Heyday Love: A Heaven-sent Husband

v3 Chapter 2903: Said nothing

Fang Dong must have been born when she was yin, so she wanted mother and daughter to take it all. +++All Tanmei novels: lightnovelpub.net is so old, but really shameless.

Having stayed with Fang Dong for so long, she had already seen through the tricks of these wealthy people. Fang Dong is pretty good in this circle, but in her opinion, he is still inferior to a beast.

A while ago, he still wanted to kick her off, but it was a pity that he didn't succeed because she tried a little trick. Originally, she didn't covet the position of Madam Fang, but after this time, she understood that if she didn't climb to the position of the main room, one day she would be abandoned by Fang Dong.

Now he finds someone he can easily control, but one day he finds someone he can't control, so what should he do!

At the same time, Fang Dong quickly received Feng Zixuan's leave message on her mobile phone. It stands to reason that when he reaches Fang Dong's level, he will not be in charge of asking for leave a long time ago.

Feng Zixuan can ask for leave from Minister Wang, or ask for leave from personnel, but she just doesn't.

After Fang Dong talked with Yuanyuan today, he wanted to return home first, and he was already on his way home. I didn't expect my God of Wealth to send a message to ask for leave, but he seemed to be wronged.

This God of Wealth has just invited home, so don't make any accidents. But the master said that if he doesn't treat God of Wealth well, he will suffer backlash.

Therefore, the God of Wealth is more important than letting him go home.

He hurried to Zhao Yiren's residence. When he opened the fingerprint lock and entered, Zhao Yiren looked surprised. She didn't receive a notice that Fang Dong was coming! So at this point, she didn't even prepare dinner. Recently, she has a sense of crisis and has begun to lose weight. As for Feng Zixuan, her feet were scalded and she couldn't go out to eat, so let her be hungry.

Fang Dong went directly to Feng Zixuan's room when he entered the house, and didn't even say hello to Zhao Yiren. Zhao Yiren's hand was tightly clenched, as if in the next second, she was about to burn Feng Zixuan with the anger in her eyes.

In the room, Feng Zixuan naturally lay weakly on the bed. When she gave Fang Dong a message, she guessed that Fang Dong would come, but she didn't expect him to come so quickly, and her own Yin Shi was really useful.

"What happened to your feet?" Fang Dong sat beside Feng Zixuan's bed with concern on his face.

Feng Zixuan exposed her hot red ankle from the quilt, and Fang Dong saw that there were so many small blisters on her ankle that she didn't apply the medicine.

"Why don't you apply the medicine!"

Feng Zixuan shrank in the bed, tears rolling in her eyes. She has a stomach full of grievances and wants to tell Fang Dong, but now is not the time, she can only swallow them all in her stomach.

"I fear pain!!"

"Naughty, if you don't apply the medicine, what should you do if the wound becomes suppurative?" Fang Dong turned around and walked out of the room after speaking. He remembered that Zhao Yiren had a first aid kit here, and there must be scald medicine.

Zhao Yiren could only find the scald medicine from the medicine box reluctantly and hand it to Fang Dong. This scald medicine was brought back abroad, but it's cheaper for that cheap hoof! But looking at Fang Dong's attitude towards her, Feng Zixuan probably said nothing.

Except for Fang Yuanyuan, it was the first time that Fang Dong was so gentle to a woman. He is attracted to Feng Zixuan because she can bring wealth to herself. Besides, she looks like a smart person and a qualified partner. Fang Dong doesn't hate her, and even has a good opinion of her.

Feng Zixuan's heart also rippled when Fang Dong was so gentle on the medicine. For him, who lacked his father’s love since childhood,

Fang Dong has the warmth of a father. It's a pity that she didn't have the life of Fang Yuanyuan, and she didn't have a good baby.

I heard from the colleagues in the company that their chairman loves his daughter so much that he basically holds Fang Yuanyuan in his palm. She didn't expect Fang Dong to love her more, she only hoped to be able to pamper her even half of the radius.

"Does it still hurt?"

Feng Zixuan shook her head, indicating that it didn't hurt so much.

Fang Dong still wondered how well he would burn. After being burned, he still couldn't take medicine. She is still a little girl, and she doesn't know how to take care of herself. Doesn't Zhao Yiren also understand? She obviously has medicine, why didn't she take it out and wipe it for her? Does she even have to be jealous of her own daughter?

He was thinking, the phone in his hand rang, it was Yuanyuan. Thinking of Yuanyuan, there was a different light in his eyes.

"Daddy, where are you?"

"I'm on my way home." He promised that Fang Yuanyuan would go home tonight, so he could only deceive her with lies.

"Then you go home and say hello to mom and me. I will also go home for dinner in two days." Fang Yuanyuan knew that Daddy hadn't gone home at all, so he made the call on purpose.

Fang Dong has some guilt on his face, he can deceive everyone, the only thing he doesn't want to deceive is his daughter. Now that he has promised his daughter will go home tonight, he will go home anyway, even if he doesn't want to see that person at all.

