Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 360: She has no objection to the relationship

"You ... you let me down, I will leave ..." The turmoil and contradictions after the confession made Ruan Mengmeng ashamed to see people.

Even if Li Junting had been taken away, she still dared not come out the first time.

Li Junyu was hugged, his face was hiding in the cloak, and he rested on Li Junyu's shoulder and whispered.

"No, I can't put it anymore." The big palm rubbed the girl's head across the cloak, and the man sank.

Ruan Mengmeng felt strange and raised her eyes from the cloak.

She couldn't help asking: "Why?"

Li Junyu's eyes looked down, her eyes overlapped with the apricot eyes lined with water and scale in the moonlight and fireworks.

He raised his lips and told her lowly, "Because I caught it, I would never let go again."

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."


Before tonight, Ruan Mengmeng has never been to the extreme cold.

So I have never seen what the melting iceberg looks like.

But after tonight, she thought ... she probably saw ...

Li Junyu, who has banned Gao Leng's desire, will confess to her, will whisper ‘only like her’, and will stare at her with a soft, petite look.

He will also say ‘Catch, and never let go’, which is so awesome and beautiful.

In this way, he was like a melting iceberg, deeply imprinted on her heart.

It is deceiving to say not to be touched.

It is even more false to say that your heart is not shaking.

Ruan Mengmeng was so full of heartfelt that Li Junyu got into the car.

The rear seat of the military Hummer has a lot of space ... There is such a wide space to sit, but Li Junyu must be next to her.

Sitting close to each other, you also need to raise the partition between the front and back seats, a posture to 'deeply talk' with her.

Now, isn't it a good time to talk?

Seeing the surrounding situation, Ruan Mengmeng's eyes flashed fortitude and finally made up his mind.

"How are you thinking, huh?" Just when Ruan Mengmeng was making a decision, Li Junyu's voice was low and cold.

While he was talking, his big hand was still not honest, and he took it gently over her shoulder.

Seeing dissatisfaction, she hugged the girl sitting next to her and wanted to put it on her lap.

Ruan Mengmeng immediately grabbed his unruly hands--

"Wait, wait a minute ... I have something to tell you." She sat down and didn't let him hold her.

Li Jun's eyes sank, and she looked deeply at her: "Okay, you say."

Then he added, "First declare that I do not accept the rejection."

While talking, she held her little hand against her.

Ruan Mengmeng was speechless.

Mom, she found Li Junyu who turned on the active mode was terrible.

Speaking is not only overbearing, but also ... uh ... shit.

Ruan Mengmeng cleared her throat, deliberately ignored Li Junyu's gesture of holding his little hand, and took a deep breath: "About what you said just now to associate, I initially said ... no ... oppose."

When she said the first word "No", she clearly saw that Li Junyu's cold and cold ink pupil suddenly froze.

Fortunately, the word ‘oppose’ was immediately followed.

Being connected together is ‘no objection’, so that the man's cold eyes faded a little coldness.

"Since there is no objection, that is to agree to contact." Li Jun Yu's tone softly summed up Ruan Mengmeng.

Then he came sideways and dragged gently, pulling Ruan Mengmeng into his arms.

Lean down, bow your head, and kiss.

"Wait, wait a minute ... I haven't finished talking yet!" Ruan Mengmeng desperately reached Li Junyu's hard-core chest, don't open his face and avoid his kiss.

[Second more, the next chapter is around 8: 30 ~]