Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2254: Big brother becomes brother-in-law

Chapter 2254: Big Brother Becomes Brother-in-law

"How come the police station ..."

Ruan Mengmeng flashed this thought in her mind, trying to push Li Junyu away.

But the man's big palm pressed her back tightly, hugging her and refused to let go, and the thin lips pressed against Ruan Mengmeng's pink lips, and he refused to let go.

As if the next moment was the end of the world, he kissed his little pussy, deepening little by little, as if this was the last time he had her.

On the one hand, Li Junche reached out and covered Li Junxi's black and bright eyes, but Xiao Junxi was unwilling, and his small hand pulled away the third brother's hand.

Li Junche's handsome and handsome face showed disapproval. He would pinch his brother's exquisite little face in his hand, and he would directly come back to face himself, and simply would not let him see it.

Li Junxi: "..."

Xiaoxi was anxious not to see his sister and his brother-in-law's situation.

Although he was small, he already had a bad hunch. He knew that something was happening. The words that his brother-in-law, his brother-in-law, said to his sister, said goodbye.

"Hmm ..." Ruan Mengmeng's soft light yin came, and she was breathlessly kissed by Li Junyu.

"Don't kiss again, police ..."

She was anxious, but the harder she was, the less remote she was, and the more she did not let her do it. The man was not prepared to cooperate with those police actions. Instead, she just bite her again when she left Ruan Mengmeng's delicate mouth. Lips.

"Meng Meng ..." The cold breath of the man was between Ruan Mengmeng's breath.

He was so close and ambiguous when he spoke to her, but Mo Yu's eyes looked so heavy and cold again, as if he was talking about something very serious.

"Take care of yourself ... Remember, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to involve yourself in danger. The police have been waiting outside for a long time, and I will return to meet them." Li Junyu rubbed Ruan Mengmeng's head, Finally, she kissed her lips slightly, and finally let go.

Without giving Ruan Mengmeng a chance to question, Li Junyu put her on a chair and turned to leave.

"Husband ..."

"Sister-in-law, the elder brother said he would go back, so don't worry." As soon as Li Junyu's forefoot left, Li Junche pulled Li Junxi in front of Ruan Mengmeng.

Seeing Ruan Mengmeng also wanted to go out, Li Junche quickly pulled Li Junxi to stop Ruan Mengmeng: "Xiao Xi, do you mean it?"

Li Junxi was pushed to the front by Li Junche and hugged his sister: "Yes sister, you don't have to worry about your brother-in-law, even if someone else is in trouble, he will be fine."

In Li Junxi's mind, Li Junyu is simply the most powerful person in the world.

Even his elder sister is a little worse, so the elder sister needs his protection, but the elder brother doesn't need it.

Li Junche: "Xiao Xi, can you tell me clearly, when did the elder brother become a brother-in-law? If you are so called, if the elder brother knows, be careful he can't spare you."

Li Junxi did not take it as a ridicule: "What brother is called, of course, it is brother-in-law. I only have a mother and no father ..."

The little boy's words had disguised disappointment and loneliness. Li Junche and Ruan Mengmeng both understood Li Junxi's meaning.

From now on, he only admits Chen Qingzhi, but not Li Yaoyang.

Thinking of everything that Li Yaoyang experienced after taking Li Junxi abroad, although he did not intend it, it was indeed the harm he caused.

The child's heart injury is the most difficult to heal, and this heart injury will not be known for some time.

Li Junxi: "Besides, my elder brother may not want me to call his brother-in-law."

(End of this chapter)