Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1657: Open branches and leaves, inheritance

Chapter 1657: Open Branches, Leave Leaves, Succession

"The new guy toasts his elders ..."

Li Wan's wife Zhang Wanyu's gentle voice sounded, and Ruan Mengmeng followed Li Junyu to pay respects to Mr. Li and Mrs. Li.

Earlier in the lounge, there was a serious old man, and a kind smile appeared.

The old lady Li, beside her, smiled slightly.

Mr. Li took the lead in receiving the tea from Li Junyu and Ruan Mengmeng, took a sip, and gave them a big red envelope.

When she reached the old lady Li, she took the new tea handed out by Li Junyu. For some reason, she felt a bit of emotion in her heart.

After all, it is her own grandson. Even if she no longer likes Ruan Mengmeng and visits the scene of the most beloved grandson kneeling down to admire tea, the old lady always feels the same, and in a short while she has grown up with a little bit behind her .

The nasal cavity couldn't help sour, and the old lady's eyes became red.

After receiving the tea in Li Junyu's hand, she took a sip and smiled and nodded: "Good ... Jun Yu, you will have your own home in the future, so be good ..."

The old lady choked, and seemed to be harder to continue.

Everyone knows that the old lady loves her grandson, and only thinks that she is touching the scene, and she is happy when she looks at Li's long housemate, Sun Chengjia.

But I don't know where this is just happy.

At this moment, the old lady Li is in an upsurge and cannot be calmed down.

She couldn't explain why, she just saw the grandson kneeling in front of her eyes, and she had deep deficits and deep perseverance in her heart.

If at the beginning, Yue Xuexin's things were not the same, if at the beginning, she was not angry for a while, if at the beginning ...

Many things may be different.

"Grandma, drink tea." A crisp voice with a soft glutinous voice interrupted the old lady's memory.

The grandson with stern features in front of him turned into a woman's soft and bright face.

After Li Jun Yujing finished the tea, Ruan Mengmeng handed the red tea cup up.

The old lady Li fixed her eyes with turbid eyes and took the tea cup in Ruan Mengmeng's hand.

"Well, you will be Jun Yu's wife in the future. You need to take care of him and succeed him .... Don't always look at yourself, take care of him."

Originally I did not want to say that this girl could not become Jun Yu's wife at all. The daughters of Zhan Yang and Duan Xiuhui are more noble and will replace her.

However, the old lady Li unknowingly said the words in her heart.

Although what she said was extremely picky, the nature of Li Junjun's partiality remained unchanged.

But this still made Old Man Li frown.

The old lady said too much today.

For the sake of today's wedding, Ruan Mengmeng listened and didn't talk back to the old lady.

She had her little beans in her stomach, but she didn't want to say anything.

She is not a child-bearing machine, and Ruan Mengmeng hates the old lady ’s statement that ‘spreading leaves and spreading her heirs’ as her fertility tool.

After the two had toasted, all the etiquette was complete.

Next, at least wait for Ruan Mengmeng to take a short break, and then change into a wedding dress before going to church.

According to the rules, at this time, the groom would go to the church to greet the guests.

And Ruan Mengmeng, stay at the villa, wait for a change of dress and then pass.

And this is also the only time that the two need to be separated from welcoming to the end of the wedding.

Ruan Mengmeng was picking up a plate of pastry from Ling Xi at this time, hiding and eating.

I do n’t know if it was Li Junyu who was right. Her appetite for ‘a diapiao’ became bigger, as if she could n’t bear the hunger.

She was just full before she greeted her, but she was hungry after two hours.

(End of this chapter)