Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1590: little boy

Chapter 1590 Little Boy

Ling Xi standing outside the door slightly surprised: "Mrs. Young, Master is not here?"

The reason Ling Xi felt wrong was that no one knew the protection of the young lady by the young master.

It was obviously unscientific for the younger master to let the younger wife do things when he did not come to open the door at night.

Ruan Mengmeng's lips moved slightly, there was no way to admit that they were quarreling, and the Cold War was over.

Only subconsciously said, "He's out."

Lingxi doubted him, and thought that Li Junyu was not there.

The news she received was for her to send her younger cousin, the younger master, Sizer Redington.

And everyone thought that Li Junyu lived in the presidential suite on the top floor.

No one would have thought that the young couple would quarrel, there would be no bed to sleep, no wife to hug, no room to return ... only to go downstairs to show respect and grievance.

"In this case, please give Master Master to you first." In Lingxi's eyes, Ruan Mengmeng is the head mother.

Ling Xi was very relieved of Ruan Mengmeng, and never regarded her as an outsider.

"Madam, this is the young master of Redington's family. He is your cousin by age. His English name is Cizelle Redington, but we generally call him Master Ozawa."

With Ling Xi's introduction, Ruan Mengmeng's eyes gradually fell on the face of the little boy who stood beside Ling Xi, separated by a distance.

The boy had an extremely beautiful little face, fair skin and exquisite facial features.

Hair color is black, but the pupils are dark blue.

Deep as the sea, endless.

This is a very typical mixed-race face.

Ruan Mengmeng remembered immediately, the gentleman named Yue Ting.

Li Junyu, who is particularly fond of peach blossom eyes, also disguised Li Junyu's girlfriend and had dinner with him.

According to age guess, this little boy named Yue Ze should be the son of Yue Tingyu.

"Master Oze, this is our younger master's wife and your cousin." Lingxi didn't seem to dare to be too close to the little boy, just squatted down and whispered.

The boy's dark blue eyes flickered as if he heard them, but did not speak.

Ruan Mengmeng thought the little boy was shy, and squatted down, reaching out a hand to rub his little head lightly.

Fearing that the child is unfamiliar, she also greeted her with friendly intentions: "Ozawa, hello, nice to meet you. My name is Ruan Mengmeng, you can call me Mengmeng sister ..."

I didn't finish talking, just when my fingertip was about to hit the child's hair.

The little boy, who was still calm the moment before, suddenly stepped back, and the whole person crouched down on the ground.

"Ah ... ah ..." The boy screamed, holding his head.

The scream ran through the aisle.

"Master, Yueze Master!" Although Lingxi had heard of Master Yueze's illness early, because Master Yueze was usually with Li Junyu, she never saw him really sick.

She wanted to approach, but it was clear that Ozawa didn't need anyone to approach at this time.

Ruan Mengmeng was obviously frightened by the child's unusual behavior.

Seeing her shocked response, Ling Xi quickly explained.

"Mrs. Young, don't care, Master Oze is not intentional, he just ... has autism." The last five words, Ling Xi, came to Ruan Mengmeng and said in a very light voice.

Although she did not understand the psychology of autistic children, she always felt that such things should not be premised on the child.

And Ruan Mengmeng.

After a short while, she suddenly pushed Lingxi away and turned away without thinking.

Ling Xi who was thrown out by Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

[Update completed, see you tomorrow night ~]

(End of this chapter)