Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2442: Another small charge

Chapter 2442 Another Small Charge

Following Zhan Yang's introduction, an elderly man with gray hair and a crutch sticking a crutch slowly walked up from the stage.

He stepped forward to Zhan Yang and passed the little baby in his arms to him: "Be careful, the child is asleep."

The old man's voice was deep and light, inexplicably kind.

If Grandpa Li and Mrs. Li are here at this moment, they will inevitably make a terrible gasp.

Without him, the old man holding the child is exactly the same 'old man' they saw at the chief private hospital not long ago.

An old man who is obviously a dozen years younger than Mr. Li, but already has silver hair.

Zhan Yang took the child from the opponent's hand, and there was a rare patience in his eyes.

Not only to the child in his arms, but also to the old man with white hair.

He has always been an unknown person, but so different to an ordinary old man. It can be seen that the other party's status in Zhan Yang's mind is higher than that of everyone present.

Zhan Mo has now returned to Ruan Mengmeng and whispered, "I haven't seen that old man. The child in his arms used the name of Xiao Chongren. What on earth was he doing?"

Ruan Mengmeng shook her head, she couldn't guess.

When Zhan Yang announced the identity and name of the child, Ruan Mengmeng and Zhan Mo were both in deep thought.

Xiao Chongchong's real name was Li Yanshen, and when Zhan Jiaer was abducted beside him, he took a nondescript Li Jinshen name.

But now, Xiao Chong is clearly being treated by Ruan Shishi, and Ruan Mengmeng is absolutely convinced of her sister.

Even if there is no memory, her sister is a person of integrity and credibility, it is impossible to secretly transfer her child to Zhanyang on her back.

So now, in the end, the child that Zhan Yang is holding is--

Zhan Yang: "This is my grandson Zhan Jinzhang. He is the child of Ning Ning and Li Family Master Li Junyu. Although I am not satisfied with the identity of the father of this child, it doesn't matter. He is very smart and small At a young age, he shows an IQ that is different from ordinary people. I believe that as long as he is trained in a few years, he can be qualified as a homeowner. "

Not to mention, Zhan Yang will leave all his network resources to assist this child.

He couldn't control Ruan Mengmeng, so he cultivated an heir from childhood.

Zhan Yang is confident that he can train this child to be the most standard, cold-blooded, and strongest successor in his own limited vitality.

Off the stage, Li Junting couldn't sit still when he heard Zhan Yang's inexplicable words, and opened his throat to question: "You bullshit, my elder brother is not blind, so it is impossible to meet a woman like Ningning! Not to mention this woman is sick, She gave birth, huh ... you told her to have a look! "

Zhan Yang cast a contempt: "To this day, technology is sufficiently advanced. Haven't you heard of artificial insemination? You should have heard of surrogacy. This child is born of surrogacy."

In other words, after Zhan Ningning's egg and Li Junyu's sperm were successfully inseminated, the fertilized egg was placed in the belly of another woman, and the child was born in October.


"No way, where did you get my brother's sperm? I seriously doubt the child's body--"

Before Li Junting's rebuttal rebutted, Zhan Yang turned his head, and his subordinates issued the new DNA identification certificate.

At the same time, Zhan Yang slightly frowned and patted the baby's face in her arms to wake people up.

"Wow--" The baby's loud cry sounded at the scene.

The next moment, Zhan Yang picked up the child and patted him gently.

The child's crying little face was exposed to everyone's sight.

Seeing that little familiar face, Ruan Mengmeng had time to speak, and tears had burst out.

"Charging ... He's charging ..."

[Updated on 3.7, see you tomorrow night]

Hmm, what ... So far no one seems to guess the plot, if I haven't missed it ~ it's almost over ~

(End of this chapter)