Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1651: Greetings (2)

Chapter 1651: Meeting the Marriage (2)

"No, mother is just so happy ... I saw you wearing a wedding dress, and then realized that our family Meng Meng has finally grown up and is about to marry ..."

Chen Qingzhi bowed his head slightly, and wiped off the tears with his long, white fingers.

If Ruan Mengmeng was only wearing a white wedding dress, she might not have felt so much yet.

But when she saw her daughter wearing a big red wedding dress, and the Chinese-style gown decorated her so beautifully, Chen Qingzhi couldn't help thinking of the scene when she married Ruan Zhaotian.

At that time, because Father Ruan was a traditional person, her marriage with Ruan Zhaotian was also a Chinese wedding.

When she was sitting on the bed of the Chen family in flaming red wedding dress and waiting for Ruan Zhaotian to welcome her, all she looked forward to was their happy life in the future.

At that time, she was full of longing and longing for life.

It has not been predicted that the life after marrying Ruan Zhaotian will be such a world of purgatory after a bland and warm life.

"Meng Meng, after marrying Jun Yu, you are still your mother's daughter. You have to remember that you are not only Mrs. Li, you are also your mother's daughter, but a child of the Chen family. You are not only behind the warring family but also our old Chen Home. With your grandfather, grandmother, mother ... we are your most solid backing. No matter what the future, if you have been wronged, don't swallow it alone, tell us, don't wrong yourself. "

Chen Qingzhi told Ruan Mengmeng that what he said was the words of the heart.

When she married Ruan's family that year, she didn't want to show weakness in front of her maiden family, and she didn't want her parents to know that she was doing badly and suffered that kind of crime.

Many women probably think this way when they marry.

We all hope that others will see the scenery after we marry, and we do not want our relatives to know that they are not doing well.

Chen Qingzhi is not worried that Mengmeng will now be bullied by Li Junyu, but husband and wife are a lifetime thing, a lifetime is too long, who knows later.

"On such a good day, it would be nice if your brother was here." Suddenly, Chen Qingzhi's words turned sharper and his eyes became redder.

Ruan Mengmeng quickly advised: "Jun Yu has sent someone to check the news of Xiao Xi, Mom, rest assured ... as long as there is a chance, he will bring Xiao Xi back."

Chen Qingzhi wiped her tears, "Don't be in a hurry, looking for Xiao Xi will surely alarm the person. Since there is a way over Li's house to cover him up so that he doesn't know about your marriage with Jun Yu, don't take any chances for now. ... Because of my relationship, I won't let you marry Jun Yu. Xiao Xi is always his son. He will take care of Xiao Xi. I am not worried. "

It is said not to worry, but there is no mother who would worry about the child.

Moreover, Li Junxi is so small, Chen Qingzhi can really rest assured that it is false.

Ruan Mengmeng knows clearly that the "he" in his mother's mouth means Li Yaoyang.

Mr. Li was really afraid of Li Junyu, and fully cooperated with this wedding.

The Li family not only faced media interviews but praised her granddaughter generously.

Mr. Li even used his hand to cut it off, blocking the news from Li Yaoyang, so that this man who would definitely oppose their marriage was still in the dark.

"Mom, rest assured ... When the wedding is over, I will take back Xiaoxi for you. In a big deal, we will go to court. Xiaoxi is yours, and no one can take it away. Later on at the wedding, my sister may Appear. Remember to remind grandpa and grandma not to break her identity. It may not be safe at the wedding, and the identity of her sister cannot be made public. "

"Rest assured, I already told your grandfather and grandma already, it's you ... you still have a child in your stomach, and you need to be with you at all times, but don't go wrong."

Chen Qingzhi just urged a loud noise from downstairs.

It turned out to be the villa's gate, and was finally smashed by Lingnan, who was so tall.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Bei and Ling Nan dragged in with two very unsightly red snakeskin bags.

"All let Jean let all Jean, this is the opening ceremony, everyone comes in line to pick up, do not crowd or crowd ..."

After that, the ‘mother ’s army’ who was still busy blocking the door, stood aside without paying attention to morale, and opened the door.

(End of this chapter)