He’s a Dragon

Chapter 42: Professionalism

This night was an unforgettable experience for Gu Mingyu. In a short period of time, she was happy, she was sad, she could not suppress her anger, and her greed began to be wanton.

Long Xiao was not willing to cry, and was unwilling to leave her in the name of being good for her, and finally chose to keep it as it was.

He didn't know if he would fall in love with Gu Mingyu, a human being one day.

But he wanted to stay with her now, so he stayed with her and kept her from crying, making her smile every day.

The traces of being bitten by Long Xiao appeared on Gu Mingyu’s neck again. Actually, this habit came too early. I didn’t know when he had this habit when he arrived in Long Xiao early. He liked it when he was not conscious. Hit kills, biting the neck of the prey, so when he is excited, he likes to bite something, even if he becomes a human, this habit has not changed.

On the contrary, he was caught on his back one by one. Never doubt the woman's vengeance. Gu Mingyu was really angry this time. Even in such an intimate situation, he vented his anger with his fingertips. The closer he got to Long Xiao, the more he moved his hands, and some blood sparkled on Long Xiao's back.

It was probably because of Long Xiao’s extraordinarily gentleness that Gu Mingyu was so reckless. Even at that time, she would really think that if she could build a golden house, it would be great. In this way, she could imprison Long Xiao forever. , Let him only see himself.

These two are so noisy, but there are still people who can't sleep because of this.

This person is Long Qingyun. Last night, I saw my brother crying coldly and my sister-in-law was crying like that. When I asked, my sister-in-law said it was her fault, so Long Qingyun was crying with him. Later, she sent her sister-in-law to the house. After returning to her room, Long Qingyun still couldn't sleep. She wanted to call her agent Sheng Sixing to ask what happened.

But this is a matter for brother and sister-in-law. She, the younger sister, can't be too lenient. The best way is to let the two of them solve the matter alone, but even so, Long Qingyun is still worried.

Lying in bed at night tossing and awake all night, for fear that the sister-in-law would break up with her brother, she could see that the sister-in-law likes her brother, and the brother also cares about her sister-in-law very much.

So early in the morning, Long Qingyun, who was a little hungry, woke up early. After Sister Wang arrived, she made some things with Sister Wang. As a result, she just came out of the kitchen and saw her sister-in-law in a purple nightgown.

The V-neck silk nightgown was put on casually, exposing the white and tender skin on the front. The skin was covered with red spots and the tooth marks on Gu Mingyu’s neck that could not be covered. Long Qingyun's face suddenly appeared. Flushed.

She didn’t know why her brother had to bite his sister-in-law before. Later, she learned that it was because the two people were very close that they would do such a thing. Now when she saw this tooth mark again, Long Qingyun was a happy brother and sister-in-law. It seems to be reconciled, but a bit shy again.

However, Long Qingyun still cares about the affairs of Gu Mingyu and Long Xiao.

"Sister-in-law, have you made up with your brother? How is he?"

Looking at her sister-in-law with a smile on her face, Long Qingyun relaxes a lot. As long as he can reconcile, don’t think of couples, quarrels are cold wars, cold wars break up. Recently, Long Qingyun has watched a lot of TV shows and gained a lot of knowledge. It’s too scary to see the protagonist and heroine on TV separate and recombine, making Long Qingyun worry about the same for her brother and sister-in-law.

"Well, we are reconciled, he is sleeping now."

With a happy smile, Gu Mingyu was in a good mood. He looked at Long Qingyun who was worried about him, stretched out his hand to touch the girl's hair, and added.

"You didn't sleep last night, did you? You look a little tired. I'm sorry. Yesterday I made you worry about the matter between me and your brother. Qing Yun, I will be with your brother forever. You have to believe me."

She said this, making Long Qingyun feel better in an instant, and smiled.

"Really? That's great. I also like my sister-in-law. I hope you and your brother will never quarrel or break up, and be together forever!"

This was Long Qingyun's most true desire, and she was full of joy after she said it, and Gu Mingyu smiled deeper, thinking that Long Xiao seemed to care about her relatives in the village, so she took the initiative to say.

"Don't worry, we won't fight like this in the future. Are you dozing off now? If you don't sleep, can you tell me about the situation in your village?"

How can a village isolated from the world be able to raise people like Long Xiao? Gu Mingyu found that beginning to fall in love with a person is like wanting to know everything about that person.

"Okay, I'm not dozing off yet, I'm a little hungry, let's talk while eating."

Long Qingyun hurriedly nodded, and then Wang's wife brought up the meal. The two women sat at the table, eating and talking about Longjia Village.

