Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2629: Wake her up

Chapter 2629: Awaken Her

After going out from Li Junting's bedroom that day, Ling Xi immediately informed Zhao Shu to enter the room to clean up the metal fragments inside.

She gave up not because of fear, but because of fear of Li Junting's safety.

Ling Xi was afraid that staying there would provoke Second Master to smash more things.

Li Junting can now only move by a wheelchair.

Going to bed and going to the bathroom to solve physical problems, these simple and natural things for ordinary people, but he became extremely heavy.

As long as this is in mind, Lingxi's chest will be full of weakness.

Such a spirited man, however, becomes inseparable from the help of others.

He is Li Junting. The second master of the Li family has always been a character who is always in the wind and the rain. How can he face such a drop.

"Well, Mrs. Er, can I come in?"

Outside the door, Uncle Zhao's voice suddenly sounded.

Lingxi quickly lowered the high-profile hem and placed the medicine box just under the table.

"Yes, Uncle Zhao, come in."

Lingxi sat on the sofa, calmly.

She did not tell anyone about the injuries she had just suffered in Li Junting's room.

This injury was a trivial matter for her. The wounds on her left arm and lower back had been dealt with just now.

Uncle Zhao walked into the room and put a tray full of food in front of her.

Uncle Zhao: "Mrs. Young, you haven't had dinner tonight. I told the kitchen to make something for you at random."

"Thank you Uncle Zhao." Ling Xi nodded, but Li Junting was concerned: "How is Master Er? Is he ... calm?"

So violent and indifferent second master, Lingxi first met.

No wonder, before she insisted on coming, the young master said that to her. It turned out to be more serious than she thought.

"Please rest assured, Master Er has already fallen asleep." Uncle Zhao looked at Lingxi with some lingering words.

He hesitated a little bit and said, "Mrs. Er, although I said this a little bit presumably, but ... I want to be an old servant or take the liberty to put gold on my face, looking at several people as one I ’d like to advise you as the elder of the Master. ”

"Uncle Zhao, don't say that, just tell me what you want to say." For Ling Xi, Uncle Zhao is more than a servant.

He did not paste gold on his face, but the real one was an elder of the Li family, an elder who was silently accompanying the guardian.

Uncle Zhao nodded: "Then I will say it. I want to ask Madam Er, just now you and Master Er conflicted in it. Is it because you showed compassion and sympathy for him?"

Lingxi looked for a moment: "I ..."

Everything in the room just now had too much impact on her.

For a moment, Lingxi didn't remember if she had shown it, but she saw that Li Junting was really sad, sympathetic, and pitying.

Uncle Zhao didn't answer Lingxi. Just looking at her slightly trembling eyes, she already guessed the answer.

Uncle Zhao: "Mrs. Second Master, your feelings for Master Second Master can be felt by anyone who cares about Li. No matter if you are the young master or the wife, even my subordinates, I have never There will be no doubt about your mind for Master Er.

However, now Master Er is no longer an ordinary person. He became suspicious and sensitive because of an accident two years ago. What he can feel may not be your affection for him anymore. What he felt more easily was the sympathy and compassion for others. "

(End of this chapter)