Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1162: His care

Chapter 1162: His Care

Suddenly heard Li Junyu's request, Dean Wang was not good.

This ... There is no ready-made Miss for etiquette, but he wants his dignified dean to serve tea and water?

However, the situation is stronger than people.

Li Junyu's cold and calm posture made him unable to say a 'no' word.

Not to mention, there is the family background of Li family.

Dean Wang: "Liu Shao wait a moment, I'll go."

Dean Wang tangled out of the small lounge door, and the room suddenly fell into a strange and awkward silence.

Ruan Mengmeng did not know what Li Junyu was doing in his 'conspiracy and deceit', and he has always maintained a high degree of vigilance.

Even if the dean was present, he sat down against his will.

The stomach was so painful that she couldn't stand it, and her back was straight. The embankment watched Li Junyu's every move.

In case you are wrong, you can react.


Li Junyu did nothing.

Not even a single hum.

Go out from Dean Wang, and come in again when Dean Wang knocks on the door.

He sat indifferently like that, as if he didn't know that he was sitting on the sofa on his right.

To be honest, such Li Junyu made Ruan Mengmeng feel unfathomable, as if he had returned to the state he had just met.

He is the fierce and indifferent ‘brother’ of Li ’s family, and he reveals a lot of discipline to himself.

At this time, Dean Wang came in with a cup of hot water.

"Li Li, the water is coming ..." Dean Wang smiled, but actually wanted to cry.

The head of his dignified courtyard, just now in the presence of the public, went out to bring tea and water.

Alas, shame.

Dean Wang can only comfort himself in his heart. Anyway, he is also serving the young Master Li. This opportunity is rare and shameless.

Who knows--

He was just about to put the cup on the glass coffee table in front of Li Junyu.

Just listening to the man's deep, low voice, he whispered, "Put it there."


Wang Yuan's motion of bending down and handing water was stuck in half.

He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

With a surprised look, he looked up at Li Shao, but saw Li Junyu Shen's bottomless black eyes, looking at the right direction momentarily.

Dean Wang twisted his neck stiffly and looked down the line of sight.

What caught the eye was Ruan Mengmeng's cute face with a vaguely guarded face.

The dean then remembered it. Ruan Mengmeng, the "Miss of etiquette", who was sent by him to the shelves just now, was still sitting there!

So, is this to make him the head of a grand school to bring tea and water to his students? !!

Dean Wang wanted to cry and be aggrieved ... There was a kind of inexplicable, complicated bitterness in his heart.

He was about to ask one more thing. Is there anything wrong with Li Shao?

Li Junyu said indifferently again: "Drink the water, sit there and rest."

Although the tone was kept as indifferent as possible, but the low magnetic voice, it was much milder than when he talked to Dean Wang just now.

Dean Wang even wondered for a moment, was he wrong?

Isn't Li Shao so gentle?

However, facts are facts.

Although the dean could not bear to look directly, it still happened.

When President Wang was here, he finally understood.

So, just now, he thought that he wanted him to call in the freshman who was standing in the doorway, because he wanted the little girl to be beautiful and wanted to be served.

In fact, he misunderstood it.

Where is this for people to come in and serve? This is basically ‘private for personal gain’ and let people come in and rest.

Seeing all this, Dean Wang didn't know what to say.

I can only put that cup of hot water in front of Ruan Mengmeng.

[Sorry for 10 minutes late ~ Before 21:00 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)