Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2081: Ruan Shishi's birth is forced

Chapter 2081 Ruan Shishi's Birth Is Forced

A young and beautiful woman, a woman with a gentle personality, and a woman with no prominent family background, because she is too beautiful, has become a prey of the upper society.

"That's her honor." Zhan Yang's jaw lifted up resolutely and arrogantly, and Zhang Junyi's incomparable face was immortal.

"It was indeed an accident that she was pregnant with your sister. I happened to be on the second floor of Duan's house that day, and I drank some wine and wanted a woman, and I just couldn't find anyone to let go.

At that time, Xiu Hui was already pregnant with war, and she was so jealous that she would never let me touch other women, and she was pregnant and could not make me happy.

As I watched the dance floor, I just saw Chen Qingzhi.

She is indeed very beautiful, almost as beautiful as a fairy, shining in the crowd. At that moment, I wanted this woman. "

What Zhan Yang wanted, never softened.

He wanted Chen Qingzhi not only for venting but also for teaching Duan Xiuhui who is the master of this family.

Even when Xiu Hui was pregnant during that time, she could not ride on him and ask him.

So Zhan Yang did not hesitate to take advantage of Chen Qingzhi's order.

He vented his anger on that delicate and delicate woman, and by the way slaps Duan Xiuhui, letting her know that even if he wants to be a guest of the Duan family, he can enjoy it unscrupulously.

That day, Zhan Yang vented Gu Qing on Chen Qingzhi all night, and when it was almost dawn, he pulled out relentlessly.

After Zhan Yang left, it was Duan Xiuhui who got the news and led in.

Later, Ruan Mengmeng heard Chen Qingzhi long ago, naturally she knew.

Rape turned out to be rape.

At this moment, Ruan Mengmeng still feels pain in his heart even if he is cold and cold.

She experienced the pain of her mother again, her mother was so good and soft, but she was hurt mercilessly by these scum.

Zhan Yang: "Why, you can't stand this? I thought you were so anxious to find the truth that you would accept it more than you expected. It turned out to be the same."

Zhan Yang's lips turned cold. He looked at the fluctuations in Ruan Mengmeng's eyes, and said in a cruel tone, "The story has only half been told here. This is the origin of your sister Ruan Shishi, Meng Meng ... I want to know if you are How come? "

The voice of the middle-aged man was bewildering, yet so gloomy and terrifying.

Ruan Mengmeng knows that she should not be led by Zhan Yang and she should not listen any more, but she can't help but want to know her life.

She wants to know her true life, not from the perspective of Chen Qingzhi's half-knowledge, but the real purpose of Zhan Yang.

Although cruel, Ruan Mengmeng wanted to know what her birth meant.

She was mentally prepared, and cruel, just like her sister, was the product of Zhanyang's brutality, and she could bear it.

"You say, can it be more cruel than my sister?" Ruan Mengmeng raised her eyes and looked at Li Junyu standing across the conference table.

Touching the other person's calm and deep eyes, her heart became stable for no reason.

Zhan Yang laughed: "Okay, since this is what you want to listen to, then I will tell you ... I forced your mother for the first time, not because of some slapstick, but because I needed to find a woman during Xiuhui's pregnancy You owe it. Your mother is young and beautiful, so I chose her ... but a woman is always an indispensable thing to me. It is good to use it when needed. I can give them everything they want, but Hate being entangled. "

(End of this chapter)