Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2641: What did she feel!

Chapter 2641: What She Touched!

When Lingxi easily pried open the window in the bathroom.

The woman's petite body effortlessly penetrated the edge of the window into the bathroom.

However, there was no light in the bathroom at the moment and no light was seen.

In the summer night, there are stars, but because Ling Xi has just entered the room from the outside, the sight is not familiar with the light in the room.

For her, such a bathroom is no different from reaching out with five fingers.

The villa of Yuncheng, even if Li Junting exiled his forbidden area, is very particular about the decoration.

For ordinary people, it is a very spacious bathroom. Near the window, there is a jacuzzi that is enough for five people to bathe at the same time.

Ling Xi propped herself into the half of the window, and her upper body was suspended above the bathtub.

In the bathroom, she could see nothing. Naturally, she did not notice Li Junting who closed her eyes, and was sinking under the water with waves of light.

Although Lingxi vaguely saw the water waves in the bathtub, he thought that Li Junting was no longer in the bathroom.

She lowered her voice sharply and continued to sneak in.

Because the entire upper body had penetrated into the window and the center of gravity moved forward naturally, Lingxi's left hand left the edge of the window to support the edge of the bathtub.

When she dived into the window, she bent her left knee and landed on the edge of the bathtub near the window.

The palms of both hands are propped up on the side of the bathtub.

Just when Lingxi was about to support her weight with both hands, when she landed lightly, the water surface of the bathtub, which was slightly flashing, was suddenly broken by something from the top.

Before Lingxi had time to react, she saw Li Junting with Shuize's handsome face pierced out of the water, and almost hit her with her low face.

Close at hand.


Even Lingxi couldn't control the yelling.

She didn't expect Li Junting to be in the bathroom, let alone he was hiding under the water in the bathtub.

Startled by the sudden change.

Ling Xi slipped under the palm of her hand, and she fell into the bathtub, catching a drop of water.

"Well, you ... I'm not ..."

Even though Lingxi was indifferent again and again, when her panicky little hand ran into a bump and touched Li Junting's hard, wide, warm chest muscles, she still could not understand what she was talking about.

"Ahhhhhhh ..."

The real touch from the palm of her hand made Lingxi slap a few mouthfuls of bath water.

The more you want to get up from the bathtub and stabilize your body, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

Lingxi's two little hands no longer knew how many times she touched Li Junting's chest. Whenever she wanted to stand on the bottom of the bathtub, she would hold on to Li Junting's clear abdominal muscles.

She even heard the man's suspicious and shallow breathing.

"Enough—" Finally, Lingxi's "self-help" had no effect, and Li Junting's patience reached its limit.

"You must not move."

His mute voice came from Lingxi's head.

In the next second, two big hands touched Lingxi's soft waist, fastened her waist, and lifted the person out of the water to straighten it.

This bathtub is really too big and too deep.

The more flustered, the more unable to control the balance.


When Li Junting took Lingxi out of the water, half of it, he stopped.

New problems arise--

Even though the muscles of the man are still strong and his arm strength is good, he is a man who has lost the ability to move the lower body.

At this moment Li Junting is keeping his face up and leaning halfway in the bathtub.

(End of this chapter)