Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1365: Instead of letting go, he had to kiss he

Chapter 1365: Instead of Letting Go, He Needs to Kiss Her Closely

"Li Junche, are you okay? Let's face rebellion! What did your brother tell you, you are so rebellious!"

At the entrance, Jing Fatty, who was blocked by Ling Nan's tall and sturdy body, stretched his neck and shouted.

Others, too, condemned behind Jing Fatty.

Li Junche blushed, ran quickly, and didn't know what to say to other people. He just begged the person who told Ruan Mengmeng not to take care of Jun Yu, all shut up.

Even Ye Lingxi had to be quiet at this time.

Her beautiful pair of peach blossoms stunned Ruan Mengmeng and kept telling herself, as long as Mengmeng was happy.

Seeing everyone's change, Ruan Mengmeng is even more embarrassed.

What did Li Junyu tell Li Junche? Why is everyone's expression so strange!

The last obstacle was gone, and Li Junyu easily came to Ruan Mengmeng.

The girl narrowed her eyes and looked up at him: "What did you say to Li Junche?"

There was no expected cold talk and refusal to meet. In fact, after returning a little unhappy last time, she learned from the grandfather of the president that Li Junyu had two fiancees.

If there was only one fiancee, she might still be reluctant to see him and not associate with him.

However, the two fiancees fully represented that Li Junyu did not take the initiative to agree, and even he may not know.

Ruan Mengmeng is not the kind of unreasonable person.

She did not ignore Junyu's decision ever since.

But just now, the man appeared at first, and the little friends around him were like enemies.

No way, who let him go too scum too bad, was hated by her friends.

The girl wasn't ready to make a siege, she watched Li Junyu be embarrassed, and even ‘despised’ by her own brother.

It was lively to watch the movie. Who knows, this man didn't know what he said to Li Junche, and it made him react so strangely.

"Meng Meng ..." Li Junyu approached, calling her name deep and pettingly.

As soon as he grabbed his hands, clasped the girl's small waist, he pulled her into her arms.

The palm of the other side had already taken advantage, holding up her little PP, hugging Ruan Mengmeng completely, and wrapping her arms between her arms.

The man did not shy away from her, and whispered, "You were with them just now, embarrassing me."

The magnetic voice, a slightly aggrieved tone, rolled out of his throat, and Ruan Mengmeng's ear tips were all red.

Mom, do you want to be so mean, what is Li Junyu doing?

And what happened to his slightly aggrieved tone?

Obviously she is with a group of other talents, but he is clearly suing her, telling Li Junche, Jing Fatty, Ye Lingxi about them.

Suddenly tying herself to her as one, and letting her guard.

Ruan Mengmeng's forehead was drawn: "You, calm down Li Junyu ... this is Ruan's house, the uncle next door police are still doing things. And, if I remember correctly the last time we separated, I will tell you It's clear. You have a fiancee, I don't want to deal with you, even if I continue to be dizzy. "

For some reason, seeing Li Junyu like this, she suddenly developed a prank mood.

He didn't think so, but he wanted to tease him.

"Meng Meng, you are mistaken. Those who have a wife will not have a fiancee." However, Li Junyu is more cheeky than Ruan Meng Meng imagined.

Not only did he not let go of her, but he had to say a inch, and moved closer, and kissed the corner of her lips gently.

[Three changes, the next update will be around 21:00]

Question: Why did a tyrant suddenly open up, better than before? why why!

Answer: Don't tell you, you guess ~~

(End of this chapter)