Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1393: Wake up the next morning ...

Chapter 1393: Waking Up The Next Morning ...

The next day, when the morning sun came in from the window, Ruan Mengmeng woke up in a itch.

She was tormented last night by Li Junyu's unsatisfied man.

Until several times, she did not have such good physical strength, Li Junyu seemed not satisfied.

Where did the girl know that when she had a relationship with her last time, Li Junyu pity that she would wear a wedding dress the next day, and that she would not be able to bear the college entrance examination in the future, so she did not dare to torture her.

For the first time, he hugged his beloved woman in a sober consciousness, and Li Junyu spent a lot of energy to suppress the raging valley.

And neither of them knew that the last time of unhappiness turned out to be the last sing song.

So now, after a lap, I can finally hug my beloved woman again.

Strong and overbearing like a tyrant, how could it be easy to let go again-it is best to let Mengmeng conceive his child one night, tie her, and never let her leave.

"Well, Li Junyu ..." The girl woke up from the bed and looked down at the man who was buried in her heart, wondering what she was doing.

Ruan Mengmeng only saw Li Junyu's black hair, buried in his chest.

The lingering sensation came from my heart.

"You ... Let's go ..." Ruan Mengmeng pushed him away. Last night, it was not enough to toss her most of the night. Who got up early in the morning and did this kind of thing.

However, as soon as the little hand was pushed on his shoulder, he was grasped by the man's powerful palm.

"Good, sleep again ... don't make trouble." Li Junyu's voice was deep and hoarse, and he didn't even look up in his words.

What's wrong, he's the one who's obviously up early in the morning. Hey!

Ruan Mengmeng was half kissed by his long kiss, and he couldn't resist at all.

But even if she didn't have the energy, she couldn't let him go.

Pull the small hand out of his big palm vigorously, and upward, clasping the man's chin.

Ruan Mengmeng was rarely strong, but Li Junyu's face was raised.

She frowned and said, "Don't make any noise. Didn't you make enough noise last night? Whoever gets up early in the morning ... just ..."

Later, all stuck in the girl's throat.

Because when she raised Li Junyu's face and bumped into those deep eyes from top to bottom, she blushed unconsciously.

I have seen all kinds of Li Junyu, and even he laughed and affectionately.

But Li Junyu like now is the first time Ruan Mengmeng has met.

The man's handsome and unblemished face was forcibly interrupted by the welfare after getting up in the morning, and Meifeng frowned slightly.

Even the dark ink pupils were slightly cold.

But just now, the handsome face was lazy and casual after lameness.

The moment Li Junyu lifted his eyes towards Ruan Mengmeng, the bitter coldness at the bottom of his eyes suddenly dissipated.

Those frosty eyes turned to a deep gaze: "Mrs. Li, early ..."

He looked up and looked at her and said.

At this moment, Ruan Mengmeng's heart stopped for a moment.

She never thought that after experiencing a night of lingering, she would wake up to see such Li Junyu.

This was the morning she had pictured in her mind countless times.

The night before, they had each other and hugged each other.

And the next morning, she would wake up in shyness, and maybe Li Jun Yuguang's sturdy chest, or his still sleeping face, would be in the eye.

But last time, when she woke up, there was a cold beside her, and there was no one.

She thought that the dreamy morning would never happen again and never again.

But now ...

"..." The girl nibbled her lower lip, and when she reached her lips, she turned into a forbearing sob.

【carry on】

(End of this chapter)