Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 408: Kiss his price

Ruan Mengmeng was too lazy to take on Jun Che, took out her phone, and looked at the time.

Then he capped his cell phone and wanted to send a WeChat in the past to confirm that Li Junyu was busy, not after work, is he already home?

However, she was afraid that she would be too aggressive to ask such questions.

Because in the afternoon, she took the initiative to call Li Junyu to the school to ask for a kiss.

At that time, when he stared at her, he looked with a smile.

Ruan Mengmeng blushed unconsciously.

Also, she remembered the words that Li Junyu bit her earlobe before leaving—

‘You have the rules of the inspection period, so do I. Meng Meng, proactively kissed me during the inspection period and added 300 points at a time ... ’

Take the initiative to kiss him and actually give him 300 points!

Ruan Mengmeng shouted.

She condemned Li Junyu as a traitor.

However, Li Junyu ignored her protest and pecked her two more times before saying slowly: "Kiss twice, 300 minus 6, and I have 294 extra points to spend."

After that, Big Palm deliberately rubbed her neck.

There, there was a red stamp on her after he was stabbed and sucked and kissed by him fiercely last night.

Crude fingers rubbed lightly, Li Junyu whispered: "Meng Meng, with 294 points remaining, I will slowly think about it and use it where it is most worthwhile. You can rest assured that you will never let You are disappointed. "

This sentence seemed to remind Ruan Mengmeng that he would press her on the big bed sooner or later ... to the end of the car that was too late to drive that day.

Shy, blushing ... a little overwhelmed.

Ruan Mengmeng reached out to cover his face, his head was full of Li Junyu's words, his eyes were deep, his lips were slightly hooked, and his appearance was seductive.

Ruan Mengmeng sent a text message to Li Junyu subconsciously.

[Nearly eat the little milk cat: Hello, have you arrived home yet? I ’m going to talk to you about the 300-point issue]

After the message was sent, Ruan Mengmeng held her mobile phone and waited.

But after waiting for a long time, he did not wait for Li Junyu's reply.

Ruan Mengmeng frowned slightly, is she still busy?

Just thinking, the phone suddenly shaken.

She immediately lowered her head, but found that the prompt was not from Li Junyu's reply, but several strange text messages.

[Hello Ruan Mengmeng, I'm Lin Yi. Today's spot check, the scoring team has already graded your test paper in advance. 】

[First of all, congratulations on your good first grade. But then, I have another bad news for you. 】

[Gu Zheng just submitted a data to the board. The data shows that since you lead the high school, the overall performance of the third grade has declined. So he personally thinks that you may not be eligible for the post of President of the Student Union. Your team is not professional enough. 】

[The board of directors accepted his report and decided to use the mid-term test results as a basis for inspection. 】

[That is to say, if in the next mid-term test, the overall performance of the third grade, once any decline, your chair position, including your team members, will be deprived of management qualifications. 】

This text came too late.

Ruan Mengmeng thought back carefully, and then found a cold and rigid face in her head, matching the name ‘Lin Yi’.

She remembered that Lin Yi was a member of the Student Union of the university.

The first time I saw him was because of a test.

Lin Yi was sent to proctor her, but had preconceived prejudices against her. However, the speed of answering the questions when she saw her walking away from the pen was shocked.