Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2608: Coquettish brother, coquettish husband

Chapter 2608: Coquettling Your Brother

Ruan Mengmeng always has a knot in Zhanyang.

She distressed Chen Qingzhi, but her distressed mother's tragic life was indeed fueled by Zhan Yang.

And she is closest to the person who needs the most care, Ruan Shishi, the car accident that her sister encountered, is even more inseparable from Zhan Yang.

All this is the evil that Zhan Yang once did.

He is a man who is proud to never say no. Ruan Mengmeng believes that if it wasn't for fate to play a joke on him, maybe Zhanyang would fight them to the end.

He won't admit defeat easily, it's just that he lost to God.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't know what to say about such a battle.

When a person dies like a lamp, no amount of hatred can be settled with him, and all the hatred can only disappear.

But he left her something that she really wouldn't move.

Zhan Mo hurts her sister so much, of course, she can't bear to look at her.

He rubbed Ruan Mengmeng's hair, and spoiled, "I and Ache will not have children. We will be as fond of our small sons, small talk, and small gifts as our biological sons. In these industries, my brother can first I will take care of you and leave them to them in the future. And do n’t need to inherit ... ”

The last sentence is obviously a joke.

Although Zhan Mo's joke was cold and blunt.

However, he even joked.

Ruan Mengmeng raised a pair of smiling apricot eyes: "Okay, then give these things to your brother, and give them to whomever you want, don't let me handle them."

As long as she is not allowed to take over, the rest is to donate, give away or leave it to three babies, she has no opinion.

The things left by Zhan Yang were too heavy for her. She didn't need those things to live happier.

Zhan Mo chuckled and looked at the clear water under her sister's eyes. Only a transparent person like Ruan Mengmeng in this world can face such a large amount of wealth without being moved.

"You, if someone else knows that you hate these things, I really don't know if it's envious or jealous." Rubbing his sister's head again, Zhan Mo wanted to continue to ask a few words.

A low magnetic sound suddenly came from behind, and the iciness was mixed with a strong vinegar.

"Meng Meng, Ye Lingxi and Si Kouyun are waiting for you to try on a wedding dress. You said that it only takes three minutes, and now it is three minutes and one second. You are going to be late." Li Junyu's tall and straight figure appeared on the porch. Later, the handsome and profound features were covered with frost.

Hey, three minutes and one second, he can tell.

Ruan Mengmeng secretly pursed her tongue, for the strong vinegar smell of her husband.

Ruan Mengmeng: "Brother, I'm going to try on a wedding dress. You and A Che take good care of the little beans."

As she said, she stomped her feet and pressed it against Zhan Mo's cheek.

Since letting go of his brother and accepting Zhan Mo, Ruan Mengmeng has become accustomed to be intimate with him.

Having a sister who loves herself is already the happiest feeling in the world. I didn't expect that an extra brother would be double happiness.

Who knows, she just stomped her arms around Zhan Mo's shoulders and hadn't had time to put her face on. A powerful hand suddenly came across and stopped her and grabbed her back.

Li Junyu's face was gloomy and he dragged his uneasy wife into his arms.

Not waiting for Ruan Mengmeng to protest, she stretched out her arms and hugged her.

Ruan Mengmeng: "Well, what !?"

Li Junyu bit his back alveolar, his eyes were cold: "Late."

Ruan Mengmeng: "Well ..."

[The update was completed on 4.7, and more than 50 chapters were released today. The next update will be around 18:00 on the 4.8, see you tomorrow]

Tomorrow should be the end of the body part + Li Junting's part is opened (without accidents), I really did not expect that the ending will not be finished, embarrassing ~

Preview, you should see the biggest peacock in this article tomorrow ~ This XX can associate by itself, and the mystery will be revealed tomorrow

(End of this chapter)