He’s a Dragon

Chapter 23: Professionalism

Hu Yaqian is also a pretty little girl. She is not the same as Yu Shan's beauty. Yu Shan is like a peony flower raised in a wealthy family. She is charming and charming, and gives people a squeamish and willful feeling, while Hu Yaqian is for others. A pure beauty with desire/hope, like some Internet celebrities, it has a green tea face that men like.

Maybe many people don’t know what the green tea face means. It’s probably the kind of eyes that curl when they laugh, their eyes are full of innocence, and the skin is fair. It’s not so beautiful, but they are the most coquettish. Apart from men, there are others around Women are potential enemies.

As for why Hu Yaqian stays with Yu Shan, it is because although Yu Shan has a bad temper, she is very rich. She is always on the go and treats all meals. Occasionally, Yu Shan spends money on shopping together. Hu Yaqian naturally likes this. My daughter-in-law, it’s not a problem to say a few words of kindness.

For her, a man is just an object she wants to conquer, a ladder she wants to climb up.

"But... isn't this bad?" Yu Shan looked at Hu Yaqian hesitantly. She didn't expect Hu Yaqian to say that. She didn't want to admit it. She was a little moved by this statement.

"What's wrong? Believe me, with your charm, you can easily make a man's heart move, and you don't even look at it. How many boys like you in school? You are finally looking at someone and don’t go. Wouldn't it be a loss if I asked for a contact method?"

Hu Yaqian looked thoughtful for Yu Shan, with a smile on her face. She had just seen the handsome boy just looking at the side face. He was very handsome and had a sense of mystery that people wanted to explore, but Hu Yaqian never slapped a man, let alone a man whom Yu Shan liked.

"...I think about it." Yu Shan nodded, but still reluctantly put her eyes on Long Xiao.

Such long-term watchful eyes made Long Xiao finally a little irritable, frowning, and turning his head. His dark eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he met Yu Shan's peeping sight, and immediately lowered her head. Then the hand placed on the skirt gripped the skirt tightly, making the red skirt wrinkled into a ball.

The heart thumped and thumped, Yu Shan only felt that she was a little unable to control her heartbeat just by the boy's glance. The heart seemed to jump to the eyes of her throat, about to jump out, but then her cheeks flushed, that kind of The gaze seen by the other party made Yu Shan addicted.

If...how good would it be to be watched by this man with such aggressive eyes?

Hu Yaqian also found something wrong, guessing that Yu Shan might have been seen by someone peeking, otherwise she wouldn't be so ashamed, so she didn't say anything. Fortunately, the waiter stopped her when she came to serve dinner. An awkward atmosphere.

The two girls did not speak any more tacitly, and then quietly cut the steak to eat, but this delicious steak, when it reached Yu Shan's mouth, she couldn't eat it anymore. Her mind kept echoing with the boy's eyes, only I felt trembling all over.

She... seemed to fall in love with a strange boy at first sight.

If this were in the past, Yu Shan would never have imagined it.

But such a romantic and unbelievable thing really happened to her.

Long Xiao called the waiter and asked the waiter to take away the tableware. The most romantic thing about this western restaurant was the night scene at night. They planned to stay here to watch the night scene and ordered some desserts by the way.

However, the waiter took Long Xiao and the others directly to another table to let them enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window. This made Long Xiao more comfortable. He was always stared at, which made him feel a little annoyed.

And Yu Shan, who was still secretly watching Long Xiao, found that after Long Xiao was missing, she suddenly lost her mood to eat. She kept looking in the direction where Long Xiao disappeared, which was almost like a master stone.

Chewing slowly and eating the steak on the plate, Hu Yaqian didn't talk too much, just waiting for Yu Shan to ask her how to get to know a man. For Hu Yaqian, it was too simple to get the contact information of a man. .

Seeing that Yu Shan's thoughts drifted away with the man, Hu Yaqian was a little bit ignorant in her heart. Women should have the favor and favor of men. Men would not cherish such an inverted behavior.

Until I couldn’t eat anymore, there was at least half of the steak on the plate. The girls nowadays do not eat more for their figure and have a bird-like appetite. Hu Yaqian finally put down the tableware and looked at Yu Shan, who was a little bit disoriented. .

"Okay, don't look. I just saw them. They went to another table. Don’t they just want to meet a man? It’s not easy? Let’s go to the bathroom to get some makeup. I will teach you how to get to him. contact details."

Getting up from the chair, Hu Yaqian wore a white dress and long hair shawl. It was the favorite type of boys. That's right. Yu Shan also knew that Hu Yaqian had a hand in men and became obedient.

The two went to the bathroom to touch up their makeup, and when they were on the way, they really saw the four Long Xiao sitting by another floor-to-ceiling window enjoying the night.

