Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1778: Don't worry, little fool

Chapter 1778 Little Fool, Don't Worry

Here, Interrogation Room No. 1.

Ruan Mengmeng is exactly as he is called. Li Jun is held in his arms softly, and he kisses gently.

She also missed her family tyrant. Somehow she was touched by the white lotus Benlian of Zhan Jiaer. Although she knew that Li Junyu would not do that kind of thing, she was always worried.

Her two small hands tightened slightly, hugging the man's thin waist.

"Don't let me be violent again ... this time, forgive you first." When the little woman was talking, he kissed her crystal bright and slightly red lips, and slightly raised her lips.

Li Junyu's eyes faded, and he whispered, "OK."

Ruan Mengmeng took advantage of his stiff chest muscles and said: "Then tell me first, what is going on with the woman next to you? She pretends that I'm well-prepared, what should I suddenly change back to Zhan Jia'er? Isn't it ... you teased her and found out? "

Li Junyu grabbed his little wife's waist with one hand. In order to prevent her from getting tired, she whispered what Zhan Jia'er had done.

His other hand gently stroked her slightly raised belly.

Falling in the eyes of others, I just thought that such an action was intimate.

But only Li Junyu knew that he was only measuring the three unpleasant little Doudings. It was better to slow down and come out later to disturb him and Mengmeng.

Fortunately, Ruan Mengmeng didn't know the thoughts of her husband, otherwise she would really laugh.

Who is not pregnant in October, or born late, at most only ten months.

Is he going to let her give birth to three? It can be pregnant for three years and six months.

Ruan Mengmeng frowned as she listened: "Why did she pretend to dress me up so well that she suddenly stripped off and ran to your bed? This is definitely a problem ... but it really opened my eyes. Zhan Mo always said His sister is innocent and pure. He probably did not expect that all this was self-directed and performed by Zhan Jiaer. She even turned her back on you to be a fanatic girl.

Speaking of this, Ruan Mengmeng is really angry.

How Zhan Jiaer collected Li Junyu's photos in private and how he kissed them, others didn't know, but she knew.

As long as she thought of a woman who was so stingy about her husband, hiding in her bed in that kind of clothes, she ...

"Be nice, I'm angry ... before I left, I told Uncle Zhao to change the room, the room will be renovated, everything inside will be thrown away, and I won't touch it." Li Junyu leaned down and kissed her ear, whispering comfort .

Not to mention Ruan Mengmeng's response, he even more.

Except for Meng Meng, he doesn't like the closeness of any woman, and he also hates the bed he has slept on, polluted by others.

"Who said I was mad, I was mad." Ruan Mengmeng pursed her lips slightly, and said with a cute look.

She murmured, "I was just worried about you. I was touched by her, and now I've got the police station. It's all your gossip outside. Those media newspapers wrote it without knowing it. Now I write her as a poor person. You have become a big bad guy. "

Li Junyu's favorite thing to watch is his little milk cat muttering his mouth, Xingmu's eyes burst into tears, and he looked worried and worried for him.

Although she wanted her to be carefree forever, she occasionally felt that she cared so much about him that he was anxious for him.

He was happy and bowed his head and kissed her lips.

The gentle appearance is completely different from the indifference and toughness facing the others in the interrogation room.

"Little fool, don't worry. I have arrangements ..." Li Junyu whispered in Ruan Mengmeng's ear.

(End of this chapter)