He’s a Dragon

Chapter 95: Steal a dragon and turn a phoenix

Jiang Sihan was really angry. After saying this, the whole person was also stunned. Some felt that he was too impulsive, and even said this secret that was supposed to be hidden for a lifetime, and his heart suddenly became irritable. very.

When Jiang Xueqi heard her aunt say this, she looked at her aunt in shock and couldn't believe it.

"Aunt, what are you talking about? Why did my daughter change her son? What's the matter?"

As a mother, she sensitively felt the abnormality in this, and immediately reached out and grabbed the aunt's hand and asked, her eyes full of unbelievable.

At this point in the matter, Jiang Sihan knew that since he had already leaked his words, he might as well just clarify the truth of the matter, and he said.

"I wanted to hide this matter from you for the rest of my life, but now that you are divorced from Long Jinlin, there is no need to hide it from you, Xueqi, you knew it was me after you were pregnant. After taking care of you, I also helped you investigate the affairs of the Long family. Later, I arranged for you to give birth, so that you and Long Jinlin could be together. When you gave birth, I specially found my own person. After giving birth, When I found out that it was a girl, I replaced it with the baby born to the pregnant woman next door. In fact, you gave birth to a daughter.

Frightened by the truth, Jiang Xueqi grabbed Jiang Sihan's hand and pinched her nails in, making Jiang Sihan a little bit painful.

"Daughter... I have a daughter, aunt, no wonder, no wonder I don't like Long Xiao, it turns out... It turns out that he is not my biological son at all, I have a daughter..."

She murmured, with some hindsight, but then her eyes were bayonet-like, looking sharply at the aunt in front of her.

"Aunt, why do you want to replace my child, my child? Where is my child?"

At this time, Jiang Xueqi was like a mother, with a kind of obsessive madness, making Jiang Sihan helplessly withdraw his hand from the other's hand.

"Of course your child is fine, why don't you ask why Long Jinlin married you back then? I tell you, it is because of Long Xiao, Father Long and Long Jinlin went to see Long Xiao in person and liked it. It’s because of Long Xiao that you, a mother, are more expensive than a child. What they want from a wealthy family is a boy. You have a daughter and you are just an illegitimate daughter. Only if you are a son, you have a place. Don’t you? understand?"

Jiang Sihan felt that the woman in front of him could no longer be pulled, but he thought that Jiang Xueqi still had more than one million in his hand, and finally softened. He stretched out his hand and touched Jiang Xueqi's hair, and his voice softened.

"It's not that my aunt insists on giving your child to someone else, but the aunt is for your own good. You said at the time that you like Long Jinlin so much. Aunt can only help you fulfill this dream. Look, Long Xiao is so affected by the dragon. Like his family, he got 15% of the shares of Longshi Group at the Hundred Days Banquet. Now he has got 30% of the shares of Longshi Group directly after he became an adult. He is very much liked by the Long Family. You have to understand this matter, this secret, even if you know it, it can only become a secret. Otherwise, if Long Jinlin knew it, what would he do to you?"

A man can't accept that he has raised other people's children for so many years, right? This is more unacceptable than cuckold.

Jiang Xueqi, who was soothed by her aunt, also remembered the result of all these exposures, but she had no Long Xiao in her heart at this time, only her daughter, looking up at her aunt pleadingly.

"Aunt, I know that you are all good to me, so you must know where my daughter is, right? You know how my daughter is doing now, right?"

The pleading eyes looked at Jiang Sihan like this, which made Jiang Sihan feel soft, and could only say in the end.

"I don't know who it is, but the information from that year is still there and it needs to be checked in the hospital. It just needs some special means, and it may require some money..."

Jiang Sihan meant something, so Jiang Xueqi immediately understood, and said hurriedly.

"Aunt, I have money, can you help me find it? I want to know how my daughter is now, I want to see her!"

She was so excited that she was full of surprises and worries for a daughter who had never met before. She fell in Jiang Sihan's eyes. She only felt like an idiot. She obviously had a trump card in her hand, but she was forced to die at this time. The gaze at Jiang Xueqi was even colder.

In the end, Jiang Xueqi gave one million to her aunt Jiang Sihan without any doubt, and asked her to investigate the current situation of her daughter.

Obviously this switching child was Jiang Sihan's fault, but Jiang Xueqi was completely unaware of it.

So sometimes, some people are really stupid without realizing it.

For the next week, Jiang Xueqi spent the rest of her panic. Her favorite show was updated and she didn’t watch it. She sketched out her daughter’s appearance in her heart, imagining whether the other person would be similar to herself. Anyway, she would never be the same as Long Xiao. Dislike her.

With this expectation, after another performance of "Idol 101", Jiang Xueqi finally received a call from her aunt Jiang Sihan.

