Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 461: Arrogant

"What are you talking about?" Ruan Mengmeng frowned slightly and applauded.

"I don't have a date with you on your back. We're not dating, it's an appointment. We're black together."

Speaking of games, girls are not as nervous as before.

She pulled the sleeves of Lijun Yu, let him sit next to him, and passed the phone screen to him—

"Well, look, this is Sister Wang, with a good and beautiful figure. This is Sister Sun, she has a superb temperament, and she is super dignified. This is Sister Qin, she is very powerful, she has a great mind, and she is a double master of M in China ... and this, this is ... "

"Wait." Li Junyu froze, interrupting the introduction of his small tits.

This description gave him a sense of familiarity.

The tyrant master turned his brain slightly, and found this description in the memory that had been thrown in the corner, not to mention at all.

The corresponding character in this introduction is not the last blind date feast, is the woman the old man and the old lady prepared for him?

I still remember when the old lady Li said this--

"Jun Yu, I think the girls present are pretty good. Especially these, oh ... look, this is the granddaughter of Uncle Wang's family, beautiful and tall. This is Uncle Sun's daughter , Good temperament and dignity. And this one, this is a child of the Qin family, who just returned with a double master's degree from M country F, with a high degree and virtuous education ... "

Li Jun Yu Momei's eyebrows are light, very good, Ruan Mengmeng is really brave.

Not only carrying him and playing with others.

I don't care about the former, I am happy to play with these women who tried to destroy their relationship.

The tyrant's cold eyes narrowed, watching the girl's innocent eyes.

He calmly pleaded guilty to the teacher: "These women are all your rivals. Instead of being angry, you are playing with them instead? Ruan Mengmeng, what about your brain ... you have no sense of crisis, huh?"

The tyrant is angry, very angry.

Ruan Mengmeng, a heartless and unfamiliar little white-eyed wolf, doesn't value him at all.

Li Junyu's heart was jealous, but Ruan Mengmeng looked at him with a very strange look: "It's not like that, my sisters were forced by their parents at home. Sister Wang has a favorite brother, Sister Sun. In the future The desire is to go abroad to be a diplomat, and Sister Qin is simply a non-maritalist ... "

These sisters are very nice, super educated and super nice to her.

It was because they were persecuted by their parents that they would deliberately slap their heads at a blind date, so as not to let Li Junyu look after them.

Of course, Ruan Mengmeng dare not say that she was afraid of the tyrant's anger.

"In this case, only you will believe it." Li Junyu glanced at her coldly with a look that hated iron and steel.

Ruan Mengmeng wrinkled his nose, too lazy to explain, and accepted a team invitation directly.

Then, several celebrities soon joined the group,

One, two, three, four ... Four people were assembled, one less.

Li Junyu glanced and said coldly, "Are you short of people?"

"There is no shortage, we have 23 Riga in Wechat group. Last time, the 22 younger sisters in the blind date were all in it." Ruan Mengmeng shook her head and cut out, and shouted in the WeChat group.

Just kidding, if she tells her sisters and sisters to play games, 22 people in the group will be ready to go before she goes online.

Today-but she lied to Li Junyu, and the reason for the temporary pull-out was not to form a group.

Very good, twenty two!

Li Junyu's cold lips were almost frozen.

The last time was thirty-seven, this time it was twenty-two, plus fifty-nine ...

Oh, this is not the harem, this is the scene of a large blind date.

Ruan Mengmeng hasn't noticed the cold air pressure of Li Junyu's whole body, she is about to go to the group and shout a throat, and quickly start playing.

The man who was silent around him, who seemed to be very disappointed, said coldly: "I'm online and I'm organized. I tell you in advance that I just look at your lack of people to help ..."

Not because he was jealous and didn't want to see his girlfriend surrounded by other women.

Ruan Mengmeng shook his small hand, barely returned a smile, and then pulled him into the group.

Looking at the tyrant next to him, a cold and cold expression.

She would like to say that they are really not lacking ...

[The author has something to say: the seventh chapter, before 0:20 in the next chapter ~ this chapter has more words, it will be a bit more expensive, and it is charged according to the word count. Your expensive chapter means more word count, rest assured that the price will not increase (The words of the author are not included in the word count)