Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 260: Sister, why is your mouth swollen?

"I didn't mean that, hey ..."

"You ... wait a minute, listen to me ..."

"Li Junyu, don't ... ah ..."

"Stop, stop, stop kissing ..."

From the dim bedroom, the girl exclaimed from time to time.

It wasn't until after a while that Ruan Mengmeng had kissed enough tyrant adults before releasing the girl in her arms.

Ruan Mengmeng dragged his almost feeble hands and feet, and finally pushed Li Junyu away and stumbled away.

She returned to the room, locked the door, and rushed into the bathroom to herself in the mirror.

Only to find that the pink lips were long red and swollen by someone.


Covering her face with both hands, Ruan Mengmeng couldn't restrain her madness to collapse, she cried out loud.

Li Junyu, he actually kissed her like this.

The tyrant, he also narcissisticly thought that she went to kiss him because he liked it!

Ruan Mengmeng couldn't accept that this turned out to be the case.

Before leaving, Li Junyu said to her in a cold voice, "Come on the exam".

Don't think she didn't hear it.

In those four words, teasing clearly with a cricket!

I hate it. I hate it.

Ruan Mengmeng moistened the towel and put it on her lips coldly, hoping that the redness and swelling would fade away.

As for Li Junyu's misunderstanding that she likes him ... When the exam is over, she must tell him clearly!


"Master three, master four, breakfast is ready and you can go downstairs for dinner."

Early in the morning, Uncle Zhao, who was watching the time, came outside the corridor and knocked on the bedroom door.

"Miss, master, breakfast ..."

The voice of Uncle Zhao calling the door suddenly stopped.

He rubbed his eyes, then rubbed them, making sure he wasn't dazzled.

"Master, master, are you there? Are you okay? Last night Liyuan entered a thief, and the door lock was ..." Uncle Zhao was about to push in.

Just then, the bedroom door was pulled open from the inside.

All over him covered with cold Li Junyu, with a look of indifference and coldness, appeared behind the door.

"Master Xiao ..." Uncle Zhao was slightly relieved, and looked at Li Junyu up and down to ensure that there was no damage to Master Xiao.

"I'm fine." Li Junyu's expression was light and his voice was low.

At this moment, the people in the other three bedrooms also came out.

Li Junche, Li Junxi and Ruan Mengmeng appeared in the corridor.

"Uncle Zhao, what did you shout so loudly ... did Li Yuan enter the thief last night?"

Li Junche saw the people standing in the corridor, his beautiful lips were bent, and he looked up curiously.

Li Junxi followed Li Junche. When passing by Ruan Mengmeng, his clear eyes narrowed to Ruan Mengmeng's face, and he froze suddenly.

"Sister, you ... what's wrong with your mouth? Why is it swollen and red?"

Ever knowing the identity of Ruan Mengmeng's great god, the most powerful person in Li Junxi's mind has changed from his elder brother to his elder brother and his sister.

Although Li Junyu is powerful, he will not take him to play games.

Ruan Mengmeng is different.

Not only will he take him to play, but he will also take him on points, making him supernatural.

No matter how premature Li Junxi is, he is also a child. How could he not like this sister?

Because of this, Xiao Li Junxi cares about Ruan Mengmeng everywhere.

No, I found my sister's lips slightly swollen and red, so I couldn't help asking.

"I, I'm fine, I ate too much spicy bars last night."

Ruan Mengmeng blushed, and came up with a long-cherished speech.

Even if the reason is far-fetched, explain it brazenly.

Xiao Li Junxi frowned. "What a spicy bar ... it must be delicious. My sister is so bad, I do n’t eat it secretly."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard ‘噗嗤’ smile behind me.

It turned out that Li Junche reached his lips with his hands, and his eyes were bent with a smile.

"Spicy strips ... hehe ... spicy strips ..." The young man smiled, covered his stomach, and walked to Li Junyu, who described the cold and expressionless face.

He patted his brother's shoulder in the face of Li Junyu, not afraid of death, and whispered, "Brother, you always eat light taste ... why now, you're spicy?"