Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1036: Everything is routine

Chapter 1036: Everything Is A Routine

[Beibei I love you: Miss Sister, I am your loyal fan, and I watch live broadcasts every day. I noticed that in the live broadcast room of Miss Sister, there was no room manager. Could Miss Sister give me a room manager, I am so fierce! Who dares to bully Miss Sister, I must be the first to bite ... Oh no, it is to manage! 】

Recently, obsessed with live broadcasts, and learned a lot of network terms, Ling Bei has used all the ones that I saw in the barrette that are suitable for cute and cute.

As he typed, he thought that he was still the smartest.

In this way, Meng Meng must be unable to guess his true identity.

And he will also like him very much, and find him kind and cute.

I have to say that Ling Bei's strategy is really used.

Seeing this "North-North I Love You", Ruan Mengmeng is completely impossible to connect with Ling Bei.

Not only did she not contact Ling Bei, she even frowned slightly, thinking in her heart—is this ‘North North I Love You’ not a boy or a girl?

The girl couldn't help curiosity and clicked on Beibei I love you profile.

However, in the data, the gender column is an unusually prominent male symbol.

The real-name system adopted by Longteng Live Broadcasting Platform allows registered users to be male or female at a glance.

So, Beibei, I love you as a boy, not a girl?

But why is talking so cute and so warm?

"Okay, I get it now……"

Ruan Mengmeng suddenly understood, and could not help but whispered in astonishment.

Beibei I love you, it must be a **** guy, it's gay.

No wonder it ’s so **** in gay, because he ’s really a ‘sister’!

Once the brain fills up the ‘North North I love you’ sexuality, the girl talks to him and does n’t feel awkward.

[Beibei, I love you: Miss Yao, let me be a good manager? I promise to be obedient and resolutely uphold the younger sister! 】

Beibei I love your **** message in **** and sent it over again.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, the girl combined with the recent positive and loyal performance of ‘North North I Love You’, plus she currently needs an administrator to help maintain order.

So, I clicked directly to the head of "North North I Love You" and promoted him to room manager.

[Beibei I love you: Oye, Miss Sister is awesome, thank you Miss Sister. Sister Miss, rest assured, I will start earnestly tomorrow, and promise to kick out those who like to mess up, like '333', for Miss Sister! 】

Ruan Mengmeng was speechless for a while, but she actually felt that ‘North North I Love You’ was very hostile to 333.

Perhaps this is the contest between local tyrants and local tyrants.

Afraid that ‘North North I Love You’ is in chaos, Ruan Mengmeng told him a little about the management rules.

By the time it was finished, it was 1:47 in the evening.

It took so long ...

The girl rubbed her eyes and didn't dare to drag on anymore. She said good night to "North North I Love You" and she will be offline.

However, just then, a chat box popped up in the lower right corner.

[333: XXXXXXXX, WeChat]

The girl froze slightly.

She didn't reply for so long, she thought 333 wouldn't care about herself anymore.

Who knows, actually sent a WeChat signal directly.

In fact, with the addition of friends, you can not add WeChat, just say it directly here.

The girl is trying to reply to the past--

However, when I opened the dialog box, I found that the head of 333 had been completely darkened.

going offline?

So fast!

Ruan Mengmeng is aggressive, completely ignorant of the 333 routine.

However, thinking of her purpose, she can only find out her mobile phone, and apply for adding the other party as a WeChat friend to the information sent by 333.

After five seconds.

Friends apply successfully.

[Next chapter before 21:45]

(End of this chapter)