Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 243: Suddenly grabbed her little hand

Because of the request of Jing Yihuan, Ruan Mengmeng stayed at the Jing family for dinner before preparing to leave.

Hongmao and Huangmao have been released long ago, holding Jing fat man, can't wait to cry with tears on his face.

Jing Yizheng had some opinions on these friends that his younger brother had made.

But because of their morale, they are less prejudiced.

Moreover, after knowing that red, yellow and green were taught by Ruan Mengmeng, from the results at the end of the crane, she was able to pass the grade of about 500, which is even more impressive.

"Meng Meng, do you mind if I call you like this?" Jing Yizhen fell on Ruan Mengmeng's face like a glass-like cold pupil.

The lazy, low-pitched voice, called "Meng Meng", actually has a magnetic scent.

Ruan Mengmeng, such a dog, refused to get such a wicked and seductive beauty.

The little face was reddish and nodded.

Aside from Jing Fatty and Red and Yellow Hairs, they almost looked dumb.

I'm going ... It's still hitting their cute master every time I answer the wrong question!

Jing Fat was even more embarrassed. He felt that he couldn't watch his brother being misled.

The fat man would like to tell Jing Yizhen aloud: ‘No, brother, you misunderstood… Mengzhu is not the kind of girl you think! ’

Don't look at her shy and shy now, really fierce will scare people!

Just then, the housekeeper came in.

"Master, the iron gate at the gate has collapsed, and the car will not be able to drive in for the time being. Please move and get in the car outside the gate."

Jingjia's garage is outside. Every time he needs a car, he will drive in.

But now, because the two heavy carved iron gates collapsed at the gate, the vehicle could not enter for the time being.

"The door is broken ..." Jing Yi raised an eyebrow, and cold-colored pupils flickered a cold light, "Who broke it?"

The Jing family is an old-fashioned family. All the decorations and objects above and below the Jing family are precious things.

Not to mention, many of the trees and trees here were arranged and arranged by Jing Yizhen's mother.

"Yes, yes ..." The steward bowed his head, afraid to say.

Little Master said just now that Miss Ruan will be a guest of the Jing family in the future. He dare not offend.

Ruan Mengmeng coughed slightly and raised her right hand slightly awkwardly. "That ... Actually, I did it."

"I was anxious to see Jing Xiangjin just now, a little reckless ... just, accidentally knocked the iron door down."

Accidentally knock down the iron door? !!

Hongmao and Huangmao could not help but mourn for the iron gate of the old people ...

But the fat man thought, this is really the correct way to open the cute master.

Now, his brother will never misunderstand that Mengzhu is a soft girl.

Just thinking so, turning to look at his brother, but felt that the situation was a bit wrong.

I saw the elder brother who was cold to other girls, but then stared at Mengzhu with a kind of approving look.

Jing Yizhen only felt that the girl raised a small hand, as if she was in the classroom, reporting a mistake to the teacher.

Looking at her shy and cute appearance, the cold light in Tongren's coldness disappeared for a moment.

"It doesn't matter, it's just two iron gates ... don't worry about it."

It's just two iron gates ... nothing more? !!

Jing Fat was messy.

Those two iron gates were his elder mother's mother, who ordered to return from Europe.

I changed to another person, but I was afraid he would be hung up and smoked.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't know the reason for this at all, and when she saw Jing Yi's look as usual, she seemed to really not mind, so she let go.

After dinner, Jing Yizhen personally sent Ruan Mengmeng home.

In the car, the driver drove intently.

And in the back seat of Jing Yihuan, the face of the demon handsome was calm.

It was just that big hand, but suddenly he picked up Ruan Mengmeng's small hand.