He’s a Dragon

Chapter 208: The vanity boyfriend

A week later, Ji Qinglin finally received a call from Zhang Yufei, agreeing to move over to live with Ji’s family. Of course, the card that Ji Qinglin gave Zhang Yufei these days has not been moved, which made Ji Qinglin a little worried. Now receiving this call, I am excited. Row.

"Although everything at home is prepared for you, if you have any luggage, dad will pick you up, okay?"

Ji Qinglin was naturally happy when he thought of living with his daughter in the future, and also had to pick up Zhang Yufei in person.

"No need...I don't have anything to bring here. I'm at the coffee shop in the community below Yujinganlan."

Since Zhang Yufei decided to come over, she definitely wanted to see what her biological parents were like, so she didn’t bring anything, mainly because there were too many jewelry and clothes. She wondered if Ji’s family could put it down. .

"Are you downstairs now? Don't move, Dad will come over right away."

Today happened to be the weekend, Ji Qinglin did not go to work, nor did he go out to socialize. As soon as he heard that his daughter was in the cafe downstairs, he immediately indicated that he would come down.

"En, all right." Zhang Yufei nodded, and after the call was hung up, Ji Qinglin was very excited.

Ji Xueling and Ji Xuefeng are not at home. As the general manager of the company's business department, Ji Xuefeng needs to deal with a lot of things. After all, he needs to contact various companies. The job arranged by Ji Xueling is about sales. Now he enters as an intern. With the sales department, it’s impossible to have weekends on weekends, but to run business.

So there are only Ji Qinglin, Hui Yueru and Ji Xueyang at home.

When Ji Qinglin came out, he saw his son sitting there playing games. His son had just passed the college entrance examination right now, so school has not yet started!

"Your sister is back, just downstairs, you can go down with me to pick up your sister."

Ji Xueyang naturally knew who his elder sister was in his father's mouth. After all, Ji Xueyang has already begun to call her sister Xueling. He has worked very hard to distinguish between Ji Xueling and Zhang Yufei.

He liked Sister Xueling very much, but Dad was right. Sister Xueling took advantage of her sister and made her sister suffer for so many years. Both of him felt distressed.

"Okay!" When it heard that it was my sister, Ji Xueyang hurriedly got up with joy, and the father and son happily went to pick up people.

"When we met before, I secretly gave my sister a watch. I didn't know if my sister liked it or not."

In the elevator, Ji Xueyang looked forward to meeting Zhang Yufei. Ji Qinglin was in a good mood when he saw that his younger son liked his daughter so much.

"As long as you give it, your sister will definitely like it. It cost a lot of money to give your sister a gift? I'll make it up for you when I look back."

The youngest son is the most generous. Gifts cannot be given cheaply. Their family means that the children have a lot of money every year for the new year, and there is also monthly pocket money. The son bought a watch, and he probably has no money.

"Then I'm not welcome." Ji Xueyang smiled.

The father and son went downstairs and found the coffee shop. Sure enough, they saw the quiet girl sitting in the coffee shop. Today Zhang Yufei is still dressed in Chanel, but it is a goose yellow dress, which makes the whole person more youthful. Pretty.

"Yu Fei."

Ji Qinglin walked over and looked at her daughter who looked similar to her, feeling more satisfied, and when she smiled, Li Mao came out.

"Hello sister!"

Ji Xueyang also said hello, especially after discovering that the watch on Zhang Yufei's arm was given by herself today, she smiled even more happily.


Although a little rusty, Zhang Yufei suddenly felt less nervous when seeing the smiling faces of the two of them, and there was nothing to say.

"Do you want coffee?"

For Zhang Yufei's invitation, the two naturally would not refuse. They sat there with a cup of coffee and started a closer chat for the first time.

"Don't worry, all the clothes at home are ready for you. After the last meeting, I estimated your size. Seeing what you like to wear Chanel, I asked Chanel to send you a lot of clothes and collocations. Can wear it."

If a person wants to make a person comfortable, he will be considerate of everything, and Ji Qinglin is like that.

"Dad cares about my sister, but I also like my sister. Sister, you smile like your father. There is a pear vortex on the corner of your mouth. My brother and I are gone."

Ji Xueyang is like a little sun. Just a few words and a couple of sentences made everyone's relationship a lot. It made Zhang Yufei laugh again and again, but with three people drinking a cup of coffee, when Zhang Yufei looked up, he saw Ji Xueyang in his nose. There was blood red flowing out, shocked.

"You have a nosebleed."

He quickly took out the paper and handed it to Ji Xueyang in front of him. Ji Qinglin, who was sitting next to Ji Xueyang, was also taken aback, and quickly took the paper to help Ji Xueyang wipe his nosebleed.

On the contrary, Ji Xueyang was very calm. He was still smiling when he wiped the nosebleed. After he wiped it off, he looked at the sister who was worried about him and said.

"I was not in good health before? I was hospitalized for a while, and now my nosebleeds should be a sequelae."

At the time, I checked it in the hospital and said it was over-fatigue, but Ji Xueyang usually has good academic performance, and there is no such thing as over-fatigue. Now that suddenly nosebleeds like this, Ji Xueyang is used to it.