It was already half past six, and it was dark outside. The city began to gradually light up neon lights, giving people a dazzling and prosperous scene. That's what Zhan Ziheng and the others thought, sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"If I want to buy a house in the future, I will buy it a little higher, preferably more than thirty floors. In this case, if I want to see the night scene at night, I can also look out the window."

His family saved him money to marry a wife, but if he wanted to buy a house in Shanghai, it would cost a lot of money, but Zhan Ziheng believed that he would be able to buy a house in Shanghai!

"No, my parents are afraid of heights. I plan to go home to work in the future. Even if I stay here, it is impossible to buy a high-rise house. They can't appreciate it." Gao Yang shook his head. As a Northeastern, he is not used to it. In the future, life is too far away from home, so naturally I want to wait for home to work after graduation.

"Really? I won't want to live in such a high place in the future, but if I start a company, I hope it will be taller. Look at the sky outside, how vast it is, like our future."

Ding Wenyuan's groundbreaking literary and artistic sentence aroused the laughter of other people. Listening to the three of them dreaming about the future, Long Xiao was suddenly asked.

"Long Xiao, how about you? What kind of house do you plan to own in the future?"

It was Zhan Ziheng who asked the question, and Long Xiao replied almost without thinking.

"Golden house, a big golden house. I live in it. I opened my eyes and saw shiny gold."

This is the habit of dragons. As early as tens of thousands of years ago, when it was not popular to build houses, Long Xiao often lay on the gold mine to sleep. Standing on the top of the sea of ​​clouds, that is the territory of Long Xiao.

"Hahahahaha! Golden House Cangjiao? You think you are Chen Ajiao! Return to Golden House!" Zhan Ziheng smiled without hesitation.

The other two also laughed, and they really felt like they were joking about Kanaya's answer.

Long Xiao blinked and would never tell the brothers in front of him that Gu Mingyu had promised to build him a golden house, and they would know later that what he said was not a joke.

Just when the four boys were thinking about the future, a girl came out from a corner and walked towards Long Xiao and the four of them. This girl was Yu Shan, and Long Xiao was facing her back, and no one was seen. , Zhan Ziheng blinked ambiguously at Long Xiao.

"Yeah, there will be a beauty coming over to show off the hospitality in a while, Long Xiao, Long Xiao, why do you attract girls like this?"

He had just sat with Long Xiao, and Yu Shan’s eyes never left Long Xiao. Zhan Ziheng naturally saw it. It was because of seeing that he was sure that this girl must have come to Long Xiao, this one in a red dress. Girl, she must have taken a fancy to Long Xiao.

Hearing this, Long Xiao frowned and his face became cold. Except for Gu Mingyu, he didn't care about anyone's likes, and he didn't want to be liked by any girls.

Gao Yang and Ding Wenyuan are also a little curious. The four of them are the best in Long Xiao in appearance. Yes, but the other three are not ugly. They are all long and eye-catching. It is said that Ding Wenyuan is the type of handsome young guys, Gao Yang is tall and tall. , Gives people a sense of security, let alone Zhan Ziheng, his baby face is something girls can't refuse.

But every time when the four of them were together, the girls could only see Long Xiao alone.

Stepping on high heels and struggling to walk gracefully, Yu Shan remembered hearing Hu Yaqian's words in the bathroom, and finally got the courage in her heart and walked towards Long Xiao with a little nervousness.

Hu Yaqian is a smart person, and it's best not to be a wingman when talking about things like Hu Yaqian. If the man Yu Shan is fond of looks at herself, it is not clear that she really jumped off the building.

Moreover, Hu Yaqian cares more about the benefits that Yu Shan can bring to her than men.

Yu Shan in a red skirt finally came to this table. Three of the four boys looked at her. Only Long Xiao was indifferent. He even turned his face to look at the scenery outside the French window. Such a reaction made Yu Shan an instant Embarrassment in place.

After all, Zhan Ziheng couldn't bear the embarrassment of the girl and took the initiative to speak.

"Miss sister, are you here to find us?"

It can be considered that there is a staircase down, Yu Shan is still nervous, but finally maintains a smile.

"Well, I just watched you have a meal over there. Some of them look very like my brother, so I took the liberty to come over and interrupt."

She showed a shy smile, and her charming face was uneasy at this time, but it seemed that she couldn't bear to refuse.

"Oh? Then who of us looks like your brother?"

Ding Wenyuan also joined in teasing Yu Shan, knowing that this little girl came here for Long Xiao.

It's a pity that Long Xiao has a girlfriend, and it seems that the relationship with her girlfriend is still very good.

Yu Shan still looked at Long Xiao, and found that the other party was just giving herself a back of her head, her eyes flushed instantly, her heart was very wronged, but she still resisted the urge to cry, her eyes locked on Long Xiao for a long time.

"This gentleman, I almost thought I saw my brother just now."

After she said this, she saw Long Xiao suddenly turned her head, her look was ugly, and she was very impatient.

"So that's how your brother taught you to strike up a conversation with men?"