Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 132: Ruan Mengmeng, last night ...

"You say, why don't you talk? Why does the corner of your mouth and the wound on my mouth just match? I fell asleep, and there was more wound on the corner of my lips ... You said, how did this come ? "

Ruan Mengmeng is rare once in front of Li Junyu.

She yanked his tie with one small hand, and touched her thin lips with one small hand, and sent the words "Yaowu Yangwei" on the forehead.

The sixth sense of a girl is always strong.

Thinking of the blushing kiss in the dream, Ruan Mengmeng had vaguely guessed the origin of the wound.

It stands to reason that she should be angry.

But I don't know why, instead of being angry after being offended, instead, I felt an inexplicable sweetness.

Li Junyu, kissed her ...

He came back in the middle of the night and ran to her room deliberately to kiss her secretly.

Why is this?

There is an answer hidden in my heart, ready to come out ...

Beware of liver thumping and throbbing, it is almost difficult to suppress.

This makes Ruan Mengmeng's lovely face, dyed with a light pink, like the sweetest peach, exuding a charming aroma.

"You're wrong." Li Junyu's cold voice sounded at this moment.

The voice was very light and calm, as if he was just talking about something that made him care less.

"I did go to your room last night, but I just watched you in the past ... nothing more." Li Junyu stared at her with deep eyes.

There is too much deep meaning in the dark pupil.

"Where did the wound on my lips come from? And on your lips ..." Ruan Mengmeng beaked his mouth, raised his chin, and muttered at him.

She didn't know how fatally attractive those pink lips were before the eyes of men.

It was the same last night. His gaze fell on her pink lips, and he could no longer look away.

When he reacted, he bowed his head and kissed.

"Ruan Mengmeng." Li Junyu Leng looked down and called her full name.

A faint voice sounded a warning.

If it is usual, Ruan Mengmeng will definitely sit down properly and never entangle.

But today ...

"Why, can't you tell me why? As soon as I woke up, there were some wounds in the corners of my mouth. I haven't questioned you yet. Why did you frighten me! You entered my room without my consent at midnight, and There was a wound on my mouth ... you said the injury, didn't you ... did you bite? "

Speaking of the last three words, even the nerveless Ruan Mengmeng can't help showing shy emotions.

The crimson little face, red and flamboyant, was fascinatingly cute.

She didn't understand. The reason for the loss was Li Junyu. Why was she shy in the end?

Hearing her questioning, Li Jun Yu Mo Mei frowned slightly.

There was a crack in the cold face that looked like a thousand years old well.

Li Junyu's eyes looked down, and his cold eyes stared at Ruan Mengmeng: "Ruan Mengmeng, actually last night ..."

The voice didn't fall, and the car window was suddenly knocked.

"Master, is the lady awake? The school is looking for her over there, very anxious!" Ling Bei's slightly urgent voice came from the window.

Ruan Mengmeng sighed in secret, this Lingbei, come early or not, why come here at this time.

She glared at Ling Bei outside the car window. Although reluctant, at this time, she had to loosen Li Junyu's tie first.

Ruan Mengmeng reluctantly climbed down from Li Junyu and sat aside.

The man who has been pressed by the girl, although his look is still indifferent, stretches a little between his tight brows.

Ling Bei is a good kid. This year's year-end award should be doubled.

Pressing the window, Li Junyu's cold handsome face appeared.

He looked at Ling Bei calmly: "Say, what is it."

"Extremely young master ..." Ling Bei reported while looking into the car.

With a look that seemed to not know Ruan Mengmeng, stared at her.

"The lady who just took the exam, Wen Zong and Li Zong's two papers, the results came out. Miss she ... she answered all the questions correctly and got full marks!"