let the Dao Master handle the matter of slaughtering foxes in the village for a thousand years, and the other is to hope that the Dao Master will take charge of my new department. Demon Division."

This thing was arranged by Long Xiao. Not all demons wanted to kill. Many demons grew out of the aura of heaven and earth without touching blood, let alone killing. Secretly turned into human survival, and now, what Long Xiao has to do is to let these monsters have registered permanent residences, and even make peaceful marriages with humans, and then resist those monsters who like to kill.

Instead of allowing these monsters to grow and develop wantonly in places that humans don't know, the best way is to control these monsters in the palm of your hand.

"Your Majesty, when Pang Dao entered the palace, the evildoer who bowed down outside the palace gate, but what did your Majesty do? This service demon division, please trouble your Majesty to answer Pang Dao one or two."

Xiaoyao Taoist master has seen many monsters in his life, some are good and some are bad, so he also understands that a person is true by different ways, and that no matter how passionate the fairy is, the ultimate end will not be much better.

"Well, I foresee the destiny, I am rampant toward evildoers, the monster race grows stronger, and I continue to control the capable people for one or two. Therefore, when I set up the Fengyao Division, I invited the Qingxu Guan and the host of the Hui'an Temple to come together. Manage the Feng Yao Division, naturalize all the monsters, slay the malicious monsters, and protect the benevolent monsters."

Long Xiao's words fell in the ears of Daoist Xiaoyao. He only felt that everything was so incredible. For a while, I didn't know what to say, because the first time I saw human beings, I hoped that demons and people would get along well...

"What your majesty said is extremely true, but the evildoers in this world are so cunning, how can Poor Dao distinguish right from wrong and know whether those evildoers are stained with blood?"

Dao Xiaoyao's words were correct. In the past, they would pass when something went wrong. After they found out that a monster was needed, they would investigate clearly, and then kill the monster. This process was fine.

But with this naturalization of monsters, how do they distinguish good monsters from bad monsters?

"Laixi, put the questioning stone in the hands of Daoist Xiaoyao."

Long Xiao had already prepared everything, waiting for the leader of Xiaoyao, Laixi on the side hurriedly handed the jade column carved from a piece of white jade to the leader of Xiaoyao.

"This questioning heart stone can peep into the demon's heart, a demon with a lot of evil, touch this thing, it is a prototype!"

This thing can be regarded as a magic weapon, Long Xiao spent three days refining it, specially used to subdue those evildoers, and it is also a magic weapon for Dao Master Xiaoyao to use.

On the contrary, if the monster is kind, there is nothing wrong with it.

Seeing such a magic weapon, Taoist Xiaoyao was very excited, and he immediately said that the minister would take care of the Feng Yaosi! This place is not only for registering accounts, but also to record the survival behavior of these monsters, and then pay a certain amount of monster management fees every year. If there is no money, I am sorry, the monsters also have to work.

Long Xiao handed the Feng Yaosi management manual that he had compiled to the Daoist Chief Xiaoyao, which was ecstatic for Daoist Xiaoyao to read.

But Long Xiao still has one thing.

"Leader Xiaoyao, I heard that you have a way to remove the spirit orb from the monster's body, but not let the monster die?"

Long Xiao has a way to take out the spirit orb, but if he digs the spirit orb hard, it is estimated that Hu Xianxian will be gone on the spot...

"Naturally, your Majesty, what you are talking about is the thousand-year fox demon? After Poor Dao entered the palace, he noticed the demon spirit of the thousand-year fox demon. I don't know how the monster is now?"

Nowadays the emperor is exuding golden light, and the monsters must not be able to touch it. It is impossible for the thousand-year fox demon to harm the emperor. It must be subdued by the emperor.

"The monster has been subdued by me, but I need to do one thing by Dao Dao Xiaoyao. I want to prove the demon clan in front of the whole world, and choose the crime of the fox demon for the thousand years so that all the people of Dawn will know Where the monster is, to avoid another people being harmed by the monster."

Long Xiao said indifferently, an unknown thing is terrible. Once a monster appears to kill people, ordinary people will not be able to investigate it. But if you tell everyone that monsters do exist, how should everyone treat monsters, over time, everything will become Things that are accustomed to.

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely forbidden... If I show up frequently to evildoers, it will affect your Majesty's reputation..."

Dao Xiaoyao hurriedly stopped Long Xiao. They dealt with monsters in private. They would not be so open, because they were afraid of affecting the fortune of the country. If the people of the Li people knew about the existence of monsters, it would be panic. Fangchuan, Daoist Xiaoyao still understands the importance of this matter.

"The Dao Master doesn't need to worry about me. In my heart, the people of Liming are more important than my reputation. I already have a complete set of methods to let the people know about monsters and are not afraid of them."

This thing is relatively simple, as long as the dragon aura of Long Xiao covers something and is worn by the people, then if people encounter a monster, the monster will be affected for the first time and show its original shape.

Once the monster's disguise is seen through, it is still very simple to try to deal with the monster.

"Your Majesty Shengming."

Dao Xiaoyao didn’t know how to stop it, so he could only compromise. Then, under the leadership of the eunuch, he went to meet the thousand-year fox demon. More than 20 years ago, he saw the fox demon slaughter the village and killed the village. All the human beings, the elderly, children, and pregnant women are not spared. They are all heartbroken to death by this monster. The scene is so cruel and terrifying. Now it is the most pleasant to watch the thousand-year fox in a panic.

Two days later, the Master Merciful Master of Hui'an Temple had also reached an agreement with Long Xiao, and the monsters kneeling at the gate of the palace had been taken by the Daoist Xiaoyao to the newly prepared Director Feng Yao.

Under the pressure of Long Xiao's Longwei, all monsters obediently obeyed the imperial decree, and formally joined Feng Yaosi through the questioning stone.

The so-called Fengyousi, in addition to giving the monsters an identity and a household registration, is that when I need monsters, these monsters must take the initiative to help with things.

Daoist Xiaoyao really did not expect that the human world was mixed with so many monsters, weird and strange, among them was a well-known wealthy businessman in the capital, who turned out to be ginseng! It's no wonder that this businessman made his fortune by selling ginseng, and after doing so for a long time he was self-produced and sold...

There is also a merchant who sells bird's nests. He is the patriarch of a bird family. He has no idea how many birds are in his hands. Isn't it a matter of minutes to get a bird's nest? So it's a big family and big business, and everyone who sees it is jealous.

Why are monsters so good at doing business these days?

At the same time, notices began to be pasted in various places in the capital, and Yamen officials personally read them to the people.

"Your Majesty has a dream. I am lurking in the demon clan, killing the people. The imperial concubine Hu Xianxian is a fox demon of Qingcheng Mountain. View, the Taoist chief and the monks of Hui'an Temple together walked the Tao for the sky and killed the thousand-year-old fox! And established the first demon division of my court to control and punish the monsters..."

The people didn't understand those literary words, so some people said it in the vernacular, so that everyone could react.

OMG! The emperor had a dream and knew that the imperial concubine was a fox demon for a thousand years! And God said, now there are so many monsters that need the emperor’s help to manage them, so the demon division in the city manages the monsters like a yamen, and the thousand-year fox monster is so cruel. Everyone wants to see this thousand-year fox monster. How did he die?

In these days, the emperor’s power is supreme. As long as the royal family said, the people never doubted, and they all waited seven days enthusiastically to see how Dao Xiaoyao killed the thousand-year fox demon!

They haven't seen what this thousand-year fox demon looks like...