Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1472: Mrs. Li? She is not rare

Chapter 1472 Madam Li? She is not rare

"No need for such trouble ..."

Ruan Mengmeng's soft voice, even with a smile, interrupted the old lady's words.

Leaning on the arm of the sofa, she provoked Xingyan's eyes and shook her long legs: "You are rare here, and I am not rare. I didn't want to stay at all. The old lady wanted me to say a word. Also, it is your grandson who wants me to be my wife, not mys. To be honest, even if Li Junyu gives me this position, I don't want to sit. "

Ruan Mengmeng sneaked out of the bedroom, originally to run away.

She did not forget the mission she was carrying, and now she cannot afford Li Junyu's promise.

It was just that when he was in bed, Li Junyu was fooled by each other, which made her very unprincipled to accept him and be responsible for him.

By now, Qinggu quits, and reason returns, she regrets.

Still too impulsive and not strong enough to get the man's way.

When Ruan Mengmeng left the room, she had quickly called the inner waiter. Compared to a short while ago, the car of the Presidential Palace should pick her up.

"Joke, don't want to sit in the position of Mrs. Li, why did you go to the engagement dinner at Duan's house last night to make trouble?" Shen Lan gave a cold cry, without concealing the contempt for Ruan Mengmeng.

The old lady on the side heard Shen Lan's words and remembered what happened at the dinner last night.

It was the demon girl who couldn't stand on the stage in front of her, seduce Jun Yu in public, only to confuse them to marry Jun Yu favorably, so it was destroyed.

Although now, Duan Muer has been successfully engaged with Li Jinghui.

But in private, the old lady Li still felt that such a good family girl should be left to her grandson.

"Well ..." Ruan Mengmeng laughed without hesitation.

After being beloved, Shen Xiaolan's little face was more beautiful and bright, making Shen Lan jealous.

She bent her clear and charming eyebrows and said politely, "I did go to the Duan family to make trouble, but I didn't do it for Li Junyu. I used to ..."

Ruan Mengmeng's words suddenly got stuck in his throat.

That bright little face couldn't stand still.

She went to Duan's to see Bo Hanyuan ...

At the banquet, Bo Hanyuan appeared ... their confrontation ... women dressed as men's waitresses ...

What did she see? !!

The memory of the broken piece due to the drug relationship suddenly became clear from the blur at this time.

Ruan Mengmeng's small face, all the expression changes seem to stand still.

Her mind was very chaotic, and many fuzzy and chaotic memory clips began to spin together madly-waitresses, waitresses for women and men ...

That familiar voice ... that's my sister! !! !!

"Oh, for what? Why, can't I tell a lie?"

Shen Lan didn't know Ruan Mengmeng's inner collision at this moment, she only thought that it was Ruan Mengmeng's guilty conscience, and she stood up immediately, proud of the accusations.

"A lie is a lie, and it is untenable in the face of the truth. You go to the Duan family dinner to destroy the favor of our father and old lady on behalf of Jun Yu. If you are interested, you quickly leave our mon otherwise……"

Before she finished speaking, Ruan Mengmeng, who was originally sitting on the sofa, suddenly stood up.

This one shocked Shen Lan.

Thinking Ruan Mengmeng was going to be rough on herself, Shen Lan was so frightened that she sat back on the sofa.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't even look at her.

She got up and looked at the old lady Li and Shen Lan with a cold expression: "Whatever you say, there is no need to explain my thing to you. You two are waiting for Li Jun to come down slowly. I will go first ... "

[Continue to write, there is a little later ~]

(End of this chapter)