Zhao Yiren came out of the kitchen and saw Fang Dong hurried away. He didn't even say hello to her. He thought Feng Zixuan had secretly filed a lawsuit with Fang Dong, and went to find Feng Zixuan to settle accounts.

Feng Zixuan can be regarded as persuading her, so she can rely on her for everything. She didn't say anything just now, so why did she blame her?

"I did not say anything."

After applying the ointment to her feet, she felt fierce and painful. She was still thinking about whether to go to the hospital after putting pitifulness in front of Fang Dong. If it left scars, it would be troublesome.

"You better say nothing!" Zhao Yiren didn't say anything when she looked at her, maybe Fang Dong is in a hurry.

Feng Zixuan called Liang Shao. When Liang Shao knew that her leg was injured, she wished to come over to pick Feng Zixuan to the hospital. Feng Zixuan was calmer and said that she would take a taxi to the hospital and let Shao Liang go to the hospital and wait. With.

Fang Dong sent her the driver, saying that the nicer is to be kind to her, and the awkward is the person who monitors her. Naturally, she would not go to the hospital so stupid that she would go to the hospital and Liang Shaofu with the driver on her head.

Simply because Zhao Yiren went out after she left her room, so as soon as Zhao Yiren left her front foot, her back foot was no longer at home.

Of course, Zhao Yiren went out to find her best sister for advice. When she was able to go to the east, her best sister also gave a lot of ideas. Now Feng Zixuan has appeared. Although it is her biological daughter, she is right. She doesn't have the slightest sense of trust. The only person she trusts in her life is her good sister. She must ask her to help her out and get rid of Feng Zixuan as soon as possible!

Liang Shao was drinking at the bar, but after receiving a call from Feng Zixuan, he threw down the bottle and hurried away. A bunch of buddies were left behind, hugging a bunch of beauties on the left and right, and sighed secretly: "He's really crazy!"

Isn't it crazy to give up the entire forest for a grass? In the past, Shao Liang was the craziest of their gang, but now he wants to take care of a woman. If this is true, he won’t laugh off the people in their circle!

Hospital emergency


When Feng Zixuan rushed there, Young Shao Liang had been there early and saw her limping, and immediately got up to help her.

"What's wrong with you, how can you get burned for no reason?"

"It wasn't my mother who did it." Feng Zixuan felt a little pain in her heart when she thought of Zhao Yiren pouring hot water on her feet. Although there is no emotion for her, how can there be such a cruel person in the world who can be so cruel to her daughter. Sure enough, for those whose interests are in the lead, what kind of family affection is!

Shao Liang didn't say anything, and took her to the emergency ward. It was just a little bit of scald, not to mention that the doctor who has already applied scalding medicine and does not need to be sick just said perfunctorily, just go home and continue to apply the medicine!

Little did Liang Shao hear the doctor's attitude, and immediately became angry. He saw a lot of tiny blisters on Zixuan's feet. What should he do if he becomes infected? Girls love to be beautiful, and these burns wrinkle the originally flat skin, and there will be an ugly burn scar on the ankle in the future.

"Let me see it again!" If he remembers correctly, his father has shares in this hospital. Why is the doctor under his hand so perfunctory? No wonder the hospital's performance in the past few months has not reached the standard.

The doctor on night duty has been assigned to keep on duty for half a month, and he has already reached the bottom line for patience. It was originally an ordinary scald, so it's necessary to make a fuss! Scars of this degree don’t necessarily have to be minimally invasive, right?

"Look again at my diagnosis, the next one!"

There was still a line full of people behind, and he didn't want them to delay other people's treatment. In his eyes, these two young people are just idle, running to the hospital to talk about love.

That anger in Shao Liang's heart! The doctor actually made him so embarrassed in front of Zixuan. He took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and made a direct call to the dean here. Within a few minutes, the dean hurried into the emergency room.

Seeing Shao Liang, he nodded and bowed.

"Why don't you come here to say hello to me first! I will arrange the best doctor for you."

"Huh!" The dean had a bit of insight, but it was a pity that it was too late. "President Su, if you have the skill to flatter me, it's better to spend some time and take care of your people!"

When Shao Liang spoke like this, the dean naturally guessed what had happened. He looked serious and looked at the doctor on duty. This doctor had recently received several complaints, so he was kicked into the night shift. Unexpectedly, he would have to poke Louzi on a night shift, and provoke this ancestor, it is simply looking for death.

"President, it's really not that I don't treat her, she is burned at this level and doesn't need treatment at all!"

The doctor still stubbornly refused to give Feng Zixuan treatment, and he was unwilling to give Liang Shao down a step.

Seeing that Liang Shao’s face was getting darker, the dean could only say with a straight face: "You go back now, and you won't use it for work anymore!"

Then he turned doglegally and greeted Liang Shao with a smile.

"I will arrange for the best dermatologist here!"

Liang Shao nodded, it was a tacit understanding. Soon, the two were placed in the best ward here.

The director of the dermatology department quickly arrived in the ward. Before entering the ward, he received a call from the dean, telling him that he must exaggerate the burn and use complicated methods to treat it. The more money he spends, the better.