Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2531: Seven years later, goodbye

Chapter 2531 Good-bye After Seven Years

Not only Shen Zi, but even the others present immediately wanted to understand the joints.

Mr. Li was full of anger in his chest, and people of this status were even tricked by Zhan Yang.

No, it was their entire Li family, and even the Reddington family was being played by this man.

This Zhan Yang, he really looked down on others.

I heard that Ozawa's abduction was not really for revenge or tearing the ticket, but Shen Zi was relieved.

Unlike the angry old man Li, as long as Ozawa's safety can be guaranteed, Shen Zi can swallow this breath even if he is tricked.

She tried to remain calm and asked: "Now we are all here, what should we do next? The man named Zhan Yang gathered us all here. Should there be next instructions?"

This question asked Li Junyu exactly.

Although he speculated about Zhan Yang's intentions, for a while, he could not figure out Zhan Yang's next move.

Not only Li Junyu can't do it, even Zhan Mo who has been around Zhan Yang since he was a kid. At this moment, no one understands what Zhan Yang is going to do.

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire hall of Li's old house was depressing and silent, and everyone was silently speculating.

After a while, Li Junting twitched his hair irritably: "What exactly does Zhan Yang want to do? He tricked us all into showing up here. What's his conspiracy? It's impossible to gather us all here and bury a house bomb , Blow us all up! "

Li Junting's brain hole is really incompetent and unreliable.

No one believed his words, even a little funny.

Only Ling Xi, who stood at the outermost part of the crowd, kept his eyes quietly on Li Junting, his cold eyes flashed slightly.

Just when everyone couldn't find the answer, footsteps came again from the door.

The guard outside the gate was put down by Shen Zi, so the visitor did not encounter any obstruction, and thus appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Well ..."

"Duke of Redington ..."

The tall man with blue eyes and blue eyes had a rare anxiety, and did not say hello to his nephew for the first time. As soon as he stepped into the deep, sea-like eyes, he quickly locked the woman thinking day and night.

"Xiaozi ... Xiaozi ..."

The Duke of Redington strode towards the hall. He rushed over as soon as he received news about Shen Zi, regardless of whether it was Li's old house or the territory where he had vowed never to step in again.

No one expected that the Duke of Redington would appear at this time.

Even Shen Zi's eyes were trembling slightly, and her face was unexpected.

She has been hiding for seven years from the Duke of Redington, and has not been seen for seven years.

She blame herself for killing her daughter who had no breath just after she was born, and blame Yueting who caused it all. If it didn't hurt her heart, if they could take good care of her body during pregnancy, maybe her daughter would not be born They died.

Because of the pain that year, Shen Zi hated herself, and hated Yueting more.

She didn't expect to meet again after seven years.

Shen Zi watched Yue Ting approach towards herself, getting closer and closer, the palms lying on her side couldn't help clenching, and her fingertips fell into the palms to suppress the complex emotions inside.

The Duke of Redington did not know what Shen Zi's heart was suppressing.

Unlike Shen Zi's complicated and difficult mood, at this moment, the Duke of Reddington, who saw the long-wishful woman, almost lost her mind.

(End of this chapter)