Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 278: Ye Feng's shame is about to be uncovered

King Fat's fiancee?

Ye Feng's sister!

Jing Meiren's two words not only stunned Jing Xiangjin, but also stunned Ruan Mengmeng and other people together.

Such a beautiful young lady is actually Jing Fat's uncle, marriage, wife?

Ruan Mengmeni took a look at the beautiful small mushroom held in her hand, and then looked at the tonnage like Jing Fat Zi Roshan.

Don't say, although Jing Fatty is his own ... but everyone else, including Ruan Mengmeng, feels that Jing Fatty is obviously taking advantage this time.

"You ... what are your eyes!" Jing Fatty was not convinced.

Even if he is not as good-looking as his brother, he has potential in the body because he has the blood of Jing family.

Haven't you heard of it?

Each fat paper is a potential stock, maybe he will lose weight someday, and he is as beautiful as his brother!

"Brother, are you too lonely when you are too old, so you just messed up with me? Ye family flickered about you last time, and you haven't settled with them yet ... you ... how can you still treat Ye Feng's sister, introduce to me!"

I miss him, but he is a flower in the city of S. He is handsome and personable ...

He also wanted to wait for college and be his little prince in the nightclub.

He didn't want to be given away by his brother so early, and ... still married his sister, whom he hated the most, dies!

"Jing Xiaobao, if you don't think a handful of coriander is enough, you can continue to die." Jing Yiyi was too lazy to look at his younger brother, and walked from the jumping and noisy Jing Xiangjin, warning lightly.

As soon as Jing Fat heard it, he covered his mouth immediately.

Jing Yizhen approached the crowd, and pulled Ruan Mengmeng, who was foolish, to sit beside him, and greeted others to sit down.

He was ready to tell his group of young people about his plans.

Who knows, Li Junche, who had been silent, stood up at this moment.

There was a touch of coolness on the face of the beautiful boy Junxiu, and no one came near him.

Then, he stumbled between Ruan Mengmeng and Jing Yiyu.

Ruan Mengmeng: ...

The beautiful boy did not speak, raised his chin expressionlessly, and waited to see the drama.

In fact, Ruan Mengmeng felt inexplicable.

Jing Yi's slightly cold Leng Tong blinked, and he did not compete, but retreated to the side.

That ’s why she said lightly: "Ye Lingxi will be our fiancee in the future. You can trust her as you trust Xiaobao. As for what you are worried about ... her last name, you can rest assured. She has nothing to do with Ye Feng On the contrary, it is still the enemy. "

Then, Jing Yizhen explained the context with the fastest speed.

It turned out that Ye Feng's father, Ye Weibai, the current owner of the Ye family, was once gloomy when he was young.

He ranks second in Ye family, inheritance right is in his elder brother, his elder brother loves his younger brother.

Because of this, Ye Weibai had no sense of presence at Ye's house for a while, and other family-friendly girls did not even want to marry him.

Because of this, Ye Weibo was so disheartened that during the business trip, he met Yun Jirong, who was beautiful and gentle.

Ye Weibai had already lost his heart to inherit the family business at that time. It was during the downturn that he decided not to return to the Ye family, concealed his identity outside, and married Yun Jierong to live an ordinary young couple.

Who knows, within one year, the boss of the Ye family actually died in a car accident.

The youngest member of the Ye family couldn't support the overall situation because of his young age, and the elders above finally fell on Ye Weibo.

The Ye family came to the door again and asked Ye Weibo, the second son of Ye, to go back.

At the same time, he was given a prominent marriage, the daughter of the big family, finally nodded and married him.

Right of inheritance, perfect marriage, status, fame ... Almost everything Ye Weibo wanted.

The only thing he could not bear was the ignorant and innocent Yun Jirong.

"Later, how's it going?" Ruan Mengmeng couldn't help asking.

Although, halfway through the story, she had already guessed it.

However, it may be the sympathy of the woman. She really wanted to know the final result of the woman named Yun Yanrong.

"Later ..." Ye Lingxi's soft voice suddenly rang.

[Complete the update, today the high-speed rail is too tired and can only change 3 ~ tomorrow will be added ~ we will see you tomorrow evening ~]