"Our village said it was isolated from the world. It's better to say that it's too remote. It's on a very high barren mountain. The mountain is full of woods. There are all kinds of beasts inside. Every household has medicine prepared by the village doctor’s grandfather, which can prevent those animals from approaching. We usually rely on the mountain to eat the mountain. We haven’t seen anyone before, but later...a stranger came to our village and brought us to the university. city."

It seems weird to say, but sometimes this is the case. The remote small villages, living in the most dangerous places, are simply isolated from the world. Long Qingyun can't figure out why Longjia Village still looks like Longjia Village after so many years.

"Then how did your brother get into college and come out?"

If it is always isolated from the world, it is impossible to come out, Gu Mingyu is a little curious.

Long Qingyun shrugged.

"Actually, there is a legend about our village. It is said that people in our village worship the Dragon God. This was the case hundreds of years ago. When the Longjia Village was at its peak, there were tens of thousands of people who died later. In addition, because it is impossible to marry close relatives, many villagers have no offspring. In our generation, the total number of people in the village is only less than a thousand. As for why I let my brother go to school, it seems that it is because of the will of the Dragon God. My parents secretly told me that my brother is a person who can bring hope to the village, and that he can take everyone out of the village."

Of course, these are just stories of Longjia Village’s beliefs, known from the mouths of their ancestors for generations, but in fact, Long Qingyun didn’t know whether the existence of the Dragon God was real, she just told what her parents had said.

As for whether there is a dragon god, Long Qingyun has never seen it anyway, and it is not clear.

"It turns out that your village still has such a legend..." Gu Mingyu sighed. Such a mysterious village seems to be a place where people like Long Xiao can be cultivated, and it is full of mystery that people can find out.

Dragon God?

Gu Mingyu is an atheist, so naturally he doesn't think there is a **** in this world.

God is nothing more than a belief created by man, who attributed the impossible to the power of God, and falsely deceived ignorant people.

The two talked a lot, and this meal gave Gu Mingyu a lot of information.

For example, Longjia Village worships the Dragon God. The village head thinks that Long Xiao is a person who can bring new hope to Longjia Village. Thinking of the children brought by Long Xiao, Gu Mingyu feels that he still has to work hard to make money. Everyone from Longjia Village took it over and accompany Long Xiao together at that time.

In this case, even if Long Xiao is for the sake of the villagers, he won't be separated from him, right?

After talking about the things in the village, Long Qingyun wanted to say something but stopped, leaving Gu Mingyu puzzled.

"What's wrong? What do you want to say?"

Long Qingyun didn't expect that she was a little embarrassed by her sister-in-law, but she still took a deep breath and lowered her voice and asked.

"Sister-in-law, you took my brother to see a friend yesterday. Did your friend look down on my brother?"

My sister-in-law is richer than my brother. During this period of time in the crew, Long Qingyun has also seen a lot of rallies and lows. She knows that the people in this big city are all marketers, full of interests and money. Even the sister-in-law is. I don't care if my brother has any money.

But... the eyes of others will hurt my brother.

Although I think my brother is a bit suspicious of eating soft rice recently, Long Qingyun does not want to let Long Xiao go to work. My brother is only a junior this year and is still in school. After graduation, he will definitely be able to make a lot of money. Able to feed his sister-in-law.

Gu Mingyu was also taken aback. He didn't expect Long Qingyun to guess this, but still shook his head.

"That's not the case, it's my problem. Your brother is very good. He hasn't graduated yet. You don't need to worry about work. I am a few years older than your brother and can make money. Naturally, I can support your brother, Qingyun , I know that many people care about money and work, and think that it’s wrong for men to be raised by women if they don’t make money. But you also have to understand that it’s hard to buy money. I’m willing to raise your brother and spend money on him. It's all because I like her, I'm willing."

She explained, but she thought of the maintenance contract between her and Long Xiao.

It is also ironic to say that the maintenance contract clearly represents the simplest financial relationship between two people, but I have made it so complicated because I like Long Xiao, and it has changed the relationship between the two in everyone's eyes without authorization.

It's like Long Qingyun, I still don't know that Long Xiao was taken care of by herself.

In fact, Gu Mingyu knew that if he didn't let Long Xiao change his mouth, Long Xiao would definitely tell Long Qingyun straightforwardly about his being taken care of.

In that case, Long Qingyun would definitely not consider herself a sister-in-law, right?

I don't know what Gu Mingyu was thinking. At this time, when she heard her sister-in-law confessing to her brother, Long Qingyun felt more relieved, and took her sister-in-law's hand to promise.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will work hard to make money, and then let my brother buy you many gifts!"