Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1700: I can only turn my head and look at Li J

Chapter 1700: Turn Your Head Only, Staring At Li Junyu

In the past, Li Yaoyang only ignored the "attentiveness" of "Ruan Mengmeng".

But today Li Yaoyang not only criticized her directly, saying she was extravagant and wasteful.

After training, she got up and left.

It seemed that he was so disappointed that he didn't even move the breakfast.

Zhan Jia'er looked at the back of Li Yaoyang's indifferent departure, showing her determination and disappointment, she really did not understand what she had done wrong.

A bowl of shark fin is just a waste, why is it extravagant and wasteful?

She always eats like this when she is at home.

As long as she wants Chinese breakfast, abalone, shark fin, and bird's nest are up to her.

In addition, there are various delicate dots.

Everything is placed on the table, often she only chooses a bit to taste, most of the rest are directly discarded.

In Zhan Jiaer's consciousness, Li, who is also one of the four families, enjoys a bowl of shark fin soup for breakfast should be quite common.

But I don't know. Compared with Duan Jia, who likes extravagant styles, although Li Family has deeper background and richer wealth, he never brings exaggerated things like shark fin and abalone to the breakfast table.

"Jun Yu ..." Seeing Li Yaoyang being taken away, ‘Ruan Mengmeng’ could only turn his head and stare at Li Junyu eagerly.

The pair of apricot eyes that looked the same as the real Ruan Mengmeng flickered and shed a little tear.

Zhan Jiaer has always been like this, she has been used to this coquettish way.

I often feel wronged, just blinking at my brother like this, showing a look of loss and aggrieved.

The elder brother will certainly solve her troubles and give her what she wants.

Zhan Jiaer is indeed ‘simple’.

She grew up in a protective environment with her family.

It has long been a simple habit to develop whatever you like, and tears of tears when you are wronged, waiting for your parents and brothers to help you.

However, Li Junyu, who was called by her name, looked coldly.

Those long, narrow eyes were as cold as looking at a stranger.

"Sit down for breakfast. After you finish, remember to wash the second, third and father's clothes that were changed yesterday."

Washing clothes again!

How could this Ruan Mengmeng be so mean?

Obviously marrying Li Junyu, a good little grandma is improper, but has to be busy showing.

In order to please Li's family, he should also take care of Li Junyu's father and his two younger brothers.

Sometimes, Zhan Jiaer doesn't know if she should sympathize with Ruan Mengmeng, or if she should laugh at her silly.

Ruan Mengmeng, who is also an illegitimate daughter of the warring family, is worse off than a servant, and has actually taken care of all the family who served Li.

Zhan Jiaer sat down distracted, she really didn't want to do it.

But her current status is not a little princess raised by a dignified warrior, but an illegitimate daughter, Ruan Mengmeng.

She couldn't do anything that was too far from the past Ruan Mengmeng.

Therefore, these days, Zhan Jiaer can only endure hardships and hardships, and all of Ruan Mengmeng's humble life.

"Ruan Mengmeng, don't forget ... At first, Jun Che and I didn't agree to let you be our grandmother."

Seeing "Ruan Mengmeng" sitting down, Li Peacock across the street started his performance.

Li Er Shao Youyou smeared with jam and looked at the opposite woman with her critical eyes.

"It is you who show your sincerity and promised that from now on you will take good care of our brother's clothing and food. You will not only do the laundry for us, but you will also cook our meals and care for our daily lives.

It is with these expressions and promises from you that our brothers nodded and promised to let the elder brother marry you. "

(End of this chapter)