Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2274: When Li Yaoyang learned the truth ...

Chapter 2274 When Li Yaoyang learned the truth ...

Suddenly heard the news of Chen Qingzhi's death, Li Yaoyang's entire person seemed to be chopped by a sunny drought and thunder.

Seeing his dignified expression, the dark and narrow black eyes were faintly dark, seeming to be passing dangerously.

Ruan Mengmeng could not help but narrowed her eyes. She didn't know what Li Yaoyang would suddenly know about Chen Qingzhi's death. He would feel that he had been deceived.

Li Yaoyang seemed to be thinking of something. He turned to look at Ruan Mengmeng, with a look of inquiry in his eyes.

Not only Li Yaoyang, but even Xiaojunxi became very anxious.

"Sister, my mother is not dead. My mother is still in the world, in a nursing home?" Xiao Junxi tugged at Ruan Mengmeng's sleeve slightly, and the obsidian-like eyes seemed to be filled with the entire starry sky, shining with anticipation.

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

Looking at Li Junxi's pretended mature face, the stars were full of expectations in those eyes, and Ruan Mengmeng was dumb in his throat, wondering how to answer him.

The best way to not reveal her mother's whereabouts is to deny it on the spot, but Li Junxi's look of expectation made her unable to crush the hope of a child directly.

Yue Ting's deep and thick voice sounded at this moment: "Ruan Mengmeng, at this time, wouldn't you interrupt to tell them the truth? This matter can no longer be concealed."

As Yueting's words fell, Li Yaoyang and Li Junxi's eyes became more persistent.

Ruan Mengmeng knows that things can't be avoided now.

Now that Yue Ting ’s mother ’s affairs have been broken, let ’s just say: “Yes, she was n’t dead, but it ’s no different from death. Mom was framed by Zhan Yang ’s design. It was King Yu who saved her, but King Yu At a later stage, I could barely save my mother's life. She is indeed in a nursing home because she has completely lost her consciousness and is still in a coma. "

"Mom ..." Xiao Li Junxi's eyes trembled, and there were fluctuations in the dark eyes.

Li Yaoyang frowned, his eyes darkened, and his expression looked extremely serious, wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Yue Ting chuckled her lips coldly: "You heard, Li Yaoyang, the woman wasn't dead at all, she did the kind of unpardonable crime, and God confiscated her and saved her life. This move It is really terrific. Not only can the fraudulent death escape the man named Zhan Yang, but it can also make you lose heart and blame yourself. It's a real trick to draw a salary. "

When you hate someone, you over-read everything she does.

The Duke of Redington recognized Chen Qingzhi as a deep-hearted woman, and interpreted everything she did, just as if she was playing tricks on men in applause.

Yue Ting: "You have been cheated by that woman again, Li Yaoyang, so you still have to protect her?"

"Qing Zhi hasn't died ..."

Suddenly, Li Yaoyang laughed. He suddenly looked up at the sky, his eyes filled with happiness.

"Qingzhi didn't die, ha, ha ha ..."

Yue Ting frowned, only felt that Li Yaoyang was unreasonable: "You can still laugh when you are like this, don't you just like to be played with her by the palm of your hand so much, you don't mind her deceiving you?"

Li Yaoyang's smile couldn't be hidden.

He glanced at the haze in his eyes and said with open arms: "I have nothing to care about. The death of Qing is a good thing. I care if she lied to me. I wish she could lie to me, even if she lied to me forever. "

(End of this chapter)