Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1717: Put her on his bed

Chapter 1717: Put Her On His Bed

Abominable war desert ...

Ruan Mengmeng scolded in his heart.

If it weren't for the fact that she had little beans in her belly, she would have to disguise herself as a 'patient' who hasn't eaten for a long time.

She won't let the war be so easy.

However, now, it is useless to want more, Ruan Mengmeng has a weakness in the hands of Zhan Mo, and can only obediently allow him to hold himself horizontally.

See what he is going to do next.

When Zhan Mo held Ruan Mengmen horizontally, the cooks and maids outside the door almost dropped to the ground.

Sure enough, she really was in Mo Shao's heart. Now this Miss Ruan is almost on par with Miss Jiaer.

You know, except for Miss Jiaer, Mo Shao never showed such gentle eyes to anyone.

Even before, he had just brought Ruan Mengmeng back, in order to raise her well and treat her kindly, he only cared for his material life.

But never before, like now, take care from the heart.

The expression on Zhan Mo's face was still cold. After picking up Ruan Mengmeng, he went out.

"Where do you ... take me ..." Ruan Mengmeng asked carefully in his arms, and if he was right, Mr. Winston must be still in the big tree outside her room.

It was the most lush outside this small villa, and it was also the most suitable for hiding.

It wouldn't be easy for Mr. Winston to deliver delicious food every day if he left the room.

Zhan Mo didn't speak, but just accelerated his pace and went upstairs.

The third floor of this small villa ... only the room of Zhan Mo alone.

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes flickered with astonishment, and she didn't understand what Zhan Mo was going to do.

Until Zhan Mo gently placed her on the big bed where he slept, Ruan Mengmeng's pair of apricot eyes that were already on guard revealed more uneasiness.

Zhan Mo ... Isn't he such a beast?

Don't you even care about his sister who is related to him?

It was probably three years of silly pregnancy, and Ruan Mengmeng didn't know how to get such terrible thoughts in her head.

However, at this time, she could not help but be afraid.

There was no window in this room, it was all floor-to-ceiling windows.

She couldn't help squinting Xing's eyes, her body receded, staring at her and lowering her, she walked to the door, looking like a war desert to close.

Should you take the opportunity to sneak attack from the rear?

Zhan Mo's strength is not small, the force value is not necessarily lower than her.

It seems that she has only one chance. If she fails, she will likely expose the truth of her acting.

Just as Ruan Mengmeng thought for a while, the man who walked to the door opened the door of the concealed room and went out.

"Take the porridge in and bring the new pajamas for the lady."

The cold voice of Zhan Mo came from outside the room.

Ruan Mengmeng heard it. He was telling the chef and maid who were just behind them.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the cook came in with the dinner plate.

After a while, the maids also brought new pajamas.

Zhan Mo came in from outside the room and saw Ruan Mengmeng's gaze.

He explained indifferently: "Don't get me wrong, it's just a compensation. It's my people who went wrong and didn't take good care of you. I will look after you personally before the injury in your hand is good, so as not to suffer you People secretly. "

After all, Zhan Mo went over to pick up the bowl of white porridge, and sat by the bed.

He scooped a spoonful of white porridge with a spoon, lowered his head and blew gently, and raised his eyes: "... open his mouth."

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

[The explosion is over today. It will be updated from 23 to 0 pm tomorrow. See you tomorrow night ~ Recommend another old book, "Time and I Live Together with You"?]

(End of this chapter)