"Xueqi, I have investigated the pregnant woman who gave birth with you back then. The pregnant woman who gave birth to you at the same time is called Zhang Xiubing, and her husband is called Li Hao. You must have heard of their daughter by her name. Li Jiaojiao in "Idol 101" is your biological daughter."

Without any pressure, Jiang Xueqi's last trace of value was squeezed. After Jiang Sihan finished speaking, Jiang Xueqi stayed where she was. She didn't expect that the Li Jiaojiao she liked was her daughter!

No wonder! No wonder I just saw Li Jiaojiao on the Internet for the first time and liked it so much! No wonder I feel kind when looking at Li Jiaojiao's face that looks similar to me. It turns out that the other party is my daughter...

"Aunt, thank you, I know, I know..."

Her voice trembled and thanked her aunt. After she hung up the phone, Jiang Xueqi's eyes were red. She was happy for the news. The next moment she picked up her mobile phone to watch the performance video in the mobile phone, and looked at the glowing daughter in the video. Tears kept falling.

Here Jiang Xueqi is crying for her newly found daughter, and the program group over there is about to come to an end, and it will be the final performance in half a month. It will be a live debut at that time. The program group has distributed mobile phones for the show group to the artists. Give everyone the space and time to contact your family.

After calling his parents, Gu Ruanyun called Long Xiao.

When he received this call, Long Xiao just finished busy, and when he thought of Gu Ruanyun, he was in a good mood.

"I have been watching your shows and supporting you."

As he said, there was a little gentleness in his voice, which made Gu Ruanyun's ears a little red. In a blink of an eye, it has been almost three months since she entered a closed program group. These three months have made Gu Ruanyun very good. Big transformation.

"Well, I will definitely make my debut." She hesitated, there was no one around at this time, and the players also had private time.

"A Xiao, I miss you so much."

It has been almost a hundred days since he had not seen each other. Gu Ruanyun really missed Long Xiao. When he spoke, his cheeks were slightly red, and he felt a little unreserved.

"Hehe, I miss you too, otherwise... I'm going to visit the class?" Long Xiao also laughed in a low voice, and then proposed.

"Forget it, what if it is recognized by others?" Gu Ruanyun refused, and then became a little entangled.

"If I really make my debut, the relationship between the two of us... will it really not change?"

There was a bit of hesitation and sorrow on her beautiful face. Idols are not allowed to have romantic affair. When she participated in this show before, she discussed this matter with A Xiao, which means that the relationship between the two of them is absolutely not allowed. Exposure, in any case, unless Gu Ruanyun quit the entertainment circle.

But seeing this step, Gu Ruanyun was a little bit afraid. She was afraid that she would have a dream and then lose the most important person. She was afraid that because of the distance between time and space, she would drift away from A Xiao...

These days, she has always been afraid of this...

"Little fool, don't think about it. Of course, there can be no change. If you don't rest assured, we can get engaged first without letting others know. When one day you feel that you have fulfilled your dream, you will come back and we will get married."

Long Xiao loved this girl all the time. From the time he met this girl at a few years old, he knew that this girl had a dream of unbelievable dreams, and she was the cutest little girl.

Hearing Long Xiao's assurance, the worries and fears he had always had all along disappeared suddenly. Gu Ruanyun laughed, and his voice regained confidence.

"I don’t think about it! I just miss you so much. It’s actually fun to be a celebrity in the entertainment industry. I know a lot of friends. Have you seen it? One of them is a girl. Born in the same year, the same month and the same day as you, she is called Li Jiaojiao, she is super cute! She has a super cute personality! We decided to be good friends for the rest of our life!"

She began to talk endlessly about her relationship with her boyfriend, saying that the little sister she had made, Long Xiao also listened quietly, remembering the show she saw. In the show, Gu Ruanyun and Li Jiaojiao are two of them. The first place, one is the second place. It is obviously a competitive relationship, but the relationship is extremely close. There is even a CP fan of Nephrite Tianjiao on the Internet, which is very popular, but it adds a lot of exposure to the two people. .

When the phone was hung up, Gu Ruanyun stayed there and laughed silly. Li Jiaojiao came to look for her, and saw the smirk of her friend holding the mobile phone. She shook her heart and had a guess. But in a place like the program group, naturally, I can't ask more, and said quickly.

"Ranyun, have you finished the phone call? Let's go to dinner together? Continue dancing after eating."

A week later, it was the final live performance. Whether or not they could make their debut, Gu Ruanyun and Li Jiaojiao were crazy about practicing, and they only slept almost four hours a day.

"Okay!" When Gu Ruanyun saw Li Jiaojiao, he was in a good mood instantly, his eyes turned into crescents with a smile, and he went to the cafeteria for dinner together, and then continued to dance...