Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1334: Secretly give the president a small repo

Chapter 1334 Secretly Reporting To The President

"My uncle was also engaged to a girl from the Polkin family, and so was my mother. Going up, so are the grandparents and other elders in the family. But the fact is, for so many years, our two families will never All are close friends, but never an unmarried couple has achieved positive results.

At first my mother escaped from marriage and came to S country to meet my father. And my uncle did not like his fiancee, and his fiancee did not love him. The young lady from the Polkin family fled to China to avoid a marriage with my uncle, and married a man named Han. "

"So what?" Ruan Mengmeng looked up at Li Junyu and did not show any difference because he said this.

"Do you want to say that you and your fiancee are different from your elders, or do you want to show that your engagement is a family heritage, and it ’s doomed?"

The more he listened to Li Junyu's explanation, the more angry Ruan Mengmeng was.

She thought, "I'm actually not too interested in your family's affairs, and I'm just meeting you just to 'use' you."

"You know, I have a problem with dizziness, so I need you. But dizziness is not a reason to be with someone else's fiance, Li Junyu, I don't think we will meet again in the future."

Speaking, Ruan Mengmeng resolutely stared at Li Junyu's hand with those beautiful apricot eyes.

The man's eyebrows are frowned, and if he doesn't let go, the girl's face becomes even more ugly.

"Let go ..." she said, determined.

Li Junyu was silent, but his hands were not loose.

"Let it go !?" the girl asked again.

The man remained silent.

"If you don't let it go, I'll hit you!" The girl raised her fist casserole warning.

However, Li Junyu remained unmoved.

Knowing her fists may not be enough threatening for Li Junyu.

Ruan Mengmeng turned the boxer to face his own face.

She threatened: "If you don't let go, I'll hit myself!"

After that, the big palm tightly tied to her waist was loose.

The girl's heart moved slightly.

In fact, she just tried it and did not expect that such a naive threat could actually make Li Junyu concede.

The sour feeling came up.

Ruan Mengmeng left from his lap and sat next to the window, the farthest distance between the two.

Li Jun's eyes were slightly dark. He didn't take Polkin's marriage contract at all. His grandfather mentioned it a few days ago and was rejected by him.

The reason why I say this today is actually to see Mengmeng's reaction, and to know if he has a place in the girl's heart.

The result of the temptation delighted him, but at the same time he had some headaches.

Li Junyu did not expect Ruan Mengmeng to be so mindful, minding that she didn't even seem to care about dizziness, and wanted to draw a line with him.

"You have a fiancee, thank you for telling me that you didn't lie to me."

Just then, the girl's soft voice came.

"I've been busy lately, but I can do divorce procedures with you at any time. As long as you are ready, you can let me know."

After speaking, without giving Li Junyu the chance to stay, Ruan Mengmeng drove the door down.

The sweet carriage was just happy, and I lost all the warmth in a hurry.


In the presidential palace, the internal servant who took over Ruan Mengmeng to talk with President Zhan Kai as usual, waited outside the physical training room.

President Zhan Kai, who had just exercised last night, stepped out from the inside.

The waiter stepped forward anxiously: "Mr. President, Miss Mengmeng is here, now in her room ... but ..."

"But nothing." President Zhan Kai looked solemn.

"But ... she doesn't seem very happy, I guess, maybe ... maybe it's about Li Shao."

[About 22:00 in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)