Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2492: A bunch of idiots


the host?

The operation is over, and the anesthetic effect is over.

Duan Xiuhui and Duan Yuanxun listened blankly to Duan Cheng's words to Zhan Yang, eyes full of wonder.

Duan Cheng is clearly their Duan family. He even his surname is Duan, how can he call Master Zhan Yang!

And since the operation is over, why didn't the doctor come out to explain the situation to them, but instead contact Duan Cheng in private.

What Duan Cheng said, as well as the tone of his report with Zhan Yang, were all full of strangeness.

Not right, very wrong ...

Duan Xiuhui's complexion has turned from miscarriage to pale. Duan Cheng is the one she gave to Jiaer as a close friend. These days, she has always followed Jiaer and is trusted by Jiaer, almost becoming her left arm and right arm.

But what Duan Cheng said now clearly shows who his real master is.

"He's yours!" Duan Xiuhui turned to look at Zhanyang, tearing his heart apart and asking, "You control him with your puppet ... You put him beside Jiaer, Zhanyang ... what exactly do you want to do? You What did you do to Jiaer! "

Zhan Yang ridiculed with a sick face: "The things of the Qing people can only save people and harm people, and they can't be used to control people's hearts. What I want to do in Zhanyang, I don't need to use that kind of thing Control your heart. "

Who he wants to conquer, why not threaten with those little bugs.

Like a greedy person like Zhou Zhengji, he would use tapeworms to threaten his life, because he never regarded Zhou Zhengji as his own person.

However, Zhan Yang has always been charismatic, and he is like Duan Cheng in front of him.

Zhan Yang looked at Duan Xiuhui with a calm voice: "He was originally my person, the one who was always by your side. It was you who was stupid enough to send him to Zhan Jiaer's evil barrier ..."

Duan Xiuhui: "..."

Is she, is she?

It was she who sent Duan Cheng to Jiaer ... No, no, she was only to help Jiaer, she was all to help Jiaer.

Duan Xiuhui: "No, it's you. It's because you have always been uneasy about me. You never really treat me as your wife and as a trustworthy person."

Because she didn't trust her, she placed a close friend next to her.

Duan Xiuhui suddenly fell on the sofa.

She had known that Zhan Yang was such a selfish person, and she had known that his heart was not hot.

Zhan Yang chuckled, "You are right, you are not a woman to be trusted ... in my eyes, you are a fool."

"You ..." Duan Xiuhui opened her eyes wide, sad and disappointed.

She had no feelings for Zhan Yang, she had no feelings anymore, how could he say such hurtful words.

Zhan Yang: "Don't look at me with this kind of look. I never do wrong. Duan Xiuhui, I just gave you one last chance to prove that I read wrong. Unfortunately, you do n’t know how to cherish it. You have chosen the wrong path and pushed your favorite Zhan Jiaer into the abyss. "

"... Why, what ... Zhan Yang, what are you talking about, what did you do to Jiaer?" Finally, Duan Xiuhui found that the situation was wrong, really wrong, she sat up again, and even tried to catch it. Zhan Yang's sleeve was stopped by Duan Cheng.

Zhan Yang's eyes were a little dark, and he looked at Duan Xiuhui and her good brother Duan Yuanxun with contempt.

"Did you guys really not know, what is your Duan family's idea behind?"

(End of this chapter)