"Is that serious? Do you need to go to the hospital to check it now?"

Looking worriedly at the boy in front of him, it was probably due to the strange relationship between blood ties, which made Zhang Yufei have a special sense of intimacy with Ji Xueyang. At this time, seeing him have a nosebleed, it was also very distressed.

"It shouldn't be necessary, let's wait for a few days to go to the hospital for review."

Ji Xueyang waved his hand. He was confident about his body and felt that he would not have any disease. Besides, if young people got angry, they would have nosebleeds, so Ji Xueyang didn't think much about it.

"Yes, just wait a few days to go to the hospital for a review. Yu Fei, you will also go with us to do a thorough physical examination. Although you are still young, you have to pay more attention to your body when you are young. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to keep it when you are old in the future."

Ji Qinglin also gave an explanation and wanted to take Zhang Yufei to check his body.

The three people stopped staying in the cafe because of Ji Xueyang's nosebleed, and chose to go upstairs.

There are property and bodyguards at the door of the house on Yujing Anlan's side. The same is true after entering. There are service personnel in the lobby, and there are professional elevator service personnel on the elevator side. After seeing Ji Qinglin, they take the initiative to open the elevator.

As the elevator rises, Zhang Yufei is still a little nervous, but he thinks the decoration style of Yujing Anlan is good. Although it is not as big as the second phase, the overall style is good.

Soon I reached the top level. In fact, it was said to be the top level, but it was not at all.

The reason why Lou Wang is Lou Wang is that there will be a layer of meticulous decoration on the upper floor, which is not a direct roof. It is precisely because of this that the construction and decoration of Lou Wang are even better.

Ji Qinglin’s floor space is not as large as that of the second-stage building. All the masters, servants, and guest rooms have only 36 rooms in total, which is not comparable to the place where Zhang Yufei lives, Zhang Yufei’s one. There are a total of sixty-six rooms on the floor, except for people, they are dedicated to doing other things.

It is precisely because of so many rooms that the price is so high.

When I took my daughter out of the elevator, everything here belonged to Ji Qinglin. The moment I stepped out of the elevator, it was within the scope of their Ji family.

The servant hurriedly took off his shoes and put them on the ground when he saw the master's home come back.

Zhang Yufei had long been accustomed to it, changed and took off her shoes, and the servant placed the shoes perfectly, and she followed Ji Qinglin and Ji Xueyang to the front.

"How about your room first? I have reserved six rooms for you. Then you can put your clothes, jewelry, bags, or things you like, as well as the study room, all for you."

Without intending to let her daughter meet his wife first, Ji Qinglin took her daughter to visit the room enthusiastically. The thirty-six rooms were directly reserved for Zhang Yufei six, just to make up for the child and give the child more things.

"Okay, thank you." Zhang Yufei smiled, and he could feel Mr. Ji's love for himself.

Ji Xueyang also followed to see. These rooms are well decorated, especially Zhang Yufei's bedroom, which is romantic and beautiful, and there is also a large floor-to-ceiling window. You can see the brightest sun outside in the morning.

This is a better bedroom.

"Do you like it? If you don't like it, I can have someone change it." Ji Qinglin asked her daughter, wishing to make up for everything that has been missing from these years.

"I like it very much, thank you... Dad."

Finally a tangled cry of dad, Ji Qinglin's eyes lit up.

Ji Xueyang was also happy on the side, only that it would be nice to have one more sister.

Then the three people came to the living room, and they happened to see Hui Yueru who was reading the magazine.

"Why is she here?"

At the moment when she saw Zhang Yufei, Hui Yueru still didn't have time to hide her expression, frowned, and said this sentence.

"This is her home, why can't she come? Starting today, Yu Fei will live at home. The six rooms on the east side are all Yu Fei's places, so you can go less."

Ji Qinglin really didn't understand his wife, but her daughter was a piece of meat that fell from her body, so why didn't she know that she felt distressed?

Zhang Yufei was a little embarrassed, and stood there, but Ji Xueyang secretly grabbed his hand and talked.

"Sister, don’t be unhappy because mom. She loved Sister Xueling very much before, so she couldn’t accept it after learning about it, but you have to believe that she will accept you in the future. Dad and my brother and I like you very much. , You are also very welcome back, we all love you so much!"

He leaned over to quietly and Mimi was whispering, with a somewhat cute appearance, which made Zhang Yufei, who had been embarrassed, relaxed, nodded and smiled at Ji Xueyang, in return for Ji Xueyang's bright smile like the sun.

When her husband said abruptly, Hui Yueru also reacted, and immediately put away the impatience on her face, and looked at Zhang Yufei with some entanglement.

"It's fine when you come back. I'm your mother. If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

She spoke awkwardly, but stared at Zhang Yufei.

"Well, I see, thank you."

Zhang Yufei nodded very politely, and then said these words at a distance.

But when Hui Yueru looked at Zhang Yufei's closeness to her husband and son, she was a little more angry at herself like a stranger, and said abruptly.

"You're all back, don't you know to call my mother?"