Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 435: Ruan Mengmeng is a baby

The idea of ​​the tyrant master wanting to occupy Ruan Mengmeng finally overwhelmed.

Now, two people are sitting in the car, one head at a time, talking at a very safe distance.

However, even Ruan Mengmeng asked to sit aside like this to show safety.

Her right hand was still pinched by Li Junyu's left hand, intentionally or unintentionally rubbing and playing.

Li Junyu's deep voice sounded lightly: "The old man had a heart attack and needed surgery. But he insisted on not cooperating, unless I agreed with Yao Yuqing to live in Liyuan for delivery, otherwise he would not have surgery."

Ruan Mengmeng: "Oh ... I guess it's the same, then what?"

This is how it is done on TV. This is because the old man and old lady didn't know she existed, otherwise they would talk to her, throw her check, and call her to leave.

Li Junyu frowned slightly: "Don't you mind?"

Ruan Mengmeng shook her head: "Don't mind, you can't watch your grandpa die ..."

Li Junyu: "..."

That said, Father ...

Oh, his girlfriend is really rough.

He reached out and rubbed her head: "Then, because of this relationship, the old lady would also move to Liyuan. She said that she was not assured of the woman, she had to look at it ... probably, because I was afraid that I would poison her . "

Ruan Mengmeng nodded.

Well, the old lady's worry is fine.

Based on her knowledge of the tyrant in her family, she was so stupefied that she was eaten up.

Li Junyu doesn't kill the woman named Yao Yuqing, she can write her name upside down!

Of course, she just thought about it and didn't dare to say it.

Ruan Mengmeng nodded indifferently, pretending to think: "Why does the person named Yao Yuqing suddenly come out to injustice you? She seems to be very well prepared, what evidence, video, and stomach is just right, More than two months pregnant. "

All of this is a coincidence.

"Yes, that's exactly what I doubt." Li Junyu rubbed the big palm on her head, and unknowingly touched the back of the little **** cat's neck.

He said, rubbing the thin white flesh behind her neck, the distance between the two was unknowingly drawn closer.

Li Junyu: "So, since the old man is holding his body to be frightened, he will count it and look at the woman and the person behind her. What do you want to do? Then be sure to give birth to the child. I guess they must have the means. Change the DNA test results. "

At that time, the old man and old woman can be forced to recognize the child.

Oh, if he wants Li Junyu to recognize a child who is not his own blood, the other party's plot is really big.

What kind of children do you want to inherit Li family business?

Li Junyu suddenly became very interested in Yao Yuqing's father.

"Change the DNA identification results ..." Ruan Mengmeng frowned suddenly.

She stared for a moment, then subconsciously leaned on Li Junyu: "You mean, the person behind Yao Yuqing will probably deliberately change the result on the DNA test, and then plant the child in her stomach to you. "

"Um." Li Junyu looked at Ruan Mengmeng and nodded.

The light of the eyes staggered, and he was unconsciously infected with frost-he did not want to see Ruan Mengmeng worried and afraid.

Let Li Junyu's unexpected, but the girl's reaction.

Ruan Mengmeng suddenly snorted and laughed.

"Don't worry, don't worry, this isn't a problem at all ... Changing the DNA appraisal can only deceive those who do not know how to do it. We are not afraid of--"

Li Junyu Wei was surprised: "Huh?"

Ruan Mengmeng smiled sweetly and stretched out her fingers: "I, I, I, I ... I will do DNA identification. I used to learn in the laboratory with my sister. Not only I will, I think Li Junche will also . "

"Paternity test, first do DNA extraction, then PCR amplification, then PCR reaction, and finally capillary capillary sequencer test to analyze the data and get a report. As long as there are laboratories and instruments, you are not afraid to change the results ... "

Li Junyu's cold features showed a rare encounter.

This time, even the final concerns have been resolved.

Li Junyu had to admit that he really picked up a baby this time.

[Before 5 o'clock ~ My cute host is really super cute, I love her ~]