Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 474: The tyrant is a Tang monk

Throughout the night in the hospital, Ruan Mengmeng didn't sleep well.

She called Mu Jingxing, but Mu Jingxing didn't answer.

Sending text messages and WeChat is also impossible.

In the next bed, her dad was snoring, and Ruan Mengmeng tossed around the collapsed accompanying bed, all thinking about how to get justice for Mu Jingxing.

But just so, at this time, there are individuals who constantly harass her.

[Twenty-three years of focus: Ruan Mengmeng, you dare to run]

[Twenty-three years of focused cooking: three seconds for you, reply]

[Twenty-three years of focus on the pot: ...]

[Twenty-three years of focus on holding the pot: I heard something moving outside the door, someone was moving the door lock]

[Twenty-three years of focused cooking: Do you think it was grandma who gave Yao Yuqing the key to my room, eh? 】

[Little milk cat who does n’t eat: Li Junyu, you are not childish! If you dare to let Yao Yuqing's spider get into your door ...】

Ruan Mengmeng didn't want to return, who asked Li Junyu to put her back to eat her tofu.

You can see Li Junyu's WeChat, one by one, which is hard for her to accept.

Especially the last one, the words 'Yao Yuqing' flashed across the screen, almost making her jump from the bed.

Although I know that this woman is a porcelain toucher, she can't stand the old man and the old lady like her, and keep trying.

If it weren't for Mu Jingxing's need for her to "sit down" and see this WeChat, even if she knew it was fake, she might be on her way back to Liyuan now.

Her family tyrant was so good that she was reluctant to give up to other women.

[Twenty-three years of focused cooking: Even if I want to stay safe for you, I can't stay up all night. Meng Meng, if you don't want the spider to be good, come back early and eat Tang Seng meat]

Ruan Mengmeng hid under the quilt and looked at her mobile phone, her face was hot.

Falling in love will really lower a person's IQ. How lonely people used to be in her family tyrant.

Also compare yourself to Tang monk!

Hey, Ruan Mengmeng's thinking can't help drifting away ... I think of the scene in which her tyrant adult is standing on the upper part of her body and standing in the bathroom.

She wiped the corners of her mouth.

Hold on, hold on!

[Little milk cats who do n’t eat: Tang Seng meat is reserved for this seat, and no one is allowed to **** it. After this seat beats the demons and ghosts at home, he will come back and stew the Tang Seng meat]

Although she would surely counsel after seeing a real person.

But hiding behind the phone, Ruan Mengmeng dared to say-anyway, Li Junyu didn't dare to come along and eat the telecommunication signal.

[Twenty-three years of focused cooking: Well, remember your words, I'll wait for you]

After that, Li Junyu actually stopped, no more trouble.

Ruan Mengmeng felt strange and didn't understand why the tyrant in her family was so good.

Until the next morning, she accompanied her dad to breakfast, took a vacation with Lao Gao, and took a taxi home.

Outside his own neighborhood, I saw Ling Bei standing upright.

Behind Ling Bei, he also followed a dozen men wearing suits and ties, carrying briefcases, and at first glance they were professional men.

"Ling Bei, why are you here?"

"Miss, it's the young master who sent us over." Ling Bei bowed to Ruan Mengmeng with a respectful 12-point attitude.

"These are the top lawyers in Huahua. As your team of lawyers, I will do my best to serve you. I have already understood the disputes between Ruan's and Mu's.

Ling Bei investigated and knew that Ruan Mengmeng had a good relationship with Mu Jingxing.

But now the other party involved is the Ruan family.

Therefore, he must ask clearly.

[Four more completed, next chapter before 